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用面向对象技术编写科学运算类库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高科学工程软件的开发效率,改善程序的可读性、易维护性,本文从面向对象的编程思路出发,介绍了利用VisualC+十建立一种科学运算类库的基本思想和方法。  相似文献   
Efficient implementation of Capon and APES for spectral estimation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Both the Capon and APES estimators can be shown to belong to the class of matched-filterbank spectral estimators and can be used to obtain complex spectral estimates that have more narrow spectral peaks and lower sidelobe levels than the fast Fourier transform (FFT) methods. It can also be shown that APES has better statistical performance than Capon. In this paper, we address the issue of how to efficiently implement Capon and APES for spectral estimation  相似文献   
When a wave shaper is embedded in a liner,Mach wave will emerge above the liner,which affects the head shape of an explosively formed projectile.Mach wave parameters,including radius and pressure need to be determined to effectively match Mach wave with the liner,so that a good head shape can be obtained.An analytical calculation model for Mach wave parameter is presented based on three-shock theory,and the theoretical values agree well with the experimental ones.The analysis shows that when the radius of the wave shaper is constant,the radius of the Mach wave increases,whereas the pressure decreases while increasing the distance between the liner and the wave shaper.When the distance between the liner and the wave shaper is constant,the radius of the Mach wave increases,whereas the pressure decreases when decreasing the radius of the wave shaper.  相似文献   
训练飞行不同于航空公司运输飞行,具有训练科目复杂、机组技术水平各异、低空飞行气象要素复杂等特点。本文在考虑训练飞行的特殊性及人的因素等因素影响的同时,利用现有资源对训练指挥席位进行资源管理。  相似文献   
Vegetable cultivation plays a crucial role in dietary supplements and psychosocial benefits of the crew during manned space flight. Here we developed a ground-based prototype of horn-type sequential vegetable production facility, named Horn-type Producer (HTP), which was capable of simulating the microgravity effect and the continuous cultivation of leaf–vegetables on root modules. The growth chamber of the facility had a volume of 0.12 m3, characterized by a three-stage space expansion with plant growth. The planting surface of 0.154 m2 was comprised of six ring-shaped root modules with a fibrous ion-exchange resin substrate. Root modules were fastened to a central porous tube supplying water, and moved forward with plant growth. The total illuminated crop area of 0.567 m2 was provided by a combination of red and white light emitting diodes on the internal surfaces. In tests with a 24-h photoperiod, the productivity of the HTP at 0.3 kW for lettuce achieved 254.3 g eatable biomass per week. Long-term operation of the HTP did not alter vegetable nutrition composition to any great extent. Furthermore, the efficiency of the HTP, based on the Q-criterion, was 7 × 10−4 g2 m−3 J−1. These results show that the HTP exhibited high productivity, stable quality, and good efficiency in the process of planting lettuce, indicative of an interesting design for space vegetable production.  相似文献   
微重力场中对流—辐射—传质系统的地面模拟技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了微重力条件下对流-辐射-传质稳态系统的地面相似模拟技术,进一步发 温度-材料综合保护技术。通过采取补偿热流,调整壁面热流密度分布的方法,保持了原型与尺寸适当缩小后的模型的Nu数,Sh数,材料,温度,湿度不变,从而实现模型与原型流动,换热和传质相似。  相似文献   
首先介绍了实信号的多相滤波信道化体制,讨论了该体制下宽带信号跨信道接收时的信号检测技术以及邻信道虚假信号消除技术。然后详细讨论了各种跨信道宽带信号恢复算法,考虑到可行性和FPGA的硬件可实现性,选用综合滤波器算法进行宽带接收。最后通过MATLAB仿真验证算法的有效性。  相似文献   
冗余度机器人力控制的运动学稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把非冗余度机器人位置/力混合控制方案引入到冗余度机器人,用线性化的动力学模型对其运动学稳定性进行分析,提出一种改进的基于运动学稳定的冗余度机器人混合控制策略。仿真研究结果证明了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   
将现代螺旋桨的改进升力线算法应用于空气涡轮性能计算,结合冲压空气涡轮结构特性对叶片模化作了局部改进,对一个冲压空气涡轮模型作了计算,与实验结果和改进升力线法的对比表明,局部改进后的叶片环量和诱导速度分布合理,计算精度和宽度有明显改善,与实验符合较好。  相似文献   
采用电化学沉积法于室温、碱性条件下在氧化铟锡(ITO,Indium Tin Oxide)表面制备了硼酸钴(CoBi)、硼酸镍(NiBi)、硼酸锰(MnBi)、硼酸铑(RhBi)、硼酸钯(PdBi)几种无定形的硼酸金属化合物薄膜,并对其形貌和结构进行表征,结果表明几种薄膜均为无定形结构.将这几种硼酸金属化合物应用于电化学催化水氧化制氧,对比其催化活性,发现CoBi,NiBi,RhBi具有较高的催化性能,而MnBi和PdBi催化活性较低.进一步研究硼酸pH值对CoBi电催化水分解的影响.发现硼酸有利于金属化合物的制备,pH7~11范围内,HBO32-作为质子受体含量逐渐增大,能接受放氧过程产生的质子,促进催化水分解过程的进行.所得催化剂可自我修复,实现循环利用.  相似文献   
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