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The proton fluxes from the low-Earth orbital satellites databases (NPOES-17 and CORONAS-F) were analyzed for the quiet geomagnetic period in April 2005. The satisfactory consent was found between the experimental and the AP8 model fluxes of the trapped protons with energy more than ∼10 MeV. At the same time, trapped proton fluxes with energy less than 10 MeV measured by LEO satellites were higher than the ones predicted by the AP8 model in the region of the SAA (drift shell L < 1.5).  相似文献   
Within the analysis of space geodetic observations, errors of the applied subdaily Earth rotation model can induce systematic effects in different estimated parameters. In this paper, we focus on the impact of the subdaily Universal Time (UT1) model on the celestial pole offsets (CPO) estimated from very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations. We provide a mechanism that describes the error propagation from the subdaily UT1 into the daily CPO.In typical 24-h VLBI sessions the observed quasars are well distributed over the sky. But the observations, if looked at from the Earth-fixed frame, are not homogeneously distributed. The amount of observations performed in different terrestrial directions shows an irregularity which can be roughly compared to the case where the observations are collected in only one Earth-fixed direction. This peculiarity leads to artefacts in VLBI solutions, producing a correlation between the subdaily variations in UT1 and the position of the celestial pole. As a result errors in diurnal terms of the subdaily UT1 model are partly compensated by the estimated CPO. We compute for each 24-h VLBI session from 1990 until 2011 the theoretical response of the CPO to an error in the subdaily UT1 by setting up a least-squares adjustment model and using as input the coordinates of the observed quasars and observation epochs. Then real observed response of the estimated CPO derived from the VLBI session solutions is compared to the predicted one. A very good agreement between the CPO values estimated from VLBI and the predicted values was achieved. The presented model of error propagation from the subdaily UT1 into the daily CPO allows to predict and explain the behaviour of CPO estimates of VLBI solutions computed with different subdaily Earth rotation models, what can be helpful for testing the accuracy of different subdaily tidal models.  相似文献   
在应用模糊逻辑建模与辨识方法建立微下击暴流风切变模型的基础上,根据恒定俯仰姿态改出微下击暴流的飞行引导策略,提出了一种改出微下击暴流风切变的模糊反馈控制系统,并将遗传算法应用于该模糊逻辑控制器的设计。结果表明,本文提出的建模方法能够更真实地反映出飞机穿越微下击暴流风场的动态特性;采用模糊逻辑控制器,可使得飞机在穿越微下击暴流风场时具有较好的改出性能;另外,遗传算法的应用对已设计的模糊逻辑控制器进行了优化,进一步改善了飞机穿越微下击暴流的性能。  相似文献   
The experiment with two-frequency radio occultation measurements of the Venusian nightside ionosphere using the Venera-9 and 10 orbiters is described. The experiment is the first of a kind in which the radio link to one of the spacecraft is used to probe the ionosphere, while the other is measuring the variations in the integral electron number density along the path of radio ray propagation. The experiment has been designed to achieve the maximum possible accuracies in determining the parameters of the probed ionosphere using the bistatic two-frequency radio occultation method.  相似文献   
姚山峰  贺青  欧阳鑫信  夏畅雄 《宇航学报》2018,39(11):1275-1283
针对低轨双星组合接收低脉冲重复频率(LPRF)雷达信号的频差(DFO)估计存在模糊的问题,提出一种基于时差差分的频差无模糊高精度估计算法,该算法通过对高精度的时差测量值进行中心差分获得无模糊的频差估值。仿真结果表明,新算法能对PRF低至300 Hz的雷达信号进行无模糊的频差估计,估计精度在信噪比高于15 dB时逼近克拉美劳下界,可有效扩大低轨双星时/频差定位系统对LPRF信号的适用范围。  相似文献   
The region of South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly (SAGA) was investigated by the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite, launched on August 7, 1981. On the basis of data obtained from 15 orbits during increased geomagnetic activity in August 1981, a map of the Anomaly was elaborated. Two centres of activity were identified. By means of the EMO-5 electrophotometer on board the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite, the atmosphere glow in lines λ 5577 Å, λ 6300 Å and λ 4278 Å was studied.  相似文献   
Thermospheric temperature, composition and wind measurements from the Dynamics Explorer satellite (DE-2) are interpreted using a three dimensional, multiconstituent spectral model. The analysis accounts for tides driven by the absorbed solar radiation as well as energy and momentum coupling involving the magnetosphere and lower atmosphere. We discuss phenomena associated with the annual tide, polar circulation, magnetic storms and substorms.  相似文献   
Our empirical model of electron density (ne) for quiet and weakly disturbed geomagnetic conditions (Kp not greater 4) takes account of comparative analysis of existing models and of experimental data obtained by rockets and incoherent scatter radar. The model describes the ne distribution in the 80 to 200 km height range at low and middle latitudes, and to some extent, in the subauroral region. It is presented in analytical form thus allowing one to calculate electron density profiles for any time. The electron density distribution at 140 km depends on the season (day of the year) and on the solar zenith angle. Profile variations during the day are for one season shown. Different from other models, ours specifies the variations during sunrise and sunset and reflects the particular profile shape at night admitting the occurrence of an intermediate layer.  相似文献   
Shortwave infrared sensors were included on Thematic Mapper to observe vegetation reflected radiance patterns that are related to leaf water content. However, there was some uncertainty whether these measurements would increase the information content of multispectral measurements beyond that provided by visible and near infrared measurements. Analysis of field measurements for corn and soybeans observed throughout the growing season shows that shortwave infrared measurements enhance discrimination between these species, particularly in mid-season. Modeling the canopy reflectances shows that differential leaf absorptance can produce the observed pattern. Analysis of coincident aerial photography suggests that within canopy shadowing is also important. Too few studies of leaf optical properties have been conducted to permit generalization of the results to other vegetation species but the results do show that shortwave infrared measurements contribute new information about vegetation not previously available in visible and near infrared measurements.  相似文献   
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