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This paper reviews the present state of knowledge concerning the diurnal and semidiurnal variations in the galactic cosmic ray intensity. The analytical procedures that are required for extracting from the original data the desired information concerning the characteristics of the anisotropies outside the magnetosphere are described. These include corrections for atmospheric fluctuations, the determination of the amplitudes and phases of the daily variations, and their interpretation in terms of the free space anisotropies that give rise to them. The experimental results concerning the 24-h wave, including its long-term variations with periods of one and two solar cycles, and the characteristics of the total diurnal anisotropy are then discussed. The semidiurnal anisotropy is considered next. Transient anisotropies which manifest themselves as day-to-day variations, recurrence tendencies, cosmic ray storms, and diurnal variation trains, and which can introduce appreciable changes in the spectral parameters, are also of interest. The evolution of theoretical models developed to account for the diurnal and semidiurnal anisotropies, and fluctuations thereof, are then discussed in the light of the experimental results. Finally, the general features that are now well established, and the nature of the remaining problems, are summarized.  相似文献   
Real values of parameters for a space vehicle and its steering devices are specified by using the motion parameters measured in flight based on solving the differential equations of motion.  相似文献   
Results of a numerical (CFD) study of the influence of the forebody shape on local flow parameters at a bottom-mounted inlet entrance are presented. The free-stream Mach number is assumed to be 3.5–7.0. Some recommendations on forebody shape optimization are provided. Main characteristics of the air inlet are evaluated.  相似文献   
Position and Velocity Estimation Via Bearing Observations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The problem of performing target motion analysis using noisy bearing measurements derived from multiple observation platforms or from a single moving observer is addressed. For the latter case, the properties of an estimator based on a Cartesian model of the process are detailed. Methods of providing estimates both before an observer maneuver, when the process is unobservable, and following an observer maneuver are developed. The results of an experimental study are presented.  相似文献   
The use of data obtained by a monopulse radar to estimate the location of the radar cross-section centroid of an ensemble of scatterers is discussed. Both dish and phased-array antenna radars are treated. Expressions for the bias and variance of the centroid estimates are presented, including the effects of the radar receiver and beam pattern characteristics, receiver noise, and the video waveform sampling granularity, as well as the target properties. The monopulse tracking approach discussed here is contrasted with a raster scan approach presented previously.  相似文献   
Using satellite data obtained near the equatorial plane during 12 magnetic storms with amplitudes from ?61 down to ?422 nT, the dependences of maximum in L-profile of pressure (L m) of the ring current (RC) on the current value of D st are constructed, and their analytical approximations are derived. It is established that function L m(D st ) is steeper on the phase of recovery than during the storm’s main phase. The form of the outer edge of experimental radial profiles of RC pressure is studied, and it is demonstrated to correspond to exponential growth of the total energy of RC particles on a given L shell with decreasing L. It is shown that during the storms’ main phase the ratio of plasma and magnetic field pressures at the RC maximum does not practically depend on the storm strength and L m value. This fact reflects resistance of the Earth’s magnetic field to RC expansion, and testifies that during storms the possibilities of injection to small L are limited for RC particles. During the storms’ recovery phase this ratio quickly increases with increasing L m, which reflects an increased fraction of plasma in the total pressure balance. It is demonstrated that function L m(D st ) is derived for the main phase of storms from the equations of drift motion of RC ions in electrical and magnetic fields, reflecting the dipole character of magnetic field and scale invariance of the pattern of particle convection near the RC maximum. For the recovery phase it is obtained from the Dessler-Parker-Sckopke relationship. The obtained regularities allow one to judge about the radial profile of RC pressure from ground-based magnetic measurements (data on the D st variation).  相似文献   
Since the flyby observations by Mariner 10 in 1974 and 1975, Mercury has been one of the most interesting objects for space physics and planetary exploration. The MESSENGER and BepiColombo missions now plan to revisit this planet. In order to design plasma instruments for the BepiColombo mission, we have estimated electron and ion fluxes around Mercury with an empirical model, which has been developed for the Earth’s magnetotail. The solar wind data needed as input parameters are derived from Helios observations. The result shows that our predicted electron fluxes at aphelion agree well with the Mariner-10 data. It is also noted that ion instruments must cover a very wide dynamic range of proton fluxes. However, the applicability of the Earth’s magnetospheric model to Mercury is, in itself, an important issue for comparative magnetospheric studies.  相似文献   
Effect of the size of rhizospheric bacterial populations on germination of seeds and development of simple terrestrial "wheat plants--rhizospheric microorganisms--artificial soil" and "wheat plants-artificial soil" systems has been studied. Experiments demonstrated that within specify ranges in the inoculate, the rhizospheric bacteria are capable of increasing the yield of germinated seeds and stimulate the growth of plantlets. Germination of seeds inoculated with bacteria was either stimulated, or inhibited or remained at control levels depending on the amount of bacteria. Plant biomass growth and total photoassimilation has been found to depend on the amount of bacteria on the plant roots: the higher the amount of bacteria on plant roots, the smaller is the biomass of plants but the total photoassimilation is, higher. Thus, depending on the amount of bacteria on the roots of plants the system either increases the biomass of plants or increases the total photoassimilation, i.e. "pumps" carbon through itself involving bacteria. Grant numbers: N99-04-96017, N15.  相似文献   
The results of experiments aboard spacecraft demonstrated the dependence of the pattern of biological processes on microgravity and on the ability of biological objects to adapt themselves to new environmental conditions. This is of fundamental importance for solving theoretical and practical problems of space biology, or elaborating the theory of organism's behavior in weightlessness, and for elucidating the global mechanisms of the action of microgravity on living systems.  相似文献   
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