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There were several cases when modulated electron beam had been injected from APEX satellite into an otherwise unmodified ionospheric plasma. The beams were formed from 2 μs pulses repeated at a rate of 40kHz. Injections took place in the altitude range 400–1100km over Europe. The onboard receiver connected to the dipole antenna swept the frequency interval 1–10 MHz in 1 sec. Due to a relatively narrow receiver bandwidth (15 kHz), moderate frequency step (50 kHz), slow changes of fn and fc (local electron plasma and gyro frequencies) fine structure of excited emissions was detected. In many cases, a very prominent doublet could be convincingly identified as a (fn,fu=sqrt(fn*fn+fc*fc)) band, with fn practically equal to the local plasma frequency in the unperturbed ionosphere. Determination of plasma frequency is of prime importance in analysis of complex structures composed from various harmonics fn,fc,fu. Complexity is manifested as coalescing of various harmonics with maxima shifted from nominal frequencies or splitting them into components due to mixing of local and propagation effects. Despite the existence of strong emissions on frequencies characteristic for the unperturbed ionosphere, very strong broadcasting transmissions are frequently cut off, even when the beam is directed upward. Most typical spectra are discussed.  相似文献   
为了提高所选定飞行器模型的机动性,采用了一种标准遗传算法设计前缘翼根延伸(LEX).同时使用一种由三维低阶板方法结合DATCOM方法半经验公式的改进方法预测复杂外形飞行器(机身 机翼 尾翼)的空气动力载荷和最大升力系数.结果表明,在前缘翼根存在的情况下,升力系数在马赫数为0.4~0.8时提升了20.5%~15.3%,在马赫数为1.2时提升了6.8%,在马赫数为0.2~0.95之间升力系数最大值提升了9.5%~15%.在1~5 km的高度亚音速飞行时,其回转率得到了6.6%~8.0%的提升.  相似文献   
By using a Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) at Shriharikota (13.66°N & 80.23°E), an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based technique is proposed to improve the accuracy of rain intensity estimation. Three spectral moments of a Doppler spectra are utilized as an input data to an ANN. Rain intensity, as measured by the tipping bucket rain gauges around the DWR station, are considered as a target values for the given inputs. Rain intensity as estimated by the developed ANN model is validated by the rain gauges measurements. With the help of a developed technique, reasonable improvement in the estimation of rain intensity is observed. By using the developed technique, root mean square error and bias are reduced in the range of 34–18% and 17–3% respectively, compared to ZR approach.  相似文献   
昆虫(果蝇)悬停飞行中,翅膀按照特定的拍动方式往复运动,产生非定常高升力维持身体的平衡.研究昆虫高升力机理,需要探索拍动翼运动引发的三维空间非定常流场的特性,尤其是三维空间非定常涡的发展变化过程.本文将氢气泡流动显示技术应用于动态模型实验,定性的观察拍动翼前缘涡(LEV)的发展破裂过程.并利用数字体视粒子图像测速,DSPIV(Digital Steroscopic Particle Image Velocimetry)技术,测得了拍动翼运动瞬时相位和相位平均的三维空间流场信息(速度向量场、截面涡量场、空间涡量场,以及三维空间流线),揭示了拍动翼展向流动的存在,并结合定性和定量方法多角度说明了前缘涡沿展向发展到破裂的流动结构,并说明了侧缘涡与前缘涡的相互影响.测量结果表明:在雷诺数960的情况下,拍动翼运动至相位时,翼面上前缘涡在距翼根约60%展长的位置发生破裂;翼根至破裂点之间,展向流动稳定,指向翼梢;破裂点以后,展向流改变方向,指向翼根.  相似文献   
The ionospheric total electron content (TEC) in the northern hemispheric equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) crest region is investigated by using dual-frequency signals of the Global Positioning System (GPS) acquired from Rajkot (Geog. Lat. 22.29°N, Geog. Long. 70.74°E; Geom. Lat. 14.21°N, Geom. Long. 144.90°E), India. The day-to-day variability of EIA characteristics is examined during low solar activity period (F10.7∼83 sfu). It is found that the daily maximum TEC at EIA crest exhibits a day-to-day and strong semi-annual variability. The seasonal anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry in TEC at EIA is found non-existent and weaker, respectively. We found a moderate and positive correlation of daily magnitude of crest, Ic with daily F10.7 and EUV fluxes with a correlation coefficient of 0.43 and 0.33, respectively indicating an existence of a short-term relation between TEC at EIA and the solar radiation even during low solar activity period. The correlation of daily Ic with Dst index is also moderate (r = −0.35), whereas no correlation is found with the daily Kp index (r = 0.14) respectively. We found that the magnitude of EIA crest is moderately correlated with solar flux in all seasons except winter where it is weakly related (0.27). The magnitude of EIA crest is also found highly related with EEJ strength in spring (r = 0.69) and summer (r = 0.65) than autumn (0.5) and winter (r = 0.47), though EEJ is stronger in autumn than spring.  相似文献   
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) instrument is configured with a suite of particle detectors to measure TeV cosmic-ray elemental spectra from protons to iron nuclei over a wide energy range. The goal is to extend direct measurements of cosmic-ray composition to the highest energies practical, and thereby have enough overlap with ground based indirect measurements to answer questions on cosmic-ray origin, acceleration and propagation. The balloon-borne CREAM was flown successfully for about 161 days in six flights over Antarctica to measure elemental spectra of Z = 1–26 nuclei over the energy range 1010 to >1014 eV. Transforming the balloon instrument into ISS-CREAM involves identification and replacement of components that would be at risk in the International Space Station (ISS) environment, in addition to assessing safety and mission assurance concerns. The transformation process includes rigorous testing of components to reduce risks and increase survivability on the launch vehicle and operations on the ISS without negatively impacting the heritage of the successful CREAM design. The project status, including results from the ongoing analysis of existing data and, particularly, plans to increase the exposure factor by another order of magnitude utilizing the International Space Station are presented.  相似文献   
The 22 min long decimetric type IV radio event observed during the decay phase of the June 6, 2000 flare simultaneously by the Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS) and the Ond?ejov radiospectrograph in frequency range 1200–4500 MHz has been analyzed. We have found that the characteristic periods of about 60 s belong to the long-period spectral component of the fast wave trains with a tadpole pattern in their wavelet power spectra. We have detected these trains in the whole frequency range 1200–4500 MHz. The behavior of individual wave trains at lower frequencies is different from that at higher frequencies. These individual wave trains have some common as well as different properties. In this paper, we focus on two examples of wave trains in a loop segment and the main statistical parameters in their wavelet power and global spectra are studied and discussed.  相似文献   
Understanding transport of thermal and suprathermal particles is a fundamental issue in laboratory, solar-terrestrial, and astrophysical plasmas. For laboratory fusion experiments, confinement of particles and energy is essential for sustaining the plasma long enough to reach burning conditions. For solar wind and magnetospheric plasmas, transport properties determine the spatial and temporal distribution of energetic particles, which can be harmful for spacecraft functioning, as well as the entry of solar wind plasma into the magnetosphere. For astrophysical plasmas, transport properties determine the efficiency of particle acceleration processes and affect observable radiative signatures. In all cases, transport depends on the interaction of thermal and suprathermal particles with the electric and magnetic fluctuations in the plasma. Understanding transport therefore requires us to understand these interactions, which encompass a wide range of scales, from magnetohydrodynamic to kinetic scales, with larger scale structures also having a role. The wealth of transport studies during recent decades has shown the existence of a variety of regimes that differ from the classical quasilinear regime. In this paper we give an overview of nonclassical plasma transport regimes, discussing theoretical approaches to superdiffusive and subdiffusive transport, wave–particle interactions at microscopic kinetic scales, the influence of coherent structures and of avalanching transport, and the results of numerical simulations and experimental data analyses. Applications to laboratory plasmas and space plasmas are discussed.  相似文献   
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