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A simulation-based method was developed to investigate the severity of Wake Vortex Encounters (WVEs). This paper describes an important part of this method: the determination of worst-case WVE conditions, which is referred to as Worst-Case Search (WCS). The WCS results permit to reduce time and costs of WVE severity related piloted simulator tests and allow the comparison of the hazard that vortices of different generator aircraft exert on a follower aircraft.The WCS is based on a high fidelity, offline simulation of the follower aircraft that includes the interacting wake vortex, a hazard criterion that rates the severity of each WVE, and a pilot model. It can be formulated as an optimisation problem that is solved with the optimisation tool MOPS (Multi Objective Parameter Synthesis). MOPS varies the encounter geometry until the simulation yields maximum values of the WVE hazard criterion.Worst-case encounter conditions for different parameters were investigated and sensitivity studies performed. The influence of the height above ground, the core radius, and the models for the wake vortex velocity profiles on the severity of a WVE was examined. To show the capability of the method, a comparison of the severity of a WVE behind two different heavy transport aircraft for a 20 t aircraft was made. The WCS method demonstrated its applicability and delivered the worst-case encounter geometry.


Zur Untersuchung der Heftigkeit von Wirbelschleppen wurde eine simulationsbasierte Methode entwickelt. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt einen wichtigen Bestandteil dieser Methode: die Bestimmung der ungünstigsten (worst case) Einflugbedingungen in die Wirbelschleppe. Die Kenntnis dieser Bedingungen gestattet eine Zeit- und Kostenreduzierung bei wirbelschleppenbezogenen Simulatorversuchen mit Piloten und ermöglicht gleichzeitig einen Vergleich der vom Wirbel ausgehgehenden Gefährdung für verschiedene Kombinationen voraus- und einfliegender Flugzeuge.Die Worst-Case-Bedingungen werden mit einer Offline-Simulation des Folgeflugzeugs bestimmt, die Modelle für die Wechselwirkung mit der Wirbelschleppe und für das Pilotenverhalten sowie Kriterien für die Gefährdung durch den Wirbel umfasst. Für die Steuerung der Simulation und die Worst-Case-Suche wird die Optimierungssoftware MOPS (Multi Objective Parameter Synthesis) verwendet. MOPS variiert die Geometrie des Wirbelschleppendurchflugs bis die Simulation die maximalen Kriterienwerte für die Gefährdung durch den Wirbel liefert.Die Worst-Case-Bedingungen wurden für unterschiedliche Parameter untersucht. Der Einfluss der Höhe über Grund, des Kernradius' und der unterschiedlichen Modelle für das Wirbelgeschwindigkeitsprofil auf die von den Wirbelschleppen ausgehenden Gefährdung wurde dabei ermittelt. Um die Leistungsfähigkeit der Methode zu demonstrieren, wurde die Gefährdung von Wirbelschleppen zweier generierender Flugzeuge (heavy class) auf ein nachfolgendes 20 t Transportflugzeug verglichen. Die Anwendbarkeit der Methode wurde bestätigt und die ungünstigsten Einflugbedingungen berechnet.  相似文献   
Design for validation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An approach is outlined for the development of ultrareliable avionics for civil air transports using a design-for-validation philosophy that includes rigorous application of formal methods. The basic concept of the methodology is introduced, and the role of formal methods is explored. The impact of the design-for-validation philosophy on the system design process is then demonstrated by two simple examples. More details about the design-for-validation methodology are then given  相似文献   
For the first time, the spin axis orientation of an inactive box-wing geosynchronous satellite has been estimated from ground-based optical photometric observations of Echostar-2’s specular reflections. Recent photometric light curves obtained of Echostar-2 over four years suggest that unusually bright and brief specular reflections were occurring twice within an observed spin period. These bright and brief specular reflections suggested two satellite surfaces with surface normals separated by approximately 180°. The geometry between the satellite, the Sun, and the observing location at the time of each of the brightest observed reflections, was used to estimate Echostar-2’s equatorial spin axis orientation coordinates. When considering prograde and retrograde rotation, Echostar-2’s spin axis orientation was estimated to have been located within 30° of either equatorial coordinate pole. Echostar-2’s spin axis was observed to have moved approximately 180° in right ascension, within a time span of six months, suggesting a roughly one year spin axis precession period about the satellite’s angular momentum vector.  相似文献   
The Discovery Program is a rarity in the history of NASA solar system exploration: a reform program that has survived and continued to be influential. This article examines its emergence between 1989 and 1993, largely as the result of the intervention of two people: Stamatios “Tom” Krimigis of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), and Wesley Huntress of NASA, who was Division Director of Solar System Exploration 1990–92 and the Associate Administrator for Space Science 1992–98. Krimigis drew on his leadership experience in the space physics community and his knowledge of its Explorer program to propose that it was possible to create new missions to the inner solar system for a fraction of the existing costs. He continued to push that idea for the next two years, but it took the influence of Huntress at NASA Headquarters to push it on to the agenda. Huntress explicitly decided to use APL to force change on the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the planetary science community. He succeeded in moving the JPL Mars Pathfinder and APL Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission proposals forward as the opening missions for Discovery. But it took Krimigis's political skill and access to Sen. Barbara Mikulski in 1993 to get the NEAR into the NASA budget, thereby likely ensuring that Discovery would not become another one-mission program.  相似文献   
We present a Python-based data reduction pipeline package (PLP) for the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph (IGRINS), an instrument that covers the complete H- and K-bands in one exposure with a spectral resolving power of 40,000. The reduction steps carried out by the PLP include flat-fielding, background removal, order extraction, distortion correction, wavelength calibration, and telluric correction using spectra of A type standard stars. As the spectrograph has no moving parts, the PLP automatically reduces the data using predefined functions for the processes of order extraction, distortion correction, and wavelength calibration. Before the telluric correction of the target spectra, the intrinsic hydrogen absorption features of the standard A star are removed with a Gaussian fitting algorithm. The final result is the flux of the target as a function of wavelength. Users can customize the predefined functions for the extraction of the spectrum from the echellogram and adjust the parameters for the fitting functions for the spectra of celestial objects, using “fine-tuning” options, as necessary. Presently, the PLP produces the best results for point-source targets.  相似文献   
Removing orbital debris with lasers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Orbital debris in low Earth orbit (LEO) are now sufficiently dense that the use of LEO space is threatened by runaway collision cascading. A problem predicted more than thirty years ago, the threat from debris larger than about 1 cm demands serious attention. A promising proposed solution uses a high power pulsed laser system on the Earth to make plasma jets on the objects, slowing them slightly, and causing them to re-enter and burn up in the atmosphere. In this paper, we reassess this approach in light of recent advances in low-cost, light-weight modular design for large mirrors, calculations of laser-induced orbit changes and in design of repetitive, multi-kilojoules lasers, that build on inertial fusion research. These advances now suggest that laser orbital debris removal (LODR) is the most cost-effective way to mitigate the debris problem. No other solutions have been proposed that address the whole problem of large and small debris. A LODR system will have multiple uses beyond debris removal. International cooperation will be essential for building and operating such a system.  相似文献   
The Cassini mission provides a great opportunity to enlarge our knowledge of atmospheric electricity at the gas giant Saturn. Following Voyager studies, the RPWS (Radio and Plasma Wave Science) instrument has measured again the so-called SEDs (Saturn Electrostatic Discharges) which are the radio signature of lightning flashes. Observations by Cassini/ISS (Imaging Science Subsystem) have shown cloud features in Saturn’s atmosphere whose occurrence, longitudinal drift rate, and brightness were strongly related to the SEDs. In this paper we will review the main physical parameters of the SEDs. Lightning does not only give us clues about the dynamics of the atmosphere, but also serves as a natural tool to investigate properties of Saturn’s ionosphere. We will also discuss other lightning related phenomena and compare Saturn lightning with terrestrial and Jovian lightning.  相似文献   
Close to the current solar activity minimum, two large solar cosmic ray ground-level enhancements (GLE) were recorded by the worldwide network of neutron monitors (NM). The enormous GLE on 20 January 2005 is the largest increase observed since the famous GLE in 1956, and the solar cosmic-ray event recorded on 13 December 2006 is among the largest in solar cycle 23. From the recordings of the NMs during the two GLEs, we determined the characteristics of the solar particle flux near Earth.  相似文献   
Plans for interplanetary manned space missions imply significant risks arising from human's exposure to the hostile space environment. Thus the design of reliable protection systems against the ionizing cosmic radiation becomes one of the most relevant issues. In this paper the composition and magnitude of the atmospheric radiation on the planetary surface and for typical interplanetary transfer configurations have been analyzed. The investigation based on prior NASA and ESA mission results, using a manned mission to planet Mars as a case study. According to this, the time-dependent character of the consistency of cosmic radiation has been taken into account, which is justified by the interdependence of the radiation magnitude to the solar cycle. With regard to this paper it implies even solar particle events. The results have been compared to the protective character of different materials potentially usable as a habitat's structural shell and for interplanetary spacecrafts. The investigation aimed on particle energy degradation rates and reduction of secondary particle production. In this regard the physical process of absorbing effectiveness against particle radiation has been examined by analytical calculation and given scientific results, depending on thickness and molecular composition of the materials. The most suitable materials have been used for shield design proposals using different configurations, evaluating the use of aluminium, water tanks and polyethylene bricks.  相似文献   
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