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The large-scale kinetic technique has been used in the last decade to address many of the intriguing features of the magnetotail revealed by spacecraft observations of the region. In this paper, we present a brief overview of the results achieved by using this technique and present our most recent effort, a time-dependent, self-consistent model of the magnetotail in which the ion current is used to update the ambient magnetic field. This model indicates that the magnetotail exhibits intrinsic variability in the absence of external stimuli and reproduces many of the observed features of the magnetotail, including periodic ion precipitation profiles. Enhancements of this model promise to reveal more of the intricacies of the magnetotail when applied to studying the branching and percolation of the cross-tail current and to the influence of electron and ion behavior on macroscopic processes before and during substorms.  相似文献   
Multi-spacecraft tracing of the high latitude magnetopause (MP) and boundary layers and Interball-1 statistics indicate that:
1. (a) The turbulent boundary layer (TBL) is a persistent feature in the region of the cusp and ‘sash’, a noticeable part of the disturbances weakly depends on the interplanetary magnetic field By component; TBL is a major site for magnetosheath (MSH) plasma penetration inside the magnetosphere through percolation and local reconnection.
2. (b) The TBL disturbances are mainly inherent with the characteristic kinked double-slope spectra and, most probably, 3-wave cascading. The bi-spectral phase coupling indicates self-organization of the TBL as the entire region with features of the non-equilibrium multi-scale and multi-phase system in the near-critical state.
3. (c) We've found the different outer cusp topologies in summer/winter periods: the summer cusp throat is open for the decelerated MSH flows, the winter one is closed by the distant MP with a large-scale (several Re) diamagnetic ‘plasma ball’ inside the MP; the ‘ball’ is filled from MSH through patchy merging rather than large-scale reconnection.
4. (d) A mechanism for the energy release and mass inflow is the local TBL reconnection, which operates at the larger scales for the average anti-parallel fields and at the smaller scales for the nonlinear fluctuating fields; the latter is operative throughout the TBL. The remote from TBL anti-parallel reconnection seems to happen independently.


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Many physical phenomena in space involve energy dissipation which generally leads to charged particle acceleration, often up to very high energies. In the Earth magnetosphere energy accumulation and release occur in the magnetotail, namely in its Current Sheet (CS). The kinetic analysis of non-adiabatic ion trajectories in the CS region with finite but positive normal component of the magnetic field demonstrated that this region is essentially non-uniform in terms of scattering characteristics of ion orbits and contains spatially localized, well-separated sites of enhanced and reduced chaotization. The latter represent sources from which accelerated and energy-collimated ions are ejected into Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer (PSBL) and stream towards the Earth. Numerical simulations performed as part of a Large-Scale Kinetic Model have shown the multiplet ion structure of the PSBL is formed by a set of ion beams (beamlets) localized both in physical and velocity space. This structure of the PSBL is quite different from the one produced by CS acceleration near a magnetic reconnection region in which more energetic ion beams are generated with a broad range of parallel velocities. Multi-point Cluster observations in the magnetotail PSBL not only showed that non-adiabatic ion acceleration occurs on closed magnetic field lines with at least two CS sources operating simultaneously, but also allowed an estimation of their spatial and temporal characteristics. In this paper we discuss and compare the PSBL manifestations of both mechanisms of CS particle acceleration: one based on the peculiar properties of non-adiabatic ion trajectories which operates on closed magnetic field lines and the other representing the well-explored mechanism of particle acceleration during the course of magnetic reconnection. We show that these two mechanisms supplement each other and the first operates mostly during quiescent magnetotail periods.  相似文献   
ExoMars is a two-launch mission undertaken by Roscosmos and European Space Agency. Trace Gas Orbiter, a satellite part of the 2016 launch carries the Fine Resolution Neutron Detector instrument as part of its payload. The instrument aims at mapping hydrogen content in the upper meter of Martian soil with spatial resolution between 60 and 200 km diameter spot. This resolution is achieved by a collimation module that limits the field of view of the instruments detectors. A dosimetry module that surveys the radiation environment in cruise to Mars and on orbit around it is another part of the instrument.This paper describes the mission and the instrument, its measurement principles and technical characteristics. We perform an initial assessment of our sensitivity and time required to achieve the mission goal. The Martian atmosphere is a parameter that needs to be considered in data analysis of a collimated neutron instrument. This factor is described in a section of this paper. Finally, the first data accumulated during cruise to Mars is presented.  相似文献   
The small intrinsic magnetic field of Mercury together with its proximity to the Sun makes the Hermean magnetosphere unique in the context of comparative magnetosphere study. The basic framework of the Hermean magnetosphere is believed to be the same as that of Earth. However, there exist various differences which cause new and exciting effects not present at Earth to appear. These new effects may force a substantial correction of our naïve predictions concerning the magnetosphere of Mercury. Here, we outline the predictions based on our experience at Earth and what effects can drastically change this picture. The basic structure of the magnetosphere is likely to be understood by scaling the Earth’s case but its dynamic aspect is likely modified significantly by the smallness of the Hermean magnetosphere and the substantial presence of heavy ions coming from the planet’s surface.  相似文献   
The solar and heliospheric instruments proposed to study the solar atmosphere at close distances and the inner heliosphere onboard the Interhelioprobe mission are described. Remote observations of the solar surface combined with in-situ measurements at optimum orbital parameters (quasi-corotation with the Sun, multiple positions with respect to the Sun-Earth line, and inclination to the ecliptic plane) provide new information on the fine structure and dynamics of the solar surface, solar flares and ejections, solar corona, and solar wind.  相似文献   
This paper is devoted to the problem of particle acceleration in the closest to the Sun Hermean magnetosphere. We discuss few available observations of energetic particles in Mercury environment made by Mariner-10 in 1974–1975 during Mercury flyby’s and by Helios in 1979 upstream of the Hermean bow shock. Typically ions are non-adiabatic in a very dynamic and compact Mercury magnetosphere, so one may expect that particle acceleration will be very effective. However, it works perfectly for electrons, but for ions the scale of magnetosphere is so small that it allows their acceleration only up to 100 keV. We present comparative analysis of the efficiency of various acceleration mechanisms (inductive acceleration, acceleration by the centrifugal impulse force, stochastic acceleration in a turbulent magnetic fields, wave–particle interactions and bow shock energization) in the magnetospheres of the Earth and Mercury. Finally we discuss several points which need to be addressed in a future Hermean missions.  相似文献   
The idea of expedient energy transformation by magnetic reconnection (MR) has generated much enthusiasm in the space plasma community. The early concept of MR, which was envisioned for the solar flare phenomenon in a simple two-dimensional (2D) steady-state situation, is in dire need for extension to encompass three-dimensional (3D) non-steady-state phenomena prevalent in space plasmas in nature like in the magnetosphere. A workshop was organized to address this and related critical issues on MR. The essential outcome of this workshop is summarized in this review. After a brief evaluation on the pros and cons of existing definitions of MR, we propose essentially a working definition that can be used to identify MR in transient and spatially localized phenomena. The word “essentially” reflects a slight diversity in the opinion on how transient and localized 3D MR process might be defined. MR is defined here as a process with the following characteristics: (1) there is a plasma bulk flow across a boundary separating regions with topologically different magnetic field lines if projected on the plane of MR, thereby converting magnetic energy into kinetic particle energy, (2) there can be an out-of-the-plane magnetic field component (the so-called guide field) present such that the reconnected magnetic flux tubes are twisted to form flux ropes, and (3) the region exhibiting non-ideal MHD conditions should be localized to a scale comparable to the ion inertial length in the direction of the plasma inflow velocity. This definition captures the most important 3D aspects and preserves many essential characteristics of the 2D case. It may be considered as the first step in the generalization of the traditional 2D concept. As a demonstration on the utility of this definition, we apply it to identify MR associated with plasma phenomena in the dayside magnetopause and nightside magnetotail of the Earth’s magnetosphere. How MR may be distinguished from other competing mechanisms for these magnetospheric phenomena are then discussed.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   
Walker  R.  Zelenyi  L. 《Space Science Reviews》1999,88(1-2):383-388
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