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A recent study made by ESA has reviewed the scientific investigations to be only, or best, performed on the Moon (Return to the Moon, ESA SP-1150, June 1992), and has identified the need for a manned lunar outpost to provide support to field geologists in sampling and in-situ observations of the lunar surface, and to allow the refurbishments of surface stations and rovers. Planning and development for a manned outpost on the Moon requires an in-depth understanding and analysis of the functions this outpost is expected to perform. We therefore analyzed the impact of the proposed scientific investigations on the design of a manned lunar outpost. The specific questions raised in our study were: What are the medical, physiological and psychological risks for a crew to stay and to work on the Moon? What transit and lunar surface infrastructures (habitats and vehicles) are needed to minimize those risks?  相似文献   
美国建立了测定固体推进剂的化学、物理和界面等各项性能的标准检验规程。对推进剂来说,所产生的整套数据,必须是充分的,而且足以确保其安全、工艺参数,并满足质量鉴定指标。固体推进剂的安全、化学、物理、力学等各项性能的检验,是与特定的发动机指标相联系的。测试项目的选择取决于推进剂的类型(如单基或双基,复合或复合改性双基),发动机使用条件(如密闭或不密闭的发动机壳体、相对应的溫度及高度的点火条件),以及要求的贮存寿命。目前,美国对推进剂的检验和鉴定大约进行六十种测试。本文提出了检验与鉴定准则的概要,讨论了各项或各类测试的细节与目的。  相似文献   
Most of the previously obtained data on cosmonauts' metabolic state concerned certain stages of the postflight period. In this connection, all conclusions, as to metabolism peculiarities during the space flight, were to a large extent probabilistic. The purpose of this work was study of metabolism characteristics in cosmonauts directly during long-term space flights. In the capillary blood samples taken from a finger, by "Reflotron IV" biochemical analyzer, "Boehringer Mannheim" GmbH, Germany, adapted to weightlessness environments, the activity of GOT, GPT, CK, gamma-GT, total and pancreatic amylase, as well as concentration of hemoglobin, glucose, total bilirubin, uric acid, urea, creatinine, total, HDL- and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides had been determined. HDL/LDL-cholesterol ratio also was computed. The crewmembers of 6 main missions to the "Mir" orbital station, a total of 17 cosmonauts, were examined. Biochemical tests were carried out 30-60 days before launch, and in the flights different stages between the 25-th and the 423-rd days of flights. In cosmonauts during space flight had been found tendency to increase, in compare with basal level, GOT, GPT, total amylase activity, glucose and total cholesterol concentration, and tendency to decrease of CK activity, hemoglobin, HDL-cholesterol concentration, and HDL/LDL - cholesterol ratio. Some definite trends in variations of other determined biochemical parameters had not been found. The same trends of mentioned biochemical parameters alterations observed in majority of tested cosmonauts, allows to suppose existence of connection between noted metabolic alterations with influence of space flight conditions upon cosmonaut's body. Variations of other studied blood biochemical parameters depends on, probably, pure individual causes.  相似文献   
Gwynne O  McKay C  Zubrin R 《Spaceflight》1991,33(6):208-212
The human exploration of Mars has the potential to return a rich harvest of scientific information about that planet, its possible past biological history and the prospects for future habitation by Earthly life. The realization of that potential will require new approaches and new technologies--a whole new paradigm in space exploration. Picture yourself exploring the surface of Mars, where your task involves conducting a detailed investigation of features larger than the United States in order to uncover a record of planetary history spanning over four billion years.  相似文献   
在信息技术革命的推动下,人类社会进入了知识经济时代,产业发展也出现了巨大的变化,产业内容和产业结构方面出现了值得关注的新现象.文章基于软实力理论的分析框架对产业发展的变迁进行了分析:在知识经济时代,软产业,即以信息、技术和知识等软要素为主要生产要素的产业成为新的支柱产业,而传统产业对软要素的依赖程度也大大加深,出现了软化的趋势.  相似文献   
梁亭亭  张宁 《民航学报》2022,(S1):127-129+37
本文在智慧安检发展的大趋势下,从智慧技术与安检专业融合的跨学科整合能力提升、智慧化教学环境下的教师数智教学素养提升等方面,研究民航安全管理专业教师教学能力提升的路径与策略。  相似文献   
郝文杰  张宁 《民航学报》2022,(S1):80-82
民航人要有自己的文化自信,作为民航育人的排头兵,在教学一线的民航专业专职教师更应该增加民航行业文化自信,首先在教学的本职工作中践行当代民航精神,本文结合民航直属院校践行民航精神的优秀教师的实践经验,通过对民航专业教师的广泛调研的基础上,探讨当代民航精神视域下民航专业教师职业素养的培养路径。  相似文献   
社会的稳定发展离不开制造业的高水平发展,生产是制造业的关键步骤,长期持续稳定的产出依赖于装备系统的稳定运行。系统故障引起的停产势必会造成一定的经济损失。如何尽早地发现装备系统的故障来避免停工停产带来的经济损失,已经成为了当前应用研究中的热点。采用定期人工检查的传统方法不仅提高了生产成本,还使得问题发现较为滞后,达不到实时监控的目的。而且,随着信息技术的高速发展,装备系统的监测也变得更加智能化。利用装备系统的历史数据检测其状态能够更敏捷、更高效地发现装备运行中的“亚健康”问题,能给装备管理者提供有益的决策支持。基于装备剩余使用寿命的数据预测,能够提供高效智能的解决方案,在工业领域有着宽广的应用前景。因此,本文聚焦于装备系统剩余使用寿命预测技术的研究进展,对近年来剩余使用寿命预测的研究进行归纳总结,并讨论各剩余使用寿命预测理论与方法的优缺点。最后,总结并展望装备系统剩余使用寿命预测技术的未来研究方向和发展趋势。  相似文献   
卫星热控系统通过调节星上热量收集、转移、排放的过程,从而达到控制星体温度水平和温度稳定性的目的,对卫星进行在轨热状态分析和依据分析结果进行热控措施调节与评估至关重要。针对低轨微纳卫星热状态分析的关键问题,给出了卫星在轨时刻所受空间外热流的计算方法,在此基础上,综合考虑温度影响因素和传热特点,建立了卫星外壳、辐射器、内环境和内外部单机的瞬时温度计算模型。以一低轨微纳卫星为例进行仿真计算,对结果进行了分析与讨论,为进一步深入研究卫星的热控设计提供了快速、简便的分析方法。  相似文献   
由于红外探测器尺寸限制,大多数光学遥感器仍采用扫描装置来扩大探测视场,随着相机口径及探测视场的增大,扫描装置中扫描镜口径越来越大,对扫描镜支撑元件的承载能力要求也随之提高。文章为了确保某项目扫描装置中的扫描镜支撑元件不被过载破坏,根据扫描镜口径及过载条件,提出一种高承载能力、高刚度、可重复使用,且能够满足支撑元件过载受力要求的锁紧机构;阐述了锁紧机构的组成和工作原理,针对过载要求分析了锁紧机构核心部组件的承载能力及锁紧力,并根据过载条件进行了力学仿真分析;最后开展了振动试验,结果表明该锁紧机构可对扫描装置中扫描镜支撑元件安全锁紧。  相似文献   
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