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The Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) will answer important questions posed by the mission’s main objectives. After Giotto, this will be the first time the volatile part of a comet will be analyzed in situ. This is a very important investigation, as comets, in contrast to meteorites, have maintained most of the volatiles of the solar nebula. To accomplish the very demanding objectives through all the different phases of the comet’s activity, ROSINA has unprecedented capabilities including very wide mass range (1 to >300 amu), very high mass resolution (mm > 3000, i.e. the ability to resolve CO from N2 and 13C from 12CH), very wide dynamic range and high sensitivity, as well as the ability to determine cometary gas velocities, and temperature. ROSINA consists of two mass spectrometers for neutrals and primary ions with complementary capabilities and a pressure sensor. To ensure that absolute gas densities can be determined, each mass spectrometer carries a reservoir of a calibrated gas mixture allowing in-flight calibration. Furthermore, identical flight-spares of all three sensors will serve for detailed analysis of all relevant parameters, in particular the sensitivities for complex organic molecules and their fragmentation patterns in our electron bombardment ion sources.  相似文献   
At the ionospheric level, the substorm onset (expansion phase) is marked by the initial brightening and subsequent breakup of a pre-existing auroral arc. According to the field line resonance (FLR) wave model, the substorm-related auroral arc is caused by the field-aligned current carried by FLRs. The FLRs are standing shear Alfvén wave structures that are excited along the dipole/quasi-dipole lines of the geomagnetic field. The FLRs (that can cause auroral arc) thread from the Earthward edge of the plasma sheet and link the auroral arc to the plasma sheet region of 6–15 R E. The region is associated with magnetic fluctuations that result from the nonlinear wave-wave interactions of the cross-field current-instability. The instability (excited at the substorm onset) disrupts the cross-tail current which is built up during the growth phase of the substorms and results in magnetic fluctuations. The diversion of the current to polar regions can lead to auroral arc intensification. The current FLR model is based on the amplitude equations that describe the nonlinear space-time evolution of FLRs in the presence of ponderomotive forces exerted by large amplitude FLRs (excited during substorms). The present work will modify the FLR wave model to include the effects arising from magnetic fluctuations that result from current disruption near the plasma sheet (6–15 R E). The nonlinear evolution of FLRs is coupled with the dynamics of plasma sheet through a momentum exchange term (resulting from magnetic fluctuations due to current disruption) in the generalized Ohm's law. The resulting amplitude equations including the effects arising from magnetic fluctuations can be used to study the structure of the auroral arcs formed during substorms. We have also studied the role of feedback mechanism (in a dipole geometry of the geomagnetic field) in the formation of the discrete auroral arc observed on the nightside magnetosphere. The present nonlinear dispersive model (NDM) is extended to include effects arising from the low energy electrons originating from the plasma sheet boundary layer. These electrons increase the ionospheric conductivity in a localized patch and enhance the field-aligned current through a feedback mechanism. The feedback effects were studied numerically in a dipole geometry using the the NDM. The numerical studies yield the magnitude of the field-aligned current that is large enough to form a discrete auroral arc. Our studies provide theoretical support to the observational work of Newell et al. that the feedback instability plays a major role in the formation of the discrete auroral arcs observed on the nightside magnetosphere.  相似文献   
Studies based on data from the past 25–45 years show that irradiance changes related to the 11-yr solar cycle affect the circulation of the upper troposphere in the subtropics and midlatitudes. The signal has been interpreted as a northward displacement of the subtropical jet and the Ferrel cell with increasing solar irradiance. In model studies on the 11-yr solar signal this could be related to a weakening and at the same time broadening of the Hadley circulation initiated by stratospheric ozone anomalies. Other studies, focusing on the direct thermal effect at the Earth’s surface on multidecadal scales, suggest a strengthening of the Hadley circulation induced by an increased equator-to-pole temperature gradient. In this paper we analyse the solar signal in the upper troposphere since 1922, using statistical reconstructions based on historical upper-air data. This allows us to address the multidecadal variability of solar irradiance, which was supposedly large in the first part of the 20th century. Using a simple regression model we find a consistent signal on the 11-yr time scale which fits well with studies based on later data. We also find a significant multidecadal signal that is similar to the 11-yr signal, but somewhat stronger. We interpret this signal as a poleward shift of the subtropical jet and the Ferrel cell. Comparing the magnitude of the two signals could provide important information on the feedback mechanisms involved in the solar climate relationship with respect to the Hadley and Ferrel circulations. However, in view of the uncertainty in the solar irradiance reconstructions, such interpretations are not currently possible.  相似文献   
The WHISPER sounder on the Cluster spacecraft is primarily designed to provide an absolute measurement of the total plasma density within the range 0.2–80 cm-3. This is achieved by means of a resonance sounding technique which has already proved successful in the regions to be explored. The wave analysis function of the instrument is provided by FFT calculation. Compared with the swept frequency wave analysis of previous sounders, this technique has several new capabilities. In particular, when used for natural wave measurements (which cover here the 2–80 kHz range), it offers a flexible trade-off between time and frequency resolutions. In the basic nominal operational mode, the density is measured every 28 s, the frequency and time resolution for the wave measurements are about 600 Hz and 2.2 s, respectively. Better resolutions can be obtained, especially when the spacecraft telemetry is in burst mode. Special attention has been paid to the coordination of WHISPER operations with the wave instruments, as well as with the low-energy particle counters. When operated from the multi-spacecraft Cluster, the WHISPER instrument is expected to contribute in particular to the study of plasma waves in the electron foreshock and solar wind, to investigations about small-scale structures via density and high-frequency emission signatures, and to the analysis of the non-thermal continuum in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   
Recently the galactic plane has been observed in the low and medium energy gamma-ray range in the directions towards the center and anticenter. Spectral measurements are now available at those energies, where the contribution from π°-decay gamma rays can be neglected. The high MeV-fluxes observed in both parts of the Galaxy are an indication of either a strong electron induced component or a high contribution from unresolved sources. Several interstellar cosmic-ray electron spectra have been used to calculate the contribution from electron bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton collisions with optical, infrared and 2.7 K black-body photons. From these calculations restrictions on the interstellar electron spectrum are derived.  相似文献   
During the last several years significant progress has been made in understanding MHD turbulence in the Earth’s plasma sheet. Due to the statistically transitory properties of fluctuations, finite size and boundary effects, however, issues of fundamental importance remain unresolved. Here we concentrate on such intrinsic features of plasma sheet turbulence as its origin and dynamical nature. In particular, we investigate bursty bulk flow driven multi-scale transfer of energy towards the dissipation scale, and provide evidence for the presence of non-linear interactions. We show that, in contrast with previous results, Alfvénic fluctuations together with 2D eddy interactions may appear as important constituents of turbulence in the plasma sheet.  相似文献   
Using data from the Mars Express Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA) we investigate the distribution of ion beams of planetary origin and search for an influence from Mars crustal magnetic anomalies. We have concentrated on ion beams observed inside the induced magnetosphere boundary (magnetic pile-up boundary). Some north-south asymmetry is seen in the data, but no longitudinal structure resembling that of the crustal anomalies. Comparing the occurrence rate of ion beams with magnetic field strength at 400 km altitude below the spacecraft (using statistical Mars Global Surveyor results) shows a decrease of the occurrence rate for modest (< 40 nT) magnetic fields. Higher magnetic field regions (above 40 nT at 400 km) are sampled so seldom that the statistics are poor but the data is consistent with some ion outflow events being closely associated with the stronger anomalies. This ion flow does not significantly affect the overall distribution of ion beams around Mars.  相似文献   
In this work we examine the damping of Alfvén waves as a source of plasma heating in disks and magnetic funnels of young solar like stars, the T Tauri stars. We apply four different damping mechanisms in this study: viscous-resistive, collisional, nonlinear and turbulent, exploring a wide range of wave frequencies, from 10−5Ωi to 10−1Ωi (where Ωi is the ion-cyclotron frequency). The results show that Alfvénic heating can increase the ionization rate of accretion disks and elevate the temperature of magnetic funnels of T Tauri stars opening possibilities to explain some observational features of these objects. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Search Coil Magnetometer for THEMIS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
THEMIS instruments incorporate a tri-axial Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) designed to measure the magnetic components of waves associated with substorm breakup and expansion. The three search coil antennas cover the same frequency bandwidth, from 0.1 Hz to 4 kHz, in the ULF/ELF frequency range. They extend, with appropriate Noise Equivalent Magnetic Induction (NEMI) and sufficient overlap, the measurements of the fluxgate magnetometers. The NEMI of the searchcoil antennas and associated pre-amplifiers is smaller than 0.76 pT $/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$ at 10 Hz. The analog signals produced by the searchcoils and associated preamplifiers are digitized and processed inside the Digital Field Box (DFB) and the Instrument Data Processing Unit (IDPU), together with data from the Electric Field Instrument (EFI). Searchcoil telemetry includes waveform transmission, FFT processed data, and data from a filter bank. The frequency range covered depends on the available telemetry. The searchcoils and their three axis structures have been precisely calibrated in a calibration facility, and the calibration of the transfer function is checked on board, usually once per orbit. The tri-axial searchcoils implemented on the five THEMIS spacecraft are working nominally.  相似文献   
The relative abundances of low energy ions (0.6–2.0 MeV/n) in solar energetic particle (SEP) and corotating interaction region (CIR) events have been measured by the EPAC experiment aboard Ulysses since launch in October 1990 until the present time. We give an overview of the abundances of heavy ions (He, C, Ne, Fe) relative to oxygen during energetic particle events lasting longer than 5 days during the in- and out-of-ecliptic phase of the mission. While the period Oct. 1990 to Aug. 1992 was dominated by high solar activity the Ulysses out of ecliptic passage at solar latitudes up to 45° went parallel to the declining phase of solar activity. Thus a very clear structure of corotating interaction regions was observed. While the in-ecliptic composition is in general agreement with measurements made near the Earth, the development of the CIR-composition shows two phases: From Aug. 1992 to May 1993 the C/O-ratio is 0.55–0.70, afterwards it increases to 0.8–0.9. This increase is correlated to the disappearance of the current sheet at 30° solar latitude reported by Smithet al. (1993).  相似文献   
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