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红外寻制导的导弹只能探测跟踪目标(飞机)的热辐射中心,即发动机尾喷流中心。为了提高作战效能,必须使命中点前移至目标要害部位。为此,本文导出了空间飞行实现前向偏移的相对运动方程和导引律,并提出了简化方案,探讨了控制系统实现的方法。  相似文献   
针对遥感卫星基于小波变换的光学图像有损压缩算法,提出了一种引入图像复原技术思路的算法,对遥感图像解码处理过程中获得的低频信息进行复原,可以获得更多的用于在频域范围内描述图像结构信息的高频分量增益,从而提升整个解码图像的质量。通过此算法与传统的小波压缩算法进行对比,结果表明:压缩恢复图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR)较传统算法有0.1~0.3dB的改善,压缩恢复图像表现出更为丰富的纹理特性,可降低对遥感卫星图像数据处理和天地链路数据传输的要求。  相似文献   
激光冲击强化是利用高功率密度(GW/cm2)、短脉冲(ns量级)激光束辐射金属时产生高强度冲击波在金属材料或零件表层形成数百兆帕的残余应力,从而改善金属材料性能的一项新技术.利用Nd:glass重复率激光和机械喷丸分别对Ti6Al4V钛合金电子束焊缝进行了冲击强化处理,研究了激光冲击处理和激光冲击+机械喷丸两种不同处理工艺对电子束焊缝残余应力的影响.试验结果表明,两种处理方式都明显改善Ti6Al4V钛合金电子束焊缝的残余压应力,尤其激光冲击+机械喷丸工艺表面残余应力改变明显, 而且在次表面层残余应力随着深度的增加而增大, 最大残余应力出现在距表面20~30μm左右.   相似文献   
Lunar Regolith Penetrating Array Radar (LRPR) is one main payload of the Lander for Chinese Chang’E-5 (CE-5) mission. It is used to support the drilling and sampling device and to detect lunar regolith thickness and structure of the landing site. LRPR will only work in situ under static status, so the antenna array is employed. Since the antenna array is about 90?cm high from the ground, the layout is irregular, and the metal structure of the lander seriously interferes with LRPR, these factors make it very difficult to reconstruct the image of the drilling area, so the performance verification must be carried out. We propose a set of methods to process LRPR’s data and reconstruct image. The verification experiments demonstrate that these methods are suitable for LRPR, the thickness and structure of the lunar regolith from zero to two meters can be clearly mapped, the vertical resolution is a few centimeters, and the electromagnetic properties of the subsurface can be estimated. Therefore, the performance of LRPR meets the requirements, and LRPR can successfully support drilling and sampling.  相似文献   
采用计算机仿真技术对机箱盖板金属型铸造过程进行了充型和凝固模拟,并对铸造工艺进行了优化。  相似文献   
对某低速压气机在设计转速下从设计工况点向小流量工况点发展直至发生喘振的运行过程进行了试验 ,并在第 2级静叶出口截面进行了详细的流场测量。试验结果表明 ,当流量减小时 ,在测量截面上有明显的大范围分离流动特征。经过对比分析 ,推测出接近喘振时静叶出口的一种分离流动结构  相似文献   
为了提高挠性陀螺中挠性接头细颈加工精度,减小加工表面残余应力,提出了多次切割,控制线切割走丝轨迹等一系列工艺措施。  相似文献   
For a degradable structural system with fuzzy failure region, a moment method based on fuzzy reliability sensitivity algorithm is presented. According to the value assignment of performance function, the integral region for calculating the fuzzy failure probability is first split into a series of subregions in which the membership function values of the performance function within the fuzzy failure region can be approximated by a set of constants. The fuzzy failure probability is then transformed into a sum of products of the random failure probabilities and the approximate constants of the membership function in the subregions. Furthermore, the fuzzy reliability sensitivity analysis is transformed into a series of random reliability sensitivity analysis, and the random reliability sensitivity can be obtained by the constructed moment method. The primary advantages of the presented method include higher efficiency for implicit performance function with low and medium dimensionality and wide applicability to multiple failure modes and nonnormal basic random variables. The limitation is that the required computation effort grows exponentially with the increase of dimensionality of the basic random vari- able; hence, it is not suitable for high dimensionality problem. Compared with the available methods, the presented one is pretty competitive in the case that the dimensionality is lower than 10. The presented examples are used to verify the advantages and indicate the limitations.  相似文献   
本文利用Ben-Tal广义代数运算对一类分式规划进行了讨论,在目标及约束函数为(h,φ)-η不变凸的情况下得出了分式规划解的广义最优性条件,并建立了它的Mond-Weir对偶模型,证明了对偶定理.  相似文献   
介绍了汕头大学大气边界层风洞和其配制的测控系统及流场校测结果。汕大风洞主要做建筑物的抗风实验和风环境实验。为模拟大气边界层,实验段较长,实验模型放在实验段后部。为减小轴向静压梯度顶板高度分段可调。风速比航空凤洞低。配置了建筑物测压和测力实验所需的电子压力扫描测量系统和高频底座天平。流场校测表明,该风洞的气动性能已达合同规定的指标。  相似文献   
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