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The THEMIS mission provides unprecedented multi-point observations of the magnetosphere in conjunction with an equally unprecedented dense network of ground measurements. However, coverage of the magnetosphere is still sparse. In order to tie together the THEMIS observations and to understand the data better, we will use the Open Geospace General Circulation Model (OpenGGCM), a global model of the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. OpenGGCM solves the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in the outer magnetosphere and couples via field aligned current (FAC), electric potential, and electron precipitation to a ionosphere potential solver and the Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Model (CTIM). The OpenGGCM thus provides a global comprehensive view of the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. An OpenGGCM simulation of one of the first substorms observed by THEMIS on 23 March 2007 shows that the OpenGGCM reproduces the observed substorm signatures very well, thus laying the groundwork for future use of the OpenGGCM to aid in understanding THEMIS data and ultimately contributing to a comprehensive model of the substorm process.  相似文献   
Despite the numerous modeling efforts of the past, our knowledge on the radiation-induced physical and chemical processes in Europa’s tenuous atmosphere and on the exchange of material between the moon’s surface and Jupiter’s magnetosphere remains limited. In lack of an adequate number of in situ observations, the existence of a wide variety of models based on different scenarios and considerations has resulted in a fragmentary understanding of the interactions of the magnetospheric ion population with both the moon’s icy surface and neutral gas envelope. Models show large discrepancy in the source and loss rates of the different constituents as well as in the determination of the spatial distribution of the atmosphere and its variation with time. The existence of several models based on very different approaches highlights the need of a detailed comparison among them with the final goal of developing a unified model of Europa’s tenuous atmosphere. The availability to the science community of such a model could be of particular interest in view of the planning of the future mission observations (e.g., ESA’s JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission, and NASA’s Europa Clipper mission). We review the existing models of Europa’s tenuous atmosphere and discuss each of their derived characteristics of the neutral environment. We also discuss discrepancies among different models and the assumptions of the plasma environment in the vicinity of Europa. A summary of the existing observations of both the neutral and the plasma environments at Europa is also presented. The characteristics of a global unified model of the tenuous atmosphere are, then, discussed. Finally, we identify needed future experimental work in laboratories and propose some suitable observation strategies for upcoming missions.  相似文献   
The goal of mission-oriented theory is to develop techniques and models which can be used by experimentalists and theorists to interpret spacecraft measurements, deducing from them the maximum amount of information about both local and large-scale dynamics. To be effective, theorists and experimentalists must express their results in a common format. A reasonable starting point is for mission theorists to adopt the format currently used by experimentalists. To this end we have developed new diagnostics for plasma kinetic simulations, which display the results in formats very similar to those commonly used to present satellite wave and particle measurements. We have used a simulation of broadband electrostatic noise to demonstrate how, by comparing simulation results with observations, we can infer quantities which cannot be measured, such as the wave mode. We are also developing the capability of creating data streams from virtual spacecraft located in the simulation region. For example, we used a kinetic magnetopause simulation to explore the ways in which simulations can assist in the interpretation of single and multiple satellite measurements in regions of strong spatial inhomogeneity. To address directly the mission objective of measuring global transport, global MHD models are employed. In order to facilitate the initial comparison with ISTP satellites, time histories of simulated generic states of the magnetosphere will be stored on optical disks; these will then be used to create dynamical displays of both local parameters and the global configuration. Finally we demonstrate the use of data based phenomenological magnetic field models in single particle trajectory calculations to describe large-scale kinetic properties of the magnetospheric plasma. We briefly discuss the success of large-scale kinetic calculations in delineating the structure of the plasma sheet, and present some possible ISTP research initiatives which can be used to determine the structure of the very distant tail and the entry of plasma into the tail.  相似文献   
Massive stars, at least \(\sim10\) times more massive than the Sun, have two key properties that make them the main drivers of evolution of star clusters, galaxies, and the Universe as a whole. On the one hand, the outer layers of massive stars are so hot that they produce most of the ionizing ultraviolet radiation of galaxies; in fact, the first massive stars helped to re-ionize the Universe after its Dark Ages. Another important property of massive stars are the strong stellar winds and outflows they produce. This mass loss, and finally the explosion of a massive star as a supernova or a gamma-ray burst, provide a significant input of mechanical and radiative energy into the interstellar space. These two properties together make massive stars one of the most important cosmic engines: they trigger the star formation and enrich the interstellar medium with heavy elements, that ultimately leads to formation of Earth-like rocky planets and the development of complex life. The study of massive star winds is thus a truly multidisciplinary field and has a wide impact on different areas of astronomy.In recent years observational and theoretical evidences have been growing that these winds are not smooth and homogeneous as previously assumed, but rather populated by dense “clumps”. The presence of these structures dramatically affects the mass loss rates derived from the study of stellar winds. Clump properties in isolated stars are nowadays inferred mostly through indirect methods (i.e., spectroscopic observations of line profiles in various wavelength regimes, and their analysis based on tailored, inhomogeneous wind models). The limited characterization of the clump physical properties (mass, size) obtained so far have led to large uncertainties in the mass loss rates from massive stars. Such uncertainties limit our understanding of the role of massive star winds in galactic and cosmic evolution.Supergiant high mass X-ray binaries (SgXBs) are among the brightest X-ray sources in the sky. A large number of them consist of a neutron star accreting from the wind of a massive companion and producing a powerful X-ray source. The characteristics of the stellar wind together with the complex interactions between the compact object and the donor star determine the observed X-ray output from all these systems. Consequently, the use of SgXBs for studies of massive stars is only possible when the physics of the stellar winds, the compact objects, and accretion mechanisms are combined together and confronted with observations.This detailed review summarises the current knowledge on the theory and observations of winds from massive stars, as well as on observations and accretion processes in wind-fed high mass X-ray binaries. The aim is to combine in the near future all available theoretical diagnostics and observational measurements to achieve a unified picture of massive star winds in isolated objects and in binary systems.  相似文献   
In this paper, we show how standard GIS operations like the complement, union, intersection, and buffering of maps can be made more flexible by using fuzzy set theory. In particular, we present a variety of algorithms for operations on fuzzy raster maps, focusing on buffer operations for such maps. Furthermore, we show how widely-available special-purpose hardware (in particular, z-buffering in graphics hardware) can be used for supporting buffer operations in fuzzy geographic information systems (GIS).  相似文献   
在过去十年,可以看到军用和民用相控阵雷达系统的快速发展。新的大项计划(欧洲也有)是这一领域的技术驱动因素。本文目的在于简述用相控阵雷达所能完成的挑战性雷达任务,地面、舰载、机载和星载系统的主要应用,关键的技术和未来的应用问题。  相似文献   
THEMIS was launched on February 17, 2007 to determine the trigger and large-scale evolution of substorms. During the first seven months of the mission the five satellites coasted near their injection orbit to avoid differential precession in anticipation of orbit placement, which started in September 2007 and led to a commencement of the baseline mission in December 2007. During the coast phase the probes were put into a string-of-pearls configuration at 100 s of km to 2 RE along-track separations, which provided a unique view of the magnetosphere and enabled an unprecedented dataset in anticipation of the first tail season. In this paper we describe the first THEMIS substorm observations, captured during instrument commissioning on March 23, 2007. THEMIS measured the rapid expansion of the plasma sheet at a speed that is commensurate with the simultaneous expansion of the auroras on the ground. These are the first unequivocal observations of the rapid westward expansion process in space and on the ground. Aided by the remote sensing technique at energetic particle boundaries and combined with ancillary measurements and MHD simulations, they allow determination and mapping of space currents. These measurements show the power of the THEMIS instrumentation in the tail and the radiation belts. We also present THEMIS Flux Transfer Events (FTE) observations at the magnetopause, which demonstrate the importance of multi-point observations there and the quality of the THEMIS instrumentation in that region of space.  相似文献   
Although a large fraction of the world's biomass resides in the subsurface, there has been no study of the effects of catastrophic disturbance on the deep biosphere and the rate of its subsequent recovery. We carried out an investigation of the microbiology of a 1.76 km drill core obtained from the ~35 million-year-old Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA, with robust contamination control. Microbial enumerations displayed a logarithmic downward decline, but the different gradient, when compared to previously studied sites, and the scatter of the data are consistent with a microbiota influenced by the geological disturbances caused by the impact. Microbial abundance is low in buried crater-fill, ocean-resurge, and avalanche deposits despite the presence of redox couples for growth. Coupled with the low hydraulic conductivity, the data suggest the microbial community has not yet recovered from the impact ~35 million years ago. Microbial enumerations, molecular analysis of microbial enrichment cultures, and geochemical analysis showed recolonization of a deep region of impact-fractured rock that was heated to above the upper temperature limit for life at the time of impact. These results show how, by fracturing subsurface rocks, impacts can extend the depth of the biosphere. This phenomenon would have provided deep refugia for life on the more heavily bombarded early Earth, and it shows that the deeply fractured regions of impact craters are promising targets to study the past and present habitability of Mars.  相似文献   
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