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Outer radius variations play an important role in the disc structure and evolution. We consider theoretical and observational consequences of such variations in cataclysmic binaries and low-mass X-ray binaries. We find that the action of tidal torques must be important well inside the tidal radius. We also conclude that it is doubtful that the tidal–thermal instability is responsible for the superoutburst/superhump phenomena.  相似文献   
We discuss the results of measurements made with the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard the Mars Express spacecraft. The data were obtained in the beginning of the mission and correspond to the end of summer in the southern hemisphere of Mars (L s ~ 340°). Three orbits are considered, two of which passed through volcanoes Olympus and Ascraeus Mons (the height above the surface is about +20 km), while the third orbit intersects lowland Hellas (?7 km). The influence of the relief on the properties of the aerosol observed is demonstrated: clouds of water ice with a visual optical thickness of 0.1–0.5 were observed above volcanoes, while only dust was found during the observations (close in time) along the orbit passing through Hellas in low and middle latitudes. This dust is homogeneously mixed with gas and has a reduced optical thickness of 0.25±0.05 (at v = 1100 cm?1). In addition to orographic clouds, ice clouds were observed in this season in the northern polar region. The clouds seen in the images obtained simultaneously by the mapping spectrometer OMEGA confirm the PFS results. Temperature inversion is discovered in the north polar hood below the level 1 mbar with a temperature maximum at about 0.6 mbar. This inversion is associated with descending movements in the Hadley cell.  相似文献   
An international effort dedicated to the science exploration of Jupiter system planned by ESA and NASA in the beginning of the next decade includes in-depth science investigation of Europa. In parallel to EJSM (Europa-Jupiter System Mission) Russia plans a Laplace-Europa Lander mission, which will include another orbiter and the surface element: Europa Lander. In-situ methods on the lander provide the only direct way to assess environmental conditions, and to perform the search for signatures of life. A critical advantage of such in situ analysis is the possibility to enhance concentration and detection limits and to provide ground truth for orbital measurements. The science mission of the lander is biological, geophysical, chemical, and environmental characterizations of the Europa surface. This review is dedicated to methods and strategies of geophysical and environmental measurements to be performed at the surface of Europa, and their significance for the biological assessment, basing on the concept of a relatively large softly landed module, allowing to probe a shallow subsurface. Many of the discussed methods were presented on the workshop “Europa Lander: Science Goals and Experiments” held in Moscow in February 2009. Methods and instruments are grouped into geophysical package, means of access to the subsurface, methods of chemical and structural characterization, and methods to assess physical conditions on the surface.  相似文献   
The international Cassini/Huygens mission consists of the Cassini Saturn Orbiter spacecraft and the Huygens Titan Probe that is targeted for entry into the atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. From launch on October 15, 1997 to arrival at Saturn in July 2004, Cassini/Huygens will travel over three billion kilometers. Once in orbit about Saturn, Huygens is released from the orbiter and enters Titan's atmosphere. The Probe descends by parachute and measures the properties of the atmosphere. If the landing is gentle, the properties of the surface will be measured too. Then the orbiter commences a four-year tour of the Saturnian system with 45 flybys of Titan and multiple encounters with the icy moons. The rings, the magnetosphere and Saturn itself are all studied as well as the interactions among them. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
An instrument for measuring shear forces in hypersonic wind-tunnel flow is described. Unique mechanical deflection-spring applications with inductive displacement pickups are used. The ability to analyze and remove the unwanted effects is demonstrated for the novel design concept.  相似文献   
CIVA (Comet Infrared and Visible Analyser) is an integrated set of imaging instruments, designed to characterize the 360 panorama (CIVA-P) as seen from the Rosetta Lander Philae, and to study surface and subsurface samples (CIVA-M). CIVA-P is a panoramic stereo camera, while CIVA-M is an optical microscope coupled to a near infrared microscopic hyperspectral imager. CIVA shares a common Imaging Main Electronics (IME) with ROLIS. CIVA-P will characterize the landing site, with an angular sampling (IFOV) of 1.1 mrad: each pixel will image a 1 mm size feature at the distance of the landing legs, and a few metres at the local horizon. The panorama will be mapped by 6 identical miniaturized micro-cameras covering contiguous FOV, with their optical axis 60 apart. Stereoscopic capability will be provided by an additional micro-camera, identical to and co-aligned with one of the panoramic micro-camera, with its optical axis displaced by 10 cm. CIVA-M combines two ultra-compact and miniaturised microscopes, one operating in the visible and one constituting an IR hyperspectral imaging spectrometer: they will characterize, by non-destructive analyses, the texture, the albedo, the molecular and the mineralogical composition of each of the samples provided by the Sample Drill and Distribution (SD2) system. For the optical microscope, the spatial sampling is 7 μm; for the IR, the spectral range (1–4 μm) and the spectral sampling (5 nm) have been chosen to allow identification of most minerals, ices and organics, on each pixel, 40 μm in size. After being studied by CIVA, the sample could be analysed by a subsequent experiment (PTOLEMY and/or COSAC). The process would be repeated for each sample obtained at different depths and/or locations.  相似文献   
The paper describes the Rosetta Lander named Philae and introduces its complement of scientific instruments. Philae was launched aboard the European Space Agency Rosetta spacecraft on 02 March 2004 and is expected to land and operate on the nucleus of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at a distance of about 3 AU from the Sun. Its overall mass is ~98 kg (plus the support systems remaining on the Orbiter), including its scientific payload of ~27 kg. It will operate autonomously, using the Rosetta Orbiter as a communication relay to Earth. The scientific goals of its experiments focus on elemental, isotopic, molecular and mineralogical composition of the cometary material, the characterization of physical properties of the surface and subsurface material, the large-scale structure and the magnetic and plasma environment of the nucleus. In particular, surface and sub-surface samples will be acquired and sequentially analyzed by a suite of instruments. Measurements will be performed primarily during descent and along the first five days following touch-down. Philae is designed to also operate on a long time-scale, to monitor the evolution of the nucleus properties. Philae is a very integrated project at system, science and management levels, provided by an international consortium. The Philae experiments have the potential of providing unique scientific outcomes, complementing by in situ ground truth the Rosetta Orbiter investigations. Philae team members are listed in the acknowledgements  相似文献   
An infrared sounder is being developed in France to observe in 1986 Comet Halley from the Soviet “VEGA” flyby probes. The instrument, called “I.K.S.”, has three measuring channels. Two of these channels will provide the spectrum of the comet emission in the spectral intervals 2.5–5.0 μ and 6–12 μ, at a constant resolution λ/Δλ = 50.The third channel analyzes the comet I.R. image at a spatial frequency of about 1 arc minute?1; two I.R. colours are used in this channel: 7–10 μ and 10–14 μ. From the results expected, it is hoped that (1) most primary simple molecules emitted by the nucleus will be identified; (2) the chemical composition and perhaps crystalline structure of the dust grains and ices released by the comet will be derived; and (3) the diameter of the nucleus and its brightness temperatures will be measured.  相似文献   
The VIRTIS (Visual IR Thermal Imaging Spectrometer) experiment has been one of the most successful experiments built in Europe for Planetary Exploration. VIRTIS, developed in cooperation among Italy, France and Germany, has been already selected as a key experiment for 3 planetary missions: the ESA-Rosetta and Venus Express and NASA-Dawn. VIRTIS on board Rosetta and Venus Express are already producing high quality data: as far as Rosetta is concerned, the Earth-Moon system has been successfully observed during the Earth Swing-By manouver (March 2005) and furthermore, VIRTIS will collect data when Rosetta flies by Mars in February 2007 at a distance of about 200 kilometres from the planet. Data from the Rosetta mission will result in a comparison – using the same combination of sophisticated experiments – of targets that are poorly differentiated and are representative of the composition of different environment of the primordial solar system. Comets and asteroids, in fact, are in close relationship with the planetesimals, which formed from the solar nebula 4.6 billion years ago. The Rosetta mission payload is designed to obtain this information combining in situ analysis of comet material, obtained by the small lander Philae, and by a long lasting and detailed remote sensing of the comet, obtained by instrument on board the orbiting Spacecraft. The combination of remote sensing and in situ measurements will increase the scientific return of the mission. In fact, the “in situ” measurements will provide “ground-truth” for the remote sensing information, and, in turn, the locally collected data will be interpreted in the appropriate context provided by the remote sensing investigation. VIRTIS is part of the scientific payload of the Rosetta Orbiter and will detect and characterise the evolution of specific signatures – such as the typical spectral bands of minerals and molecules – arising from surface components and from materials dispersed in the coma. The identification of spectral features is a primary goal of the Rosetta mission as it will allow identification of the nature of the main constituent of the comets. Moreover, the surface thermal evolution during comet approach to sun will be also studied.  相似文献   
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