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提出一种递归算法生成矩形毛坯两维两段排样方式。这种算法将板材分成两段,同一段中所有条带的长度和方向都相同,二段的条带方向相互平行或垂直,不同尺寸的毛坯可以在一根条带中出现。通过递归在段上生成最优条带布局,隐式地讨论所有长度的段,确定所有两段组合的价值,选择价值最大的一个组合作为最优解。计算结果表明,该算法在计算时间和材料利用率两方面都有效。最后,一个实际问题的解表明:使用该算法,材料利用率较高。  相似文献   
风能转换系统具有很强的非线性,为了解决风能转换系统的建模困难问题,实现额定风速以下风能捕获率的最大化,根据数据驱动控制理论,在风能转换系统中采用数据驱动的最优控制方法。利用风能转换系统的输入输出数据获取马尔可夫参数,并构造一个数据驱动的控制器状态观测器,通过差分R iccati方程的闭合解设计出最优反馈控制器。仿真结果表明,采用数据驱动的最优控制方法,功率系数和叶尖速比都可以维持在最优值附近,有效地实现额定风速以下风能转换系统的最大风能捕获。  相似文献   
一种航空装备使用最优梯次间隔时间计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对航空装备使用因梯次计划不合理,出现大修积压,影响装备在位率等问题,综合考虑装备在位率要求、大修厂修理能力、装备实际余寿等各项因素,提出了一种装备使用最优梯次间隔计算方法,并通过算例进行了仿真说明。结果表明,该方法可针对实际装备剩余寿命,给出最优梯次间隔时间参考建议,可为装备有效使用提供参考。  相似文献   
Knowledge about the rotation properties of space debris objects is essential for the active debris removal missions, accurate re-entry predictions and to investigate the long-term effects of the space environment on the attitude motion change. Different orbital regions and object’s physical properties lead to different attitude states and their change over time.Since 2007 the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) performs photometric measurements of space debris objects. To June 2016 almost 2000 light curves of more than 400 individual objects have been acquired and processed. These objects are situated in all orbital regions, from low Earth orbit (LEO), via global navigation systems orbits and high eccentricity orbit (HEO), to geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO). All types of objects were observed including the non-functional spacecraft, rocket bodies, fragmentation debris and uncorrelated objects discovered during dedicated surveys. For data acquisition, we used the 1-meter Zimmerwald Laser and Astrometry Telescope (ZIMLAT) at the Swiss Optical Ground Station and Geodynamics Observatory Zimmerwald, Switzerland. We applied our own method of phase-diagram reconstruction to extract the apparent rotation period from the light curve. Presented is the AIUB’s light curve database and the obtained rotation properties of space debris as a function of object type and orbit.  相似文献   
The Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) technology is used to accurately determine the position of space objects equipped with so-called retro-reflectors or retro-reflector arrays (RRA). This type of measurement allows to measure the range to the spacecraft with high precision, which leads to determination of very accurate orbits for these targets. Non-active spacecraft, which are not attitude controlled any longer, tend to start to spin or tumble under influence of the external and internal torques and forces.If the return signal is measured for a non-spherical non-active rotating object, the signal in the range residuals with respect to the reference orbit is more complex. For rotating objects the return signal shows an oscillating pattern or patterns caused by the RRA moving around the satellite’s centre of mass. This behaviour is projected onto the radial component measured by the SLR.In our work, we demonstrate how the SLR ranging technique from one sensor to a satellite equipped with a RRA can be used to precisely determine its spin motion during one passage. Multiple SLR measurements of one target over time allow to accurately monitor spin motion changes which can be further used for attitude predictions. We show our solutions of the spin motion determined for the non-active ESA satellite Envisat obtained from measurements acquired during years 2013–2015 by the Zimmerwald SLR station, Switzerland. All the necessary parameters are defined for our own so-called point-like model which describes the motion of a point in space around the satellite centre of mass.  相似文献   
为进一步从飞行动力学角度解决面向任务的多耦合因素下飞行安全评估问题,对现有飞行安全评估方法 进行了梳理,对各种评估方法的发展起源、评估流程、评价指标、应用不足进行了初步探讨。研究表明,各种评估方 法在应用上各有优缺点。从飞行动力学角度而言,层次分析法、故障树分析法和时间裕度法对解决多耦合因素下 飞行安全问题,具有较强的借鉴意义。后续可结合人因可靠性,飞行安全边界界定,将层次分析法、故障树法和时 间裕度法融合,发展一种新的面向任务的基于系统安全性和飞行动力学的具有更广泛意义的飞行安全评估方法。  相似文献   
智能制造的发展使得我国制造业对自动化和信息化产生了迫切的需求。为工业现场建立使用便捷、初始投入及维护成本低廉的远程调试系统是制造商对生产设备智能化维护的现实需求。开发了一套低成本远程调试系统,在设备出现故障后可快速搭建一条从工业现场到运维中心的专用通路进行远程调试。该系统可广泛应用在电机生产线的远程维护中。对系统的基础构架进行了介绍,详细描述了系统核心设备的开发要点,并举例说明了系统的实际应用方案。  相似文献   
在考虑中心锥、波瓣混合器、火焰稳定器以及加力燃烧室筒体影响的条件下,将轴对称收扩喷管改型设计为圆转矩形基准喷管,进一步在喷管出口进行修型设计.并对不同锯齿喷管流动、换热与红外辐射特征进行了数值分析.得到如下结论:考虑高温部件后,喷管红外辐射强度的方向性特征更加明显;相比圆转矩形基准喷管,采用多个小尺寸锯齿时,射流高温区长度有一定缩短,采用单个大尺寸锯齿时,高温区长度进一步缩短,其正后方红外辐射强度降低;将轴对称收扩喷管改为圆转矩形喷管并加装锯齿后,强化尾喷流与外流掺混,降低其红外辐射强度的同时带来了一定的推力损失.  相似文献   
文章参考和吸收了国内外最新的航天器环境试验相关标准和技术文献的内容,结合我国当前试验设备能力和试验技术的发展,通过充分调研,了解同行业各单位的工作实际,根据试验验证情况,以GJB 1027A《运载器、上面级和航天器试验要求》为指导,参考GJB 1197—1991《卫星声试验方法》中行波声场试验部分和GJB 1197A《航天器声试验方法》的相关内容,对航天器组件产品噪声试验方法进行综述。内容可为航天器组件产品噪声试验提供指导,并为航天器组件产品噪声试验方法标准及规范制定提供参考。  相似文献   
对于天线单元数较少的一维综合孔径微波辐射计,系统的采样基线数有限,导致辐射计对目标在空间频率域的采样产生截断,在成像结果中引起明显的吉布斯误差.实际应用中通常选择加窗函数来抑制吉布斯误差,但是加窗函数会降低辐射计系统的空间分辨率.为抑制一维综合孔径辐射计成像的吉布斯误差,提出了基于CLEAN算法的校正算法.针对目前已完成的8单元辐射计地面样机系统,通过仿真实验,验证了CLEAN算法对于抑制辐射计成像结果中吉布斯误差的有效性.  相似文献   
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