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The Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) experiment is one of four instruments on NASA’s Thermosphere–Ionosphere–Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite. SABER measures broadband infrared limb emission and derives vertical profiles of kinetic temperature (Tk) from the lower stratosphere to approximately 120 km, and vertical profiles of carbon dioxide (CO2) volume mixing ratio (vmr) from approximately 70 km to 120 km. In this paper we report on SABER Tk/CO2 data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region from the version 1.06 dataset. The continuous SABER measurements provide an excellent dataset to understand the evolution and mechanisms responsible for the global two-level structure of the mesopause altitude. SABER MLT Tk comparisons with ground-based sodium lidar and rocket falling sphere Tk measurements are generally in good agreement. However, SABER CO2 data differs significantly from TIME-GCM model simulations. Indirect CO2 validation through SABER-lidar MLT Tk comparisons and SABER-radiation transfer comparisons of nighttime 4.3 μm limb emission suggest the SABER-derived CO2 data is a better representation of the true atmospheric MLT CO2 abundance compared to model simulations of CO2 vmr.  相似文献   
The environments of both hot and cool stars are the sites of highly dynamic processes involving motion of gas and plasma in winds, flows across shocks, plasma motions in closed magnetic fields, or streams along magnetospheric accretion funnels. X-ray spectroscopy has opened new windows toward the study of these processes. Kinematics are evident in line shifts and line broadening, and also more indirectly through the analysis and interpretation of density-sensitive lines. In hot stellar winds, expanding-wind kinematics are directly seen in broadened lines although the broadening has turned out to often be smaller than anticipated, and some lines are so narrow that coronal models have been revived. Although X-ray spectra of cool stars have shown line shifts and broadening due to the kinematics of the entire corona, e.g., in binary systems, intrinsic mass motions are challenging to observe at the presently available resolution. Much indirect evidence for mass motion in magnetic coronae is nevertheless available. And finally, spectral diagnostics has also led to a new picture of X-ray production in accreting pre-main sequence stars where massive accretion flows collide with the photospheric gas, producing shocks in which gas is heated to high temperatures. We summarize evidence for the above mechanisms based on spectroscopic data from XMM-Newton and Chandra.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the difficulty of decoding the origins of natural structures through the study of their morphological features. We focus on the case of primitive life detection, where it is clear that the principles of comparative anatomy cannot be applied. A range of inorganic processes are described that result in morphologies emulating biological shapes, with particular emphasis on geochemically plausible processes. In particular, the formation of inorganic biomorphs in alkaline silica-rich environments are described in detail.  相似文献   
Although recent studies have brought new insight into the mechanisms of spatial memory and cognitive strategies during navigation, most of these studies have concerned two-dimensional navigation and little is known regarding the problem of three-dimensional (3D) spatial memory. We found previously that memorizing complex 3D-structured corridors was easier with natural self-motion that included only yaw turns, and vertical translations facing the walls at vertical sections. This suggests that when only sideways (yaw) mental rotations had to be performed in order to shift from the experienced egocentric to the allocentric reference frame where recognition was tested, memorization of such corridors was improved. In the present investigation we studied the effect of tilting separately subject's body axis and self-motion's rotation axis relative to gravity. With a computerized 3D reconstruction task of the maze, we examined whether having any single rotation axis was enough to facilitate this reference shift or, if not, what aspect of the terrestrial condition-where visual displacement rotation, gravity and body axes were aligned-led to better performance. Field dependent (FD) and independent (FI) subjects, as determined by the rod and frame test, showed distinct effects of the navigation conditions. The FD group performance was markedly impaired when gravity and body axis were in conflict, independently of the rotation axis, whereas FI performance only slightly worsened when the body was tilted and the rotation axis remained aligned with gravity. Moreover, tilting the body in the control condition only worsened performance for the FD group.  相似文献   
The Atacama Desert has long been considered a good Mars analogue for testing instrumentation for planetary exploration, but very few data (if any) have been reported about the geomicrobiology of its salt-rich subsurface. We performed a Mars analogue drilling campaign next to the Salar Grande (Atacama, Chile) in July 2009, and several cores and powder samples from up to 5?m deep were analyzed in situ with LDChip300 (a Life Detector Chip containing 300 antibodies). Here, we show the discovery of a hypersaline subsurface microbial habitat associated with halite-, nitrate-, and perchlorate-containing salts at 2?m deep. LDChip300 detected bacteria, archaea, and other biological material (DNA, exopolysaccharides, some peptides) from the analysis of less than 0.5?g of ground core sample. The results were supported by oligonucleotide microarray hybridization in the field and finally confirmed by molecular phylogenetic analysis and direct visualization of microbial cells bound to halite crystals in the laboratory. Geochemical analyses revealed a habitat with abundant hygroscopic salts like halite (up to 260?g kg(-1)) and perchlorate (41.13?μg g(-1) maximum), which allow deliquescence events at low relative humidity. Thin liquid water films would permit microbes to proliferate by using detected organic acids like acetate (19.14?μg g(-1)) or formate (76.06?μg g(-1)) as electron donors, and sulfate (15875?μg g(-1)), nitrate (13490?μg g(-1)), or perchlorate as acceptors. Our results correlate with the discovery of similar hygroscopic salts and possible deliquescence processes on Mars, and open new search strategies for subsurface martian biota. The performance demonstrated by our LDChip300 validates this technology for planetary exploration, particularly for the search for life on Mars.  相似文献   
A simple semi-empirical model to determine the maximum electron concentration in the ionosphere (NmF2NmF2) for South American locations is used to calculate NmF2NmF2 for a northern hemisphere station in the same longitude sector. NmF2NmF2 is determined as the sum of two terms, one related to photochemical and diffusive processes and the other one to transport mechanisms. The model gives diurnal variations of NmF2NmF2 representative for winter, summer and equinox conditions, during intervals of high and low solar activity. Model NmF2NmF2 results are compared with ionosonde observations made at Toluca-México (19.3°N; 260°E). Differences between model results and observations are similar to those corresponding to comparisons with South American observations. It seems that further improvement of the model could be made by refining the latitude dependencies of coefficients used for the transport term.  相似文献   
We report on the development of a passive sorption pump, capable of maintaining high-vacuum conditions in the InSight seismometer throughout the duration of any extended mission. The adsorber material is a novel zeolite-loaded aerogel (ZLA) composite, which consists of fine zeolite particles homogeneously dispersed throughout a porous silica network. The outgassing species within the SEIS evacuated container were analyzed and the outgassing rate was estimated by different methods. The results were used to optimize the ZLA composition to adsorb the outgassing constituents, dominated by water, while minimizing the SEIS bakeout constraints. The InSight ZLA composite additionally facilitated substantial CO2 adsorption capabilities for risk mitigation against external leaks in Mars atmosphere. To comply with the stringent particle requirements, the ZLA getters were packaged in sealed containers, open to the SEIS interior through \(1~\upmu\mbox{m}\)-size pore filters. Results from experimental validation and verification tests of the packaged getters are presented. The pressure forecast based on these data, corroborated by rudimentary in situ pressure measurements, infer SEIS operational pressures not exceeding \(10^{-5}~\mbox{mbar}\) throughout the mission.  相似文献   
Time dependent cosmic ray modulation in the outer heliosphere is calculated and results are compared to Voyager 1 and 2 observations using a two-dimensional time-dependent cosmic ray transport model. We predict possible future 133–242 MeV proton observations along the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft trajectories. Recent theoretical advances in cosmic ray transport parameters are introduced in order to provide a time-dependence for the assumed transport parameters used in the model. This leads to results that are in general compatible with the spacecraft observations in the inner and outer heliosphere over multiple solar cycles. However, for the outer heliosphere, we find that the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft observations cannot be fitted with an identical set of parameters along both trajectories. This indicates a possible asymmetric heliosphere or a symmetric heliosphere but with different diffusion parameters in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. Furthermore, results indicate that Voyager 2 observations are still under the influence of solar cycle related changes because of the large modulation volume between the heliopause and spacecraft location in contrast to Voyager 1 which shows a steady increase in cosmic ray intensities.  相似文献   
ESA’s medium-class Solar Orbiter mission is conceived to perform a close-up study of our Sun and its inner heliosphere to better understand the behaviour of our star. The mission will provide the clues to discover how the Sun creates and controls the solar wind and thereby affects the environments of all the planets. The spacecraft is equipped with a comprehensive suite of instruments. The Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) is one of the in-situ instruments on-board Solar Orbiter. EPD is composed of five different sensors, all of them sharing the Instrument Control Unit or ICU that is the sole interface with the spacecraft. This paper emphasises on how the hardware/software co-design approach can lead to a decrease in software complexity and highlights the versatility of the toolset that supports the development process. Following a model-driven engineering approach, these tools are capable of generating the high-level code of the software application, as well as of facilitating its configuration control and its deployment on the hardware platforms used in the different stages of the development process. Moreover, the use of the Leon2ViP virtual platform, with fault injection capabilities, allows an early software-before-hardware verification and validation and also a hardware–software co-simulation. The adopted solutions reduce development time without compromising the whole process reliability that is essential to the EPD success.  相似文献   
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