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前苏联航空公司使用的中程和远程运输机大约有80%现已用完原定的使用寿命极限,而研制取代机的工作按进度至少推迟了5年。 设在莫斯科的国立民航科学研究院(GosNIGA)汇集的资料表明,苏联现役机队中12%~15%的飞机到1996年应当退役,到2000年有50%的飞机应当退役。 西方对空中安全水平日益关注;俄国人企图采取高收费办法飞日益增多的进口欧美飞机。在这种形势下,日益迫切要求前苏联民用飞机装备序列大规模现代化。 据GosNIGA估计,独联体各国现在有1650架飞机飞中程和远程航  相似文献   
SATRACK-I是为美国海军战略系统计划局研制的,用来跟踪试飞的“三叉戟-I”型导弹。该系统利用GPS的L_1频率信号、弹载变频转发器、地基接收/记录站以及一套专用的事后处理设备(该设备设在约翰·霍普金斯大学的应用物理实验室),用以对导弹初始状态、弹道及制导系统误差作最优估计。该系统从1978年沿用至今,进行了50多发试飞导弹的性能估计。本文评价了SATRACK-I系统的性能,其设计精度指标为12.2米和0.015米/秒(1σ/每轴)。由于SATRACK-I的卫星—导弹间是单频线路,所以要用电子密度数学模型来修正电离层的距离及多卜勒误差。本文讨论了所用模型的特点及其性能。目前正在设计的SATRACK-Ⅱ系统将用来跟踪和鉴定“三叉戟-Ⅱ”型试飞导弹。该系统的精度指标为6.1米和0.03米/秒(1σ/每轴)。为达到这些指标,必须使用双频卫星一导弹间线路,并作其它一些系统改进。已选定GPS的L_3频率信号作为第二个频率,这一选择的原因以及其它系统改进将在下面介绍。  相似文献   
MX导弹第三级样机评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文评述赫克力斯公司正在为空军研制的MX导弹第三级的设计。第三级固体发动机的许多部件和材料都选用了最新的技术。这些新技术包括:带有碳复合材料裙的凯夫拉49发动机壳体;二维和三维碳/碳复合材料的轻型喷管;硝酸酯增塑的聚醚推进剂(NEPE),这种推进剂比冲高、延伸率大;以及两节套筒式可延伸出口锥(EEC)。这些新技术的应用提高了整个发动机的性能。本文对第三级的设计及其主要部件都作了概要介绍。为了说明MX第三级的设计是切实可行的,还将MX第三级各部件设计与以前研制的发动机作了比较。  相似文献   
Coupled one-dimensional photochemical-climate calculations have been performed for hypothetical Earth-like planets around M dwarfs. Visible/near-infrared and thermal-infrared synthetic spectra of these planets were generated to determine which biosignature gases might be observed by a future, space-based telescope. Our star sample included two observed active M dwarfs-AD Leo and GJ 643-and three quiescent model stars. The spectral distribution of these stars in the ultraviolet generates a different photochemistry on these planets. As a result, the biogenic gases CH4, N2O, and CH3Cl have substantially longer lifetimes and higher mixing ratios than on Earth, making them potentially observable by space-based telescopes. On the active M-star planets, an ozone layer similar to Earth's was developed that resulted in a spectroscopic signature comparable to the terrestrial one. The simultaneous detection of O2 (or O3) and a reduced gas in a planet's atmosphere has been suggested as strong evidence for life. Planets circling M stars may be good locations to search for such evidence.  相似文献   
大笔的投资已用于机载预警雷达的自适应阵列技术的开发中。所有旨在用于非均匀干扰环境中的机载预警雷达空时逢适应处理方法有一个共的特点:它们都需要根据多维对间内的测量数据该环境的统计估值。  相似文献   
本文计算了地球中层大气的钠层模式。在此模式中,流星蒸发是形成钠层的源而尘埃的吸附足汇。本文考虑和比较了有关钠层形成机制的已往工作中所出现过的所有光化学反应,选出了四十个合理而重要的化学反应作为本模式的化学基础。模式也考虑进了高度变化的涡流扩散和带电粒子受地磁场作用的向下飘移等机制。本文对各化学反应和模式中各个因素的重要性作了比较和评价。本文计算结果表明,在各高度上中层大气中的钠及其化合物的相对浓度主要取决于化学反应过程本身,与源、汇及各层间扩散机制等关系不大。虽然在钠层模式计算中必须考虑到十种钠成分,但105公里以上主要成分足钠离子(Na+)。80公里以下主要成分是氢氧化钠(NaOH)。80公里到105公里间主要成分是中性钠原子(Na)。所有成分的总浓度主要地取决于源和汇随高度的分布。大气背景及电离常数的变化可以引起钠层相当显著的季变化和周日变化。理论计算结果与历年来的观测结果作比较后可以看到两者大体上符合得相当好。  相似文献   
A long-standing mystery in the study of Field-Aligned Currents (FACs) has been that:how the currents are generated and why they appear to be much stronger at high altitudes than in the ionosphere.Here we present two events of magnetotail FACs observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Spacecraft (MMS) on 1st July and 14th July 2016,to show how the Substorm Current Wedges (SCW) were formed.The results show that particles were transferred heading towards the Earth during the expansion phase of substorms. The azimuthal flow formed clockwise (counter-clockwise) vortex-like motion,and then generated downward (upward) FACs on the tailward/poleward side of the distorted field with opposite vorticity on their Earthward/equatorward side.We also analyzed the Region 1 FACs observed by the Earth Explorer Swarm spacecraft on 1st July 2016 and found that they were associated with FACs observed by MMS,although differing by a factor of 10.This difference suggests that either there was the closure of the currents at altitudes above 500 km or the currents were not strictly parallel to B and closed at longitudes away from where they were generated.   相似文献   
Light is being used as a pre-launch countermeasure to circadian and sleep disruption in astronauts. The effect of light on the circadian system is readily monitored by measurement of plasma melatonin. Our group has established an action spectrum for human melatonin regulation and determined the region of 446-477 nm to be the most potent for suppressing plasma melatonin. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of 460 and 555 nm for suppressing melatonin using a within-subjects design. Subjects (N=12) were exposed to equal photon densities (7.18 x 10(12) photons/cm2/s) at 460 and 555 nm. Melatonin suppression was significantly stronger at 460 nm (p<0.02). An extension to the action spectrum showed that 420 nm light at 16 and 32 microW/cm2 significantly suppressed melatonin (p<0.04 and p<0.002). These studies will help optimize lighting countermeasures to circadian and sleep disruption during spaceflight.  相似文献   
Sulfite reductases are key enzymes of assimilatory and dissimilatory sulfur metabolism, which occur in diverse bacterial and archaeal lineages. They share a highly conserved domain "C-X5-C-n-C-X3-C" for binding siroheme and iron-sulfur clusters that facilitate electron transfer to the substrate. For each sulfite reductase cluster, the siroheme-binding domain is positioned slightly differently at the N-terminus of dsrA and dsrB, while in the assimilatory proteins the siroheme domain is located at the C-terminus. Our sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the siroheme-binding domain shows that sulfite reductase sequences diverged from a common ancestor into four separate clusters (aSir, alSir, dsr, and asrC) that are biochemically distinct; each serves a different assimilatory or dissimilatory role in sulfur metabolism. The phylogenetic distribution and functional grouping in sulfite reductase clusters (dsrA and dsrB vs. aSiR, asrC, and alSir) suggest that their functional diversification during evolution may have preceded the bacterial/archaeal divergence.  相似文献   
Imuta M  Higuchi I 《Acta Astronautica》1999,44(5-6):307-311
There are some studies demonstrating the skeletal muscle degeneration associated with the degeneration of Z band and appearance of nemaline rods in experimental animals of the simulation model for spaceflight but not in human heart tissues. In the present study, therefore, we investigated the pathological changes or degeneration in left auricular heart muscles obtained during operations of mitral valves replacement using both electron and light microscopies. The degeneration of Z band even in the myofibrils of comparatively little damaged cell was found. Furthermore, nemaline rods were detected in most of the heart muscle cells. These results suggest that the existence of nemaline rods is involved in the cell injury in the heart muscle of patients with heart disease without nemaline myopathy. Further study is necessary to know whether the similar pathological findings are observed not only in the skeletal muscle but also in the cardiac muscle in experimental animals of the simulation model for spaceflight or in a prolonged spaceflight.  相似文献   
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