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辐射源细微特征用于个体识别的可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先分析了辐射源细微特征应该具有的基本特性,并给出了辐射源的(潜在)细微特征参量、测量准确度的影响因素及应用限制条件.然后,给出了辐射源细微特征差异、参数测量精度与正确分辨概率之间的定量关系,为判断细微特征差异能否用于个体识别提供了理论依据.最后,作了举例说明.  相似文献   
通过监控航空发动机性能参数,准确判断发动机的工作状态,预知发动机的异常变化.为预防和排除故障提供充足的时间和决策依据。开发出利用QAR(quick access Feeorder.快速存取记录器)数据的发动机故障检测系统,该系统基于民航发动机的QAR数据,由于发动机正常运行数据容易获取.而故障样本难以获得.因而采用单类支持向量机(OCSVM),仅依靠发动机的健康数据建立其分类器。利用OCSVM分类器.监控后续航班参数是否出现异常,通过分析检测结果,实现发动机故障检测。采用该系统监控航空发动机性能参数.及时发现发动机运行状态异常,证明了系统的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
Damage-modified nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive equation and failure criterion are introduced and the three-dimensional incremental forms are deduced based on the updated Lagrangian approach. A simple tensile test model and a split Hopkinson pressure bar model are built to verify the accuracy of the subroutine implemented within the non-linear finite element program LS-DYNA. A numerical model of bird strike on windshield is established to study the responses of windshield under three different bird velocities at three sites. The bird is represented by a cylinder with a hemisphere at each end and the contact-impact coupling algorithm is used in this study. It is found that the implemented subroutine can properly describe the mechanical behavior of polymethyl methacrylate under low and high strain rates and large deformation, and can be used validly.  相似文献   
Three control techniques for a high power factor multilevel pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier are proposed. The proposed rectifier is based on series connection of full-bridge cell to achieve a high power factor, low current distortion, low voltage stress of power semiconductors and two balanced output voltages. The look-up table is used in the proposed control schemes to reduce the hardware circuit. A capacitor voltage compensator is used to balance two dc capacitor voltages in order to obtain high quality PWM voltage pattern. Based on the proposed control schemes, two-level or three-level PWM pattern can be generated on the ac side of the adopted rectifier. The proposed techniques for a high power factor multilevel rectifier illustrate its validity and effectiveness through the respective simulations and experiments. According to the measured results, the current harmonics drawn from the mains meet the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 1000-3-2 limits  相似文献   
Ultra-wideband radar and random signal radar are two types of newly-developed radar systems. This paper introduces the special advantages of the combination of ultra-wideband technology and random signal radar to the international radar community. It shows that these two radar systems have a very close relationship in nature and can gain significant benefits from each other. It can be anticipated that the random signal modulated waveform will open many potential possibilities for the applications of ultra-wideband radar systems to civilian operating environments.  相似文献   
基于AFDX网络的SNMP协议实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航空全双工交换式以太网(AFDX/ARINC664)是适用于航电系统信息传输的确定性飞机数据网路总线系统,目前广泛应用于各个机型的航电系统中。由于AFDX网络的确定性,需要对该网络的消息传输、故障检查等项目进行实时的监控管理,以维护该网络系统的正常运行。本文阐述了在某型直升机综合任务处理系统的开发过程中,使用简单网络管理协议(SNMP)对AFDX网络中各个设备的数据信息进行网络管理的设计与实现。  相似文献   
增材制造技术通过材料逐层打印制备结构,为复杂构件制造提供了新的成形方式。拓扑优化因不依赖于初始构型的选择,可设计出传统理念难以获得的创新构型,已成为航空航天和高端装备领域高性能、轻量化结构设计的重要手段。拓扑优化与增材制造有机融合,充分发挥各自优势和潜力,在现代制造业中展现出广阔应用前景。回顾了近年来关于增材制造与拓扑优化技术融合研究的主要内容和应用成果,包括以材料结构一体化为核心的多尺度/多层级结构优化设计、以设计制造一体化为核心的考虑增材制造工艺约束的优化方法等。同时,也分析了未来研究工作中存在的问题与挑战,如点阵结构性能表征及其尺度关联效应、增材制造材料成形各向异性、功能梯度材料与结构、增材制造材料与结构疲劳特性等对设计方法和成形工艺带来的挑战,为未来相关研究工作和航空航天应用提供参考。  相似文献   
The behavior, in an oxygen atmosphere, of shocked drops of nitromethane, 1- and 2- nitropropane, ethyl and propyl nitrate, decane, and heptane was studied. Results suggest a new mode of ignition for nitrates at high incident shock Mach numbers (M 3.7). At the high incident shock strengths ignition occurs in the boundary layer, but no blast wave develops as is the case for lower shock strengths. Since ignition delay times are very short under these conditions, the absence of blast waves is attributed to the lack of time for the accumulation of fuel in the wake. Gas phase studies of the shock decomposition of fuel molecules were undertaken to determine if gas phase data could be used to explain the trends in the drop ignition observations. Nitromethane and the nitrates were mainly used in this effort. Alternative explanations for the role of gas phase kinetics in the ignition of drops are presented.  相似文献   
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