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Human factors are critical causes of modern aviation accidents. However, existing accident analysis methods encounter limitations in addressing aviation human factors, especially in complex accident scenarios. The existing graphic approaches are effective for describing accident mechanisms within various categories of human factors, but cannot simultaneously describe inadequate human–aircraft–environment interactions and organizational deficiencies effectively, and highly depend on analysts' skills and experiences. Moreover, the existing methods do not emphasize latent unsafe factors outside accidents. This paper focuses on the above three limitations and proposes an integrated graphic–taxonomic–associative approach. A new graphic model named accident tree(AcciTree), with a two-mode structure and a reaction-based concept, is developed for accident modeling and safety defense identification. The AcciTree model is then integrated with the well-established human factors analysis and classification system(HFACS) to enhance both reliability of the graphic part and logicality of the taxonomic part for improving completeness of analysis. An associative hazard analysis technique is further put forward to extend analysis to factors outside accidents, to form extended safety requirements for proactive accident prevention. Two crash examples, a research flight demonstrator by our team and an industrial unmanned aircraft, illustrate that the integrated approach is effective for identifying more unsafe factors and safety requirements.  相似文献   
飞机垂尾抖振响应的飞行试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了国内外垂尾抖振试飞的最新进展情况,并就抖振试飞中可以采用的试飞方法,从理论上进行了分析。飞行试验采用收敛转弯的试飞方法,通过在左、右垂尾上加装的振动加速度传感器,得到了不同马赫数下垂尾的抖振响应情况。在对数据进行均方根分析、时频分析和自功率谱密度分析等方法的基础上建立起抖振响应和迎角、频率的关系后发现:垂尾抖振响应主要集中在垂尾低阶模态频率上;垂尾的抖振响应随迎角、马赫数的增加而增加,其中受迎角的影响大于受马赫数的影响;且飞机在超过初始抖振迎角以后,随迎角的继续增加,垂尾翼尖后缘处的抖振响应显著大于垂尾翼尖前缘位置。  相似文献   
频率源特性导致的误差是影响干涉测量精度的因素之一,基于频率源稳定性详细分析了频率基准对CEI (Connected-Element Interferometry,连线端站干涉测量)精度的影响机理,针对差分单向测距/双差分单向测距、本地相关/互相关等各种干涉测量模式,给出了频率源稳定性对测量精度影响的解析表达式,并基于典型条件量化了频率源不稳定带来的误差大小,给出了能够满足CEI的频率源稳定性指标的建议.分析计算结果表明:如果要解出载波相位延迟量,在其他误差因素不会导致相位模糊的情况下,针对X频段差分单向测距,频率源稳定性优于8.5×10^-12/s即可;针对双差分单向测距,对频率源稳定性的要求可进一步放宽.由此可以认为:在CEI模式下,较好的铷频标即可满足测量要求.  相似文献   
针对现有频率估计算法存在的复杂度高、频率估计能力弱、估计结果均方差大等缺点,在固定迭代AM(Aboutanios—Mulgrew)无偏频率估计算法基础上,提出一种频域插值变化迭代频率估计算法,推导了不同迭代参数实现无偏估计的充分条件,证明了有偏估计时本算法的收敛性和偏离度,通过设置不同迭代参数,可以实现无偏或有偏估计。仿真分析表明:当具有较高信噪比时,在整个频率估计范围内,该方法均方误差接近CRLB(Cramer-RaoLowerBound,克拉美一罗下限);当FFT(FastFourierTransform,快速傅里叶变换)粗估计残余频率接近0.5时,该方法的均方误差优于CRLB,为CRLB的96%。  相似文献   
采用大涡模拟结合多步化学反应模型开展了突扩燃烧室低频燃烧不稳定的主动开环控制方法研究.针对突扩面形成的大尺度旋涡脱落和运动是形成低频燃烧不稳定的主要原因,提出了在突扩截面上放置窄缝进行小流量空气喷射和燃气吸出的方法进行燃烧不稳定的开环主动控制.通过大涡模拟仿真表明,这两种方式都能够比较有效地干扰突扩面上大尺度旋涡的形成...  相似文献   
提出了一种基于空间外差干涉和光谱分析技术的非接触、远程实时测量方法,用于硼粒子的燃烧效率检测.该方法以空间外差光谱仪为主体,结合光栅旋转对辐射谱进行测量.含硼推进剂药片经激光点火后,通过该方法记录燃气辐射光谱,实现对含硼推进剂中硼燃烧效率测量.实验结果表明,燃烧器内氧气含量显著影响硼的燃烧效率;当燃烧器内压强为0.5 ...  相似文献   
 Both the design process and form of the three-dimensional (3D) suboptimal guidance law (3DSGL) are very complex. Therefore, we propose the use of two-dimensional (2D) guidance laws to meet the guidance requirements of 3D space. By analyzing the relationship between the flight-path angle and its projections on OXY and OXZ planes, we obtain the ideal design requirements of the guidance laws. Based on the requirements, we design a 2D suboptimal guidance law used in the horizontal plane; combining the 2D vertical suboptimal guidance law, we create a whole ballistic simulation of six degree-of-freedom. The results are compared with those using other three guidance modes in the case of large windage of the initial azimuth angle. When the proportional navigation guidance (PNG) law is used in the horizontal planes, the landing angle will obviously decrease. With the proposed guidance mode, the large landing angle can be realized and meet the guidance precision requirements. Moreover, the required overload can decrease to meet the control requirement. The effects of the proposed guidance mode are close to that of 3DSGL despite its very simple form.  相似文献   
通过试验详细论述了1Crl8Ni9Ti钢中不同残余V含量对材料固溶状态的组织及400℃、500℃长期时效后对组织、晶间腐蚀和室温、高温性能的影响。从而得出结论适量V的存在对1Crl8Ni9Ti钢板组织影响不大,对抗晶间腐蚀性能稍有提高,对室温、高温抗拉强度、屈服强度稍有提高,塑性稍有降低。  相似文献   
以某遥感稳定平台的外框与底架为研究对象,基于ANSYS进行了静力学强度与模态有限元分析,得到了大载荷作用下的外框与底架变形分布图、应力分布图、模态特性,并根据分析结果进行了相应的结构优化设计,优化后的框架结构满足平台系统结构特性要求,并为控制参数选取提供依据.结果表明对遥感稳定平台框架结构进行工程分析是十分必要和可行的...  相似文献   
唐波  刘蕾 《航空工程进展》2011,2(2):241-244
本研究克服了单纯采用专家风险因子测度方法主观性较强的缺点,以及单纯采用人工神经网络评估模型模糊性的缺点,结合两种方法的优点,利用基于BP神经网络算法的Microsoft Visual C++程序,在专家风险因子测度基础上,通过大量风险评估成功案例数据的训练,成功建立了航空型号项目风险预测模型.该模型可以较为精确、客观地...  相似文献   
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