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Most of the previously obtained data on cosmonauts' metabolic state concerned certain stages of the postflight period. In this connection, all conclusions, as to metabolism peculiarities during the space flight, were to a large extent probabilistic. The purpose of this work was study of metabolism characteristics in cosmonauts directly during long-term space flights. In the capillary blood samples taken from a finger, by "Reflotron IV" biochemical analyzer, "Boehringer Mannheim" GmbH, Germany, adapted to weightlessness environments, the activity of GOT, GPT, CK, gamma-GT, total and pancreatic amylase, as well as concentration of hemoglobin, glucose, total bilirubin, uric acid, urea, creatinine, total, HDL- and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides had been determined. HDL/LDL-cholesterol ratio also was computed. The crewmembers of 6 main missions to the "Mir" orbital station, a total of 17 cosmonauts, were examined. Biochemical tests were carried out 30-60 days before launch, and in the flights different stages between the 25-th and the 423-rd days of flights. In cosmonauts during space flight had been found tendency to increase, in compare with basal level, GOT, GPT, total amylase activity, glucose and total cholesterol concentration, and tendency to decrease of CK activity, hemoglobin, HDL-cholesterol concentration, and HDL/LDL - cholesterol ratio. Some definite trends in variations of other determined biochemical parameters had not been found. The same trends of mentioned biochemical parameters alterations observed in majority of tested cosmonauts, allows to suppose existence of connection between noted metabolic alterations with influence of space flight conditions upon cosmonaut's body. Variations of other studied blood biochemical parameters depends on, probably, pure individual causes.  相似文献   
Long term continuous operation of the COLUMBUS Orbital Facility (COF) flight- and ground segment requires continuous mission control and operations support capability to ensure proper operation and configuration of the COF systems in support of ongoing science and technology payloads. The ISS logistics scenario will be supported by the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV). These operational needs require the built-up of a new ground infrastructure in Europe and USA, enabling an efficient operations for preparation, planning and mission execution. The challenge for the European space community consists in the development and operation of a user friendly operational environment but keeping costs within budgetary constraints. Results of detailed definition studies performed by both agency and industry for the ground infrastructure indicate solutions to those technical and programmatic requirements by using of existing centers and facilities, re-use of C/D phase products (Hardware, Software) and COTS equipment to avoid costly new developments, using engineering expertise of the industrial personnel from flight element phase C/D. The concept for operations execution defines the task sharing between Operations Control Facilities (OCF), Operations Support Facilities and User Operations Sites. Operations support consists of on-line engineering support, off-line engineering support, payload integration, logistics support and crew training support performed by industry. DASA RI has made internal investments in organizational concepts for mission operations as well as in mission technologies and tools based on the standard COLUMBUS Ground Software (CGS) toolset and on knowledge based systems to enable an efficient industrial operations support. These tools are available as prototypes being evaluated in a simulated operational environment.  相似文献   
Meliga P  Hecht H  Young LR  Mast FW 《Acta Astronautica》2005,56(9-12):859-866
Short-radius centrifugation is a potential countermeasure against the effects of prolonged weightlessness. Head movements in a rotating environment, however, induce serious side effects: inappropriate vestibular ocular reflexes (VOR), body-tilt illusions and motion sickness induced by cross-coupled accelerations on a rotating platform. These are well predicted by a semicircular canal model. The present study investigates cognitive effects on the inappropriate VOR and the illusory sensations experienced by subjects rotating on a short-radius centrifuge (SRC). Subjects (N=19) were placed supine on a rotating horizontal bed with their head at the center of rotation. To investigate the extent to which they could control their sensations voluntarily, subjects were asked alternatively to "fight" (i.e. to try to resist and suppress) those sensations, or to "go" with (i.e. try to enhance or, at least, acquiesce in) them. The only significant effect on the VOR of this cognitive intervention was to diminish the time constant characterizing the decay of the nystagmus in subjects who had performed the "go" (rather than the "fight") trials. However, illusory sensations, as measured by reported subjective intensities, were significantly less intense during the "fight" than during the "go" trials. These measurements also verified an asymmetry in illusory sensation known from earlier experiments: the illusory sensations are greater when the head is rotated from right ear down (RED) to nose up (NU) posture than from NU to RED. The subjects habituated, modestly, to the rotation between their first and second sequences of trials, but showed no better (or worse) suppression of illusory sensations thereafter. No significant difference in habituation was observed between the "fight" and "go" trials.  相似文献   
Issues about commercialization of space have been a growing concern in the past decade for the space community. This paper focuses on the work from a team of 51 students attending the Summer Session Program of the International Space University in Bremen, Germany. CASH 2021 (Commercial Access and Space Habitation) documents a plan that identifies commercial opportunities for space utilization that will extend human presence in space, and will chart the way forward for the next 20 years. The group selected four commercial sectors that show the most promise for the future: tourism, entertainment, space system service, assembly and debris removal, and research and development/production. The content of this document presents the results of their research. Historical activities in each of the commercial sectors are reviewed along with the current market situation. To provide a coherent background for future commercialization possibilities a scenario has been developed. This scenario includes a postulated upon ideal future and includes social, political and economic factors that may affect the space industry over the timeline of the study. The study also presents a roadmap, within the limited optimistic scenario developed, for the successful commercialization of space leading to future human presence in space. A broad range of commercially viable opportunities, not only within the current limits of the International Space Station, but also among the many new developments that are expected by 2021 are discussed.  相似文献   
由于飞行测试数据采集和遥测系统引用了能提供动态控制能力的微型计算机,所以软件正日益成为机载数据系统的一个不可缺少的组成部分。通常,软件的重要性总是被机载系统的许多用户所低估,甚至迄今,他们还在担心能否把PCM数据循环图编程到电可编程序只读存储器(EPROM)并将它们插入机载硬件中去。由于较新的可编程序系统使用带有电可擦可编程序只读存储器(E~2PROM)和随机存储器(RAM)的微型计算机来提供实时工程单位(EU)显示和控制能力,因而机载软件就成为整个系统计划的一个中心环节。在这些数据采集系统中,实时数据显示和控制所提出的程序设计要求,使地面站的数据处理软件和飞机上的数据采集软件之间要有软件结构控制和一种软件(固件)连接变得非常重要。本文介绍飞行测试过程中新出现的这类问题的一种解决办法。  相似文献   
The results of the biological space experiment "Interferon" performed by two international cosmonaut teams (26 May 1980, and 16 May 1981) aboard space laboratory Solyut-6 are reported: (1) Human lymphocytes separated from blood of healthy donors and placed into "Interferon I" equipment could be kept for 7 days in suspension culture under spaceflight conditions. Interferon production could be induced in human lymphocytes by preparations of different origin: virus, synthetic polyribonucleotides, bacterial protein and plant pigment. An increased lymphocyte interferon production in space laboratory compared to ground control was observed. (2) Human interferon preparations and interferon inducers placed in space laboratory at room temperature for 7 days maintained their biological activity. (3) A decrease of induced interferon production and natural killer activity of lymphocytes isolated from peripheral blood of cosmonauts was observed on the 1st day on Earth after 7-days spaceflight.  相似文献   
近年来,美国雷声公司已经有研制300~600MHz可军用的声表面波振荡器的课题;此种振荡器在频率调节能力和稳定性两方面均达当代最高水平。本文不讨论这种振荡器的详细用途。对它的要求一般为:(1)噪声本底必需至少为-160dBc/Hz;(2)振动灵敏度至少应与AT切体波器件一样好;(3)振荡器频率应能在大致±10ppm频率窗内进行调节并加以保持。在某些情况还要求加热时间小于3分钟。在满足这些要求方面,雷声公司已取得明显进展。本文将对这种进展加以讨论。在频谱纯度方面,文中讨论了二个题目:其一是低噪声放大器。实验证明,当它与310MHz声表面波谐振器联用时,噪声本底可达-176dBc/Hz。其二主要讨论了外部振动对噪声边带的影响。研制声表面波振荡器最重要的方面之一就是它的频率调节能力。利用金衬微调技术被证实既适用于延迟线也适用于谐振器。文中给出了实验结果,也讨论了在焊封过程中产生频移(约100ppm数量级)这一复杂情况。但已提出一种外部牵引频率技术来重调频率。在很多应用场合要求用恒溫箱以保持常温,于是就要求快速加热,而给出的数据要能显示出3分钟加热周期的频率稳定度。最后,除上述要求外,还要求声表面波振荡器的长稳保持在~1ppm/年的水平。利用提供的数据来确定冷焊密封在TO-8型外壳中的器件的基本老化率,同时也示出微调器件以及低振动灵敏度器件的变化率。  相似文献   
Gwynne O  McKay C  Zubrin R 《Spaceflight》1991,33(6):208-212
The human exploration of Mars has the potential to return a rich harvest of scientific information about that planet, its possible past biological history and the prospects for future habitation by Earthly life. The realization of that potential will require new approaches and new technologies--a whole new paradigm in space exploration. Picture yourself exploring the surface of Mars, where your task involves conducting a detailed investigation of features larger than the United States in order to uncover a record of planetary history spanning over four billion years.  相似文献   
美国《航空周刊和空间技术》杂志年中公布了2009年最新的全球航空航天和防务领域企业的15届年度业绩最佳公司(TPC)排行榜。与2008年的排行榜相比,排名发生了很大的变化,显示了不同企业在经济环境恶劣下不同的适应能力,一些去年的巨头排名明显下滑,而一些企业排名显著上升。  相似文献   
不久前,美国空军承认了自2007年以来一直在阿富汗试飞的一种隐身无人机的存在。该无人机的主要任务包括对阿富汗实施监视和为美国国防部发展下一代轰炸机收集数据。此外,美国空军还披露,将发展一种新的隐身喷气式攻击侦察机,可以同时满足非正规和常规冲突和战略要求,以及平时的战略信息收集要求。  相似文献   
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