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马小兵  赵宇 《航空学报》2008,29(4):919-923
 针对传统最小二乘估计仅仅考虑回归模型曲线本身的试验样本,不能同时对曲线动态变化规律进行描述、未能充分利用模型与数据信息的问题,依据在一次观测中待定参数的取值应使得随机样本与模型各阶导函数在概率尺度下具有最小距离的原理,通过构造模型曲线导数意义下的损失函数,提出了一种能够综合利用模型与试验数据导数信息的导数最小乘方估计方法,推广了传统最小二乘估计的模型条件与使用范围。并结合复杂可修产品可靠性增长的Duane模型给出了参数的一般导数最小二乘估计与最佳导数最小二乘估计式,证明了模型参数的导数最小二乘估计较传统最小二乘估计具有更好的统计性质。为实际中确定模型曲线,进行工程预测提供了一条新的技术途径。  相似文献   
微小型无人机用微磁数字罗盘集成系统的设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
马珍珍  盛蔚  房建成 《航空学报》2008,29(4):973-980
 针对现有微磁数字罗盘成本高、输出频率低、动态定姿时易发散等问题,结合微小型无人机(MUAV)导航与控制系统的组成特点,设计了一种利用MUAV机载微惯性测量单元(MIMU)中的天向陀螺输出判断无人机的运动状态,采用MIMU中的3轴加速度计组件测量的地球重力矢量,配合3轴磁阻传感器测量的地球磁场矢量,共同进行姿态确定的微磁数字罗盘集成系统。对传统的环境干扰磁场校正方法进行了完善与验证,使之适合于空间三维定姿。试验结果表明:系统总体性能良好,航向精度可达0.5°,成本为同类产品的1/5,输出响应可达50 Hz,满足应用于MUAV导航控制系统的微磁数字罗盘的高精度、低成本和实时性的要求。  相似文献   
首都机场航站区地面信息管理系统是航站区各电子系统的核心。系统建有强大的中心数据库,负责采集、处理、存储、发布航站区内航班信息、地面站坪、气象、设备运行状态、商务的客、货、邮、行等等大量信息。通过计算机网络把相关的电子系统联网实现系统集成。  相似文献   
Intheanalysisofdynamiccharacteristicsofengineeringstructures,theconnectingelements(joints)playanimportantroleintheoveraldy-na...  相似文献   
The H13 hot-working tool steel is widely used as die material in the warm forming of Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy sheet. However, under the heating condition, severe friction and lubricating conditions between the H13 tools and Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy sheet would cause difficulty in guaranteeing forming quality. Surface modification may be used to control the level of friction force, reduce the friction wear and extend the service life of dies. In this paper, four surface modification methods(chromium plating, TiAlN coating, surface polishing and nitriding treatment)were applied to the H13 surfaces. Taking the coefficient of friction(CoF) and the wear degree as evaluation indicators, the high-temperature tribological behavior of the surface modified H13 steel was experimentally investigated under different tribological conditions. The results of this study indicate that the tribological properties of the TiAlN coating under dry friction condition are better than the others for a wide range of temperature(from room temperature to 500 C), while there is little difference of tribological properties between different surface modifications under graphite lubricated condition, and the variation law of CoF with temperature under graphite lubricated is opposite to that under the dry friction.  相似文献   
夹层结构复合材料翼型件模压工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马军 《洪都科技》2005,(3):25-29
对夹层结构复合材料翼型件的成型工艺进行了选择、试验,确定了夹层结构复合材料翼型件的成型方案,从而使翼型件具有优异的外形和性能。  相似文献   
机载航电系统的可靠性问题越来越受到关注,软件可靠性设计要抓住两个方面,软件开发过程和软件开发方法。本文根据机载嵌入式系统软件的特点,讨论了软件开发过程在可靠性方面的考虑,还有在需求、设计、编码阶段使用的相关设计方法和技术。  相似文献   
碳化硼对碳/碳复合材料的催化石墨化作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了用B4C作催化剂,以降低C/C复合材料的石墨化温度,并比较分析了添加B4C后,对C/C复合材料力学、热物理性能的影响。结果表明,添加B4C后,在比通常石墨化温度低400℃的情况下,石墨化度反而增加了14%,达到了85%。C/C复合材料的抗热震性能也有提高。同时应用X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)等分析手段,分析了B4C对C/C复合材料的催化石墨化机理。  相似文献   
基于蓝牙技术的数控系统网络和远程服务功能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究和试验了采用蓝牙无线技术和PC计算机通用网络软件pcAnywhere实现数控系统网络和远程服务功能的方法,并提供了试验结果。  相似文献   
It is of great significance to improve the accuracy of turbulence models in shock-wave/ boundary layer interaction flow. The relationship between the pressure gradient, as well as the shear layer, and the development of turbulent kinetic energy in impinging shock-wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction flow at Mach 2.25 is analyzed based on the data of direct numerical simulation(DNS). It is found that the turbulent kinetic energy is amplified by strong shear in the separation zone and the adverse pressure gradient near the separation point. The pressure gradient was non-dimensionalised with local density, velocity, and viscosity. Spalart–Allmaras(S–A) model is modified by introducing the non-dimensional pressure gradient into the production term of the eddy viscosity transportation equation. Simulation results show that the production and dissipation of eddy viscosity are strongly enhanced by the modification of S–A model. Compared with DNS and experimental data, the wall pressure and the wall skin friction coefficient as well as the velocity profile of the modified S–A model are obviously improved. Thus it can be concluded that the modification of S–A model with the pressure gradient can improve the predictive accuracy for simulating the shock-wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction.  相似文献   
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