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A 15° swept wing with dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator is designed.Experimental study of flow separation control with nanosecond pulsed plasma actuation is performed at flow velocity up to 40 m/s. The effects of the actuation frequency and voltage on the aerodynamic performance of the swept wing are evaluated by the balanced force and pressure measurements in the wind tunnel. At last, the performances on separation flow control of the three types of actuators with plane and saw-toothed exposed electrodes are compared. The optimal actuation frequency for the flow separation control on the swept wing is detected, namely the reduced frequency is 0.775, which is different from 2-D airfoil separation control. There exists a threshold voltage for the low swept wing flow control. Before the threshold voltage, as the actuation voltage increases, the control effects become better. The maximum lift is increased by 23.1% with the drag decreased by 22.4% at 14°, compared with the base line. However, the best effects are obtained on actuator with plane exposed electrode in the low-speed experiment and the abilities of saw-toothed actuators are expected to be verified under high-speed conditions.  相似文献   
胡庆雷  李理 《航空学报》2015,36(4):1259-1266
 针对航天器姿态控制过程中同时存在输入饱和与姿态角速度受限的问题,提出了一种新型的姿态控制设计方法。该方法在保证系统渐近稳定的前提下,能够显式地给出输入力矩和姿态角速度的最大幅值,并通过引入一个时变锐度参数来增强系统对外部干扰的抑制能力;在此基础上,进一步考虑了由于四元数的冗余性所导致的退绕问题,设计了一组新的姿态偏差函数和偏差向量,使得控制器在满足上述约束的同时还具有抗退绕的优点。仿真结果表明,所提算法能够同时满足输入饱和与姿态角速度受限的约束,并且在较大外部干扰的情况下表现出了很强的鲁棒性,同时成功地规避了退绕现象。该算法为存在多重约束的航天器姿态控制问题提供了一个新的思路和解决方案,具有很好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   
赵曙  朱惠人  郭涛  许都纯  张丽 《推进技术》2015,36(6):899-906
为深入掌握高压涡轮叶片带肋回转通道在旋转状态下的换热分布,建立了旋转内通道实验系统,利用瞬态液晶测量方法研究了动叶回转内通道模型的换热机理,比较了三维数值模拟和实验的换热结果。通道入口雷诺数为5000~17000,旋转数为0~0.09,旋转半径与水力直径之比为46.4。结果表明:不同雷诺数下回转内通道的局部换热系数分布相似,局部、平均换热系数均随雷诺数增加而增大;沿程展向平均换热系数呈多波峰状分布,肋的扰动强化换热沿流向逐渐减弱;径向出流通道的努赛尔数随旋转数增加明显增大,径向入流通道的努赛尔数随旋转数的增加略有减小;哥氏力使转弯下游通道的局部换热系数改变,肋间的高换热区域由前肋的背风面附近向两肋之间偏移。  相似文献   
二元双喉道射流推力矢量喷管流动参数影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用数值模拟方法研究了不同流动参数对二元双喉道射流推力矢量喷管(Dual-throat fluidic Thrust-vectoring Nozzle,DTN)内流特性和推力矢量控制效果的影响。结果表明,DTN在非推力矢量情况下,NPR在3~4范围时,推力系数较大,达到0.968,而流量系数较小,仅为0.93;NPR再增大,推力系数迅速下降。在推力矢量情况下,落压比一定时,随着次流流量比的增加,推力矢量角增加,而流量系数、推力系数、推力矢量效率减小;次流流量比一定时,随着落压比的增加,推力矢量角减小,系统推力系数先增加后减小,流量系数略微增加。  相似文献   
为验证和指导高速飞行器的防隔热设计,准确地模拟气动热产生的热量穿透防隔热材料进而影响舱内温度空间分布和时间变化的过程,研究了一种同时求解机体外流场及气动热、机体结构传热及舱内流场温度场仿真计算方法,其中的传热方式包括热传导、热对流及热辐射。采用两套计算模型、两种求解器、一个数据交换文件的计算结构,构建了一种针对流场-热-结构的多场耦合分析方法,实现了对固体隔绝内外流场温度动态变化问题的仿真分析。最后通过计算实例验证了整套计算方法,得到的飞行器舱内温度变化特性能够用于指导高速飞行器的防隔热设计。  相似文献   
小展弦比飞翼布局新型嵌入面航向控制特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在小展弦比飞翼布局机翼外侧上/下表面分别设计了一组中等后掠角嵌入面,并对其跨声速时的航向控制效果及其流动机理进行了风洞试验和数值模拟研究。计算和试验结果表明,上嵌入面可在小迎角范围通过轴向力和侧向力的共同作用提供稳定的偏航力矩,实现航向控制;当α6°时,由于嵌入面逐渐处于前缘涡的影响范围内,在前缘涡的吸力作用下,嵌入面航向控制效果迅速下降,直至失效,且进行航向控制时存在不利的滚转耦合;下嵌入面可在全迎角范围内提供稳定的偏航力矩,实现航向控制;通过在小迎角范围内使用上嵌入面,α6°时使用下嵌入面,不仅可在全迎角实现航向控制,且不影响飞机的隐身性能。  相似文献   
小展弦比飞翼标模为国内自主设计的融合体飞翼通用研究模型,前缘后掠角为65°,展弦比为1.54。风洞试验结果表明小展弦比飞翼标模在跨声速迎角4°开始出现非线性升力,在迎角12°至16°范围内会出现升力突然下降、俯仰力矩突然上扬的现象。为了分析该现象的机理,通过数值模拟的方法研究了小展弦比飞翼标模在马赫0.9时的流动特性,分析了前缘涡的产生、发展直至破裂的整个过程,结果表明:小展弦比飞翼标模在迎角4°开始出现涡升力;随着迎角增加,前缘涡逐渐向内侧移动,涡强和背风面激波的强度也逐渐增加,前缘涡与激波发生交叉干扰并达到一个平衡流态;当前缘涡与激波无法维持既有平衡时则会发生涡破裂,流场急剧变化以达到新的平衡,从而导致升力突然下降并产生抬头力矩增量。  相似文献   
飞翼模型高速风洞PIV试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对小展弦比飞翼标模在2.4米跨声速风洞中创新开展了PIV试验。对空风洞进行了测速校核,并对小展弦比飞翼标模开展了二维、三维涡迹PIV测试,试验马赫数为0.4~0.9。测试结果表明,2.4m风洞PIV试验数据具有较高的准确度,M≤0.8时空风洞测速结果与理论值相差不超过1%,M=0.9时相差不超过2%。小展弦比飞翼标模测试结果显示,M数增大使机翼尾涡涡量和切向速度增大,涡核向内展向方向移动。前缘涡与上翼面分离具有密切关系:当M=0.8、α≤12°时,翼梢测试截面的前缘涡尚未破裂,上翼面未发生显著的流动分离;当α≥13°时,前缘涡破碎时机提前,当地后1/2弦长区域产生了比较明显的流动分离。  相似文献   
Vegetable oil can be used as a base oil in minimal quantity of lubrication(MQL). This study compared the performances of MQL grinding by using castor oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, and palm oil as base oils. A K-P36 numerical-control precision surface grinder was used to perform plain grinding on a workpiece material with a high-temperature nickel base alloy. A YDM–III 99 three-dimensional dynamometer was used to measure grinding force,and a clip-type thermocouple was used to determine grinding temperature. The grinding force, grinding temperature, and energy ratio coefficient of MQL grinding were compared among the seven vegetable oil types. Results revealed that(1) castor oil-based MQL grinding yields the lowest grinding force but exhibits the highest grinding temperature and energy ratio coefficient;(2) palm oil-based MQL grinding generates the second lowest grinding force but shows the lowest grinding temperature and energy ratio coefficient;(3) MQL grinding based on the five other vegetable oils produces similar grinding forces, grinding temperatures, and energy ratio coefficients, with values ranging between those of castor oil and palm oil;(4) viscosity significantly influences grinding force and grinding temperature to a greater extent than fatty acid varieties and contents in vegetable oils;(5) although more viscous vegetable oil exhibits greater lubrication and significantly lower grinding force than less viscous vegetable oil, high viscosity reduces the heat exchange capability of vegetable oil and thus yields a high grinding temperature;(6) saturated fatty acid is a more efficient lubricant than unsaturated fatty acid; and(7) a short carbon chain transfers heat more effectively than a long carbon chain. Palm oil is the optimum base oil of MQL grinding, and this base oil yields 26.98 N tangential grinding force,87.10 N normal grinding force, 119.6 °C grinding temperature, and 42.7% energy ratio coefficient.  相似文献   
The effect of sodium tartrate concentrations on morphology and characteristics of ano-dic oxide film on titanium alloy was investigated. The alloy substrates were anodized in different concentration solutions of sodium tartrate with the addition of PTFE emulsion and their morphol-ogy and characteristics were analyzed. The anodic oxide film presented a uniform petaloid drums and micro-cracks morphology. Additionally, micro-cracks dramatically swelled with the increase of the tartrate concentrations. The thickness of the anodic oxide film increased with the concentra-tions until the concentration reached 15 g/L. The results of Raman analysis illustrate that all sam-ples have similarity in the crystal structure, consisting of mainly amorphous TiO2, some anatase TiO2 and a small amount of rutile TiO2. And the ratios of anatase TiO2 and rutile TiO2 increase with the concentrations until it reaches 15 g/L. Furthermore, the intensity of the peaks increases with enhanced concentrations until the concentration reaches 15 g/L. The corrosion resistance of the anodic oxide film is increased by the sodium tartrate with higher concentrations before 15 g/L. The coefficient of friction of the anodic oxide film reduces with the concentrations until the concentration reaches 15 g/L, then the coefficient of friction of the anodic oxide film increases with the concentrations.  相似文献   
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