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A technique for selecting a rational variant of a multifunctional aircraft system using the analytic hierarchy process is proposed and a solution of a practical problem is presented.  相似文献   
This describes a NOAA-14 spacecraft loss of control event and the lessons learned. The lessons learned are in two categories: contingency recovery operations; and on-orbit propulsion system isolation methods. The work is motivated in recognition of the effort of the NOAA off-line engineering support team and their NOAA civil servant mission leads and operations support staff.  相似文献   
By using a Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) at Shriharikota (13.66°N & 80.23°E), an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based technique is proposed to improve the accuracy of rain intensity estimation. Three spectral moments of a Doppler spectra are utilized as an input data to an ANN. Rain intensity, as measured by the tipping bucket rain gauges around the DWR station, are considered as a target values for the given inputs. Rain intensity as estimated by the developed ANN model is validated by the rain gauges measurements. With the help of a developed technique, reasonable improvement in the estimation of rain intensity is observed. By using the developed technique, root mean square error and bias are reduced in the range of 34–18% and 17–3% respectively, compared to ZR approach.  相似文献   
We examined whether microgravity influences the induced-mutation frequencies through in vivo experiments during space flight aboard the space shuttle Discovery (STS-91). We prepared dried samples of repair-deficient strains and parental strains of Escherichia (E.) coli and Saccharomyces (S.) cerevisiae given DNA damage treatment. After culture in space, we measured the induced-mutation frequencies and SOS-responses under microgravity. The experimental findings indicate that almost the same induced-mutation frequencies and SOS-responses of space samples were observed in both strains compared with the ground control samples. It is suggested that microgravity might not influence induced-mutation frequencies and SOS-responses at the stages of DNA replication and/or DNA repair. In addition, we developed a new experimental apparatus for space experiments to culture and freeze stocks of E. coli and S. cerevisiae cells.  相似文献   
We will discuss the observed, heavily damped transversal oscillations of coronal loops. These oscillations are often modeled as transversal kink oscillations in a cylinder. Several features are added to the classical cylindrical model. In our models we include loop curvature, longitudinal density stratification, and highly inhomogeneous radial density profiles. In this paper, we will first give an overview of recently obtained results, both analytically and numerically. After that, we shed a light on the computational aspects of the modeling process. In particular, we will focus on the parallellization of the numerical codes.  相似文献   
The Fluxgate Magnetometer experiments on-board the European Space Agency’s four spacecraft Cluster Mission have the capability to store sampled magnetic field vectors in the instrument memory, either as a full resolution ‘event capture’ or as spin-resolution vectors transformed into a non-spinning co-ordinate system (de-spun). The latter capability has ensured a dataset is available which extends the partial orbital coverage achieved during nominal operations in the first years of operation. The on-board de-spin is achieved using a Walsh function with Haar coefficients and allows for up to 27 h additional data per non-coverage interval. A number of commissioning orbits were used to verify the accuracy of data collected by the de-spin mode, whereby individual spacecraft were operated separately in a number of standard normal sampling and de-spin mode combinations. Up to the present time, this data has not been available to the Cluster community. We present results here comparing the performance of the on-board de-spin algorithm versus the normal sampling modes over a number of boundary layer crossings, describe the techniques used for calibration and timeline recovery, and outline the context in which the data may be usable in future studies.  相似文献   
The increase of balloon applications makes it necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the thermal and dynamic performance of scientific balloons. This paper proposed a novel numerical model to investigate the thermal and dynamic characteristics of scientific balloon in both ascending and floating conditions. The novel model consists of a dynamic model and thermal model, the dynamic model was solved numerically by a computer program developed with Matlab/Simulink to calculate the velocity and trajectory, the thermal model was solved by the Fluent program to find out the balloon film temperature distribution and inner Helium gas velocity and temperature field. These models were verified by comparing the numerical results with experimental data. Then the thermal and dynamic behavior of a scientific balloon in a real environment were simulated and discussed in details.  相似文献   
This remote assistance trial, performed within the framework of the manned space flight Altaïr, was carried out by CADMOS (CNES), with the cooperation of the Sub-directorate of CNES Operational Systems, Medes, LBM of Tours and Christol Consultants. It consisted of supplying the cosmonaut performing the Orthostatism experiment (echograph acquisition) on board the Mir station with realtime assistance by an expert (LBM of Tours) working from the ground on the CADMOS premises. The various steps of the approach followed during the preparation phase are described, as well as the technical means of communication used between the Mir station and CADMOS.  相似文献   
Two bed rest analog studies of space flight were performed; one 14 d and the other 28 d in duration. Exercise response was studied in detail during the 28 d study and following both the 14 d and 28 d studies. This paper relates the results of these studies to physiologic changes noted during and following space flight. The most consistent change noted after both bed rest and space flight is an elevated heart rate during exercise. A second consistent finding is a postflight or postbed rest reduction in cardiac stroke volume. Cardiac output changes were variable. The inability to simulate inflight activity levels and personal exercise makes a direct comparison between bed rest and the results from specific space flights difficult.  相似文献   
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