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Tracking with classification-aided multiframe data association   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In most conventional tracking systems, only the target kinematic information from, for example, a radar or sonar or an electro-optical sensor, is used in measurement-to-track association. Target class information, which is typically used in postprocessing, can also be used to improve data association to give better tracking accuracy. The use of target class information in data association can improve discrimination by yielding purer tracks and preserving their continuity. In this paper, we present the simultaneous use of target classification information and target kinematic information for target tracking. The approach presented integrates target class information into the data association process using the 2-D (one track list and one measurement list) as well as multiframe (one track list and multiple measurement lists) assignments. The multiframe association likelihood is developed to include the classification results based on the "confusion matrix" that specifies the accuracy of the target classifier. The objective is to improve association results using class information when the kinematic likelihoods are similar for different targets, i.e., there is ambiguity in using kinematic information alone. Performance comparisons with and without the use of class information in data association are presented on a ground target tracking problem. Simulation results quantify the benefits of classification-aided data association for improved target tracking, especially in the presence of association uncertainty in the kinematic measurements. Also, the benefit of 5-D (or multiframe) association versus 2-D association is investigated for different quality classifiers. The main contribution of this paper is the development of the methodology to incorporate exactly the classification information into multidimensional (multiframe) association.  相似文献   
Calculations to predict the radiation environment for spacecraft in low earth orbit sometimes ignore the contribution from secondary radiation products. However, the contribution of secondaries, particularly neutrons, on heavy spacecraft or in planetary bodies can be of concern for biological systems. The Shuttle Activation Monitor (SAM) and Cosmic Radiation Effects and Activation Monitor (CREAM) experiments provide valuable data on secondary (as well as primary) radiation effects. Comparisons have been made between induced activity from flight-exposed samples, induced activity in a ground-irradiated sample, and Monte Carlo-derived predictions with and without secondaries. These comparisons show that for a flight-exposed sample, predictions which omit the secondary contribution result in a spectrum that is too low by a factor of 2. The addition of the secondaries results in a predicted spectrum that closely matches the measured data.  相似文献   
A linear daisy chain of processors in which processor load is divisible and shared among the processors is examined. It is shown that two or more processors can be collapsed into a single equivalent processor. This equivalence allows a characterization of the nature of the minimal time solution, a simple method to determine when to distribute load for linear daisy chain networks of processors without front end communication subprocessors and closed form expressions for the equivalent processing speed of infinitely large daisy chains of processors  相似文献   
Eye movements serves to hold the gaze steady or to shift the gaze to an object of interest. On Earth, signals from otoliths can be interpreted either as linear motion or as tilt with respect to gravity. In microgravity, static tilt will no longer give rise to changes in otolith activity. However, linear acceleration as well as angular acceleration stimulate the otolith organ. Therefore, during adaptation to microgravity, otolith-mediated response such as eye movements alter. In this study, we analyzed the eye movements of goldfish during linear acceleration. The eye movements during rectangular linear acceleration along the different body axis were video-recorded. The vertical eye rotations were analyzed frame by frame. In normal fish, leftward lateral acceleration induced downward eye rotation in the left eye and upward eye rotation in the right eye. Acceleration from caudal to rostral evoked downward eye rotation in both eyes. When the direction of acceleration was shifted 15 degrees left, the responses in the left eye disappeared. These results suggested that otolith organs in each side were stimulated differently.  相似文献   
The emergence of land-based positioning and navigation systems is the direct result of advancements in technologies relating to geographic information, wireless data communication, and navigation. The increasing demand for these systems has stimulated their rapid development. This paper identifies the wide variety of land-based positioning and navigation systems and classifies them into five groups. The basic system elements that are required in all land-based positioning and navigation systems are also discussed. A proposed system infrastructure that supports the five types of land-based positioning and navigation systems is described. The specific technologies integrated in this proposed infrastructure include the Global Positioning System (GPS), differential GPS, and the MOBITEX wireless wide area packet data networks. Real-time wireless mobile data communication is a key component of any land-based positioning and navigation system. Finally, the evaluation criteria necessary for field testing a pilot land-based positioning and navigation system are presented. This pilot system is used to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed system design  相似文献   
The processes resulting from the introduction of the tranagenic microorganism (TM) E. coli Z905/pPHL7 into aquatic microcosms have been modeled experimentally. It has been shown that the TM E. coli is able to adapt to a long co-existence with indigenous heterotrophic microflora in variously structured microcosms. In more complex microcosms the numerical dynamics of the introduced E. coli Z905/pPHL7 population is more stable. In the TM populations staying in the microcosms for a prolonged time, changes are recorded in the phenotypic expression of plasmid genes (ampicillin resistance and the luminescence level) and chromosome genes (morphological and physiological traits). However, in our study microcosms, the recombinant plasmid persisted in the TM cells for 6 years after the introduction, and as the population adapts to the conditions of the microcosms, the efficiency of the cloned gene expression in the cells is restored. In the microcosms with high microalgal counts (10(7) cells/ml), cells with a high threshold of sensitivity to ampicillin dominate in the population of the TM E. coli Z905/pPHL7.  相似文献   
Phototropism as well as gravitropism plays a role in the oriented growth of roots in flowering plants. In blue or white light, roots exhibit negative phototropism, but red light induces positive phototropism in Arabidopsis roots. Phytochrome A (phyA) and phyB mediate the positive red-light-based photoresponse in roots since single mutants (and the double phyAB mutant) were severely impaired in this response. In blue-light-based negative phototropism, phyA and phyAB (but not phyB) were inhibited in the response relative to the WT. In root gravitropism, phyB and phyAB (but not phyA) were inhibited in the response compared to the WT. The differences observed in tropistic responses were not due to growth limitations since the growth rates among all the mutants tested were not significantly different from that of the WT. Thus, our study shows that the blue-light and red-light systems interact in roots and that phytochrome plays a key role in plant development by integrating multiple environmental stimuli.  相似文献   
Much has been written in the last ten years about how the use of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components would revolutionize the aerospace industry avionics, communication, navigation, surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) as well as global air traffic management (GATM). Civil aviation authorities around the world have been faced with numerous requests to certify aircraft containing increasing percentages of COTS components, much of it never designed or intended for use in the safety critical environment of an aircraft. Product service history is one method for demonstrating that such software is acceptable for use. In theory, product service history would seem to be a fairly simple concept, both to understand and to apply. However, in practice, such use has proven extremely problematic, as questions of how to measure the historic performance and the relevance of the provided data have surfaced. This paper elaborates a research effort funded by the United States Federal Aviation Administration to collect, analyze, and synthesize what is known and understood about applying product service history. The effort is limited to the topic of software product service history as applied in the certification of airborne systems and equipment.  相似文献   
The high speed anti-radiation missile (HARM) is an air-to-surface tactical missile designed to seek and destroy enemy radar-equipped air defense systems. Unfortunately, the HARM is "no respecter of persons," and it has been known, most notably during the Gulf War, to attack "friendly" targets. The international HARM upgrade project is a tri-national missile technology project sponsored by the United States, Italian, and German governments. The HARM precision navigation upgrade (PNU) program has as its goal, the development and installation of a PNU into the HARM that will improve the weapon's effectiveness, while nearly eliminating the likelihood of fratricide. The precision navigation system consists of a modern selective availability anti-spoofing module (SAASM) based Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, and an inertial measurement unit (IMU), consisting of state-of-the-art fiber optic gyros and a modern micro-machined accelerometer triad.  相似文献   
When a parallel resonant tank is excited by a bipolar current pulse train a sinusoidal voltage develops across the tank whose amplitude depends on the duty cycle of the pulse train. An isolated secondary can be derived by applying the tank voltage to an isolation transformer whose magnetizing inductance acts as the resonant inductor of the tank circuit. A dc output voltage is obtained after rectification and filtering of the sinusoidal secondary voltage and regulation is achieved by controlling the duty cycle of the pulse train. The sinusoidal nature of the voltage across the isolation transformer alleviates some of the noise problem associated with parasitic capacitances of an isolation transformer when operated with square voltage waveform. In this work the dc and small-signal analysis of the converter is given and an equivalent small-signal circuit model is derived. Experimental results which confirm the validity of the model are presented.  相似文献   
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