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On 14 October 1999, the Chinese-Brazil earth resource satellite (CBERS-1) was launched in China. On board of the satellite there was an instrument designed at Peking University to detect the energetic particle radiation inside the satellite so the radiation fluxes of energetic particles in the cabin can be monitored continuously. Inside a satellite cabin, radiation environment consists of ether penetrated energetic particles or secondary radiation from satellite materials due to the interactions with primary cosmic rays.Purpose of the detectors are twofold, to monitor the particle radiation in the cabin and also to study the space radiation environment The data can be used to study the radiation environment and their effects on the electronics inside the satelhte cabin. On the other hand, the data are useful in study of geo-space energetic particle events such as solar proton events, particle precipitation and variations of the radiation belt since there should be some correlation between the radiation situation inside and outside the satellite.The instrument consists of two semi-conductor detectors for protons and electrons respectively. Each detector has two channels of energy ranges. They are 0.5-2MeV and ≥2MeV for electrons and 5-30MeV and 30-60MeV for protons. Counting rate for all channels are up to 104/(cm2@s)and power consumption is about 2.5 W. There are also the additional functions of CMOS TID (total integrated dose) effect and direct SEU monitoring. The data of CBMC was first sent back on Oct. 17 1999 and it's almost three years from then on. The detector has been working normally and the quality of data is good.The preliminary results of data analysis of CBMC not only reveal the effects of polar particle precipitation and radiation belt on radiation environment inside a satellite, but also show some important features of the geo-space energetic particle radiation.As one of the most important parameters of space weather, the energetic charged particles have great influences on space activities and ground tech nology. CBMC is perhaps the first long-term on-board special equipment to monitor the energetic particle radiation environment inside the satellite and the data it accnmulated are very useful in both satellite designing and space research.  相似文献   
直接数字式合成技术之研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
直接数字式合成(DDS)技术,是近几年来发展迅速的一种频率合成新技术。DDS具有输出相对带宽宽、频率转换时间短、频率分辨力高且输出相位连续、可产生宽带正交信号,易集成等优点。在通信、雷达、遥控遥测、电子对抗、电子扩频以及现代化的仪器仪表工业等许多电子领域显示出广泛的应用前景。本文介绍了直接数字式合成技术的特点及其应用情况,阐述了DDS的基本原理并对其在应用中的一些合成方法做了相互对比。  相似文献   
宋寿峰  安东  陈青 《航空学报》1991,12(11):639-643
 <正> 研究弹性飞机的动力学特性应计及非定常广义气动力。为了尽可能保留非定常运动历程,应首先计算由阶跃函数形式下洗产生的非定常气动力函数(指示函数或指数函数),再利用卷积形式的迭加原理处理任意函数形式下洗产生的非定常气动力。用振型法建立飞机弹性运动方程,可将飞机上任一质点的弹性位移近似地表示为  相似文献   
本文对VOD(视频点播)技术的原理及其应用进行了较详细的介绍,并对在局域网环境下实现VOD(视频点播)功能进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
文章从高校统计工作生成的档案资料出发,阐述了建立高校统计档案资料的重要性。对统计档案资料的收集、整理、保管和利用等问题进行了探讨,提出了一些基本思想。  相似文献   
本文主要从强化商业银行内控、建立信贷资产债权保全机制、营造诚实信用环境三方面论述维护银行信贷资产债权的配套措施。  相似文献   
职业院校“双师型”教师,既是文化理论知识的合成者,又是生产实践技能的指导者。加强“双师型”教师队伍建设,是顺应职业教育目标任务和职业院校办学定位,提高办学实力和教学质量,满足人力资源能力建设的内在要求。  相似文献   
通过SIMPLE方法求解非定常不可压N-S方程,研究了小展弦比机翼在低雷诺数下的流场特征,并分析其对气动特性的影响。研究对象为展弦比为1.0的平板矩形翼,进行了不同攻角的数值模拟,模拟雷诺数为1×105。分析表明:在小攻角时,主涡不断的从机翼上表面脱落;在大攻角时,受翼尖涡的影响,分离涡保持在机翼的背风面不脱落,形成驻涡。通过对流场分析,低雷诺数前缘层流分离和翼尖涡对小展弦比机翼的空气动力学特性起了决定性作用;使低雷诺数小展弦比矩形翼出现非定常、非对称和驻涡等现象。  相似文献   
采用基于N-S方程的CFD方法,通过计算前后平行放置的双翼和三翼的干扰流场,对悬停状态旋翼桨叶之间的气动干扰机理进行了数值探讨;在此基础上,进行了2种桨叶片数、2种桨距及2种桨尖马赫数情况的旋翼悬停流场对比计算,模拟它们对旋翼气动性能和桨叶间气动干扰作用的影响,得到一些与工程实际吻合的现象和结论。  相似文献   
通过在细长体顶点处设置扰动块的方式使细长体的绕流具有确定性,在此基础上研究了机翼对细长体头部侧向力特性的影响.通过实验发现,测压截面越靠近机翼顶点,受机翼的影响越大.在50°迎角以下,后掠翼对细长体头部侧向力特性的影响很小.在60°迎角时,后掠翼对细长体头部的侧向力特性影响较大,此时单独细长体的侧向力特性实验结果已不能直接应用于后掠翼身组合体了.  相似文献   
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