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Astrometry is the major astronomical technique to measure distances, masses and motions of stars. Dividing astrometric techniques into five types according to the size of the field in which a single instrument can produce measurements, the present achievements of the Earth-based astrometry are described. The astrometric activities such as measurements of star diameters, double star relative positioning or stellar parallaxes, search for invisible companions, photographic plate reduction, visual and photoelectric meridian and astrolable astrometry are reviewed. Then, the methods used to construct a quasi-inertial celestial reference frame and to materialize it by a fundamental catalogue are presented and discussed. A much better definition of an absolute reference frame is made possible by VLBI, but the problem of extending it to stellar positions is not yet satisfactorily resolved.The limitations of the ground based astrometry are: the atmospheric turbulence and refraction, Earth's motions and the impossibility to view the entire sky with a single instrument. These limitations are discussed and it is shown how astrometry from space can overcome them. A priori, a gain of two orders of magnitudes in accuracy for all types of astrometry is expected, but at this new level of precision, new effects and limitations will appear, as already shown in the studies of the approved programs.Then, the ESA astrometric satellite HIPPARCOS presently under development is presented. The satellite and the payload are described as well as the observing procedures. Several limitations, specific to space borne instrumentation and to the milliarc second accuracy expected have been identified. However the main limitation in precision remains the photon noise. The data reduction methods are sketched. The data downlinked at a rate of 20 kilobits per second have to be used with an equal weight all over the 21/2 years of observation. They are expected to yield a mean accuracy of 2 milliarc seconds in position and parallax and 2 m.a.s. per year in proper motion for most of the 100000 stars of the program (M b < 9). Stars to be observed by HIPPARCOS have to be carefully selected. The main fields in which the results of HIPPARCOS will be used are listed from the proposals made by the scientific community. The task of constructing the HIPPARCOS input catalogue from these proposals is presented.Another feature of the ESA astrometric satellite is the use of the HIPPARCOS star-mapper as a photometric and position survey of the sky. This experiment, called TYCHO, should give at least 400000 star positions with accuracies of the order of 0.03 to 0.15 depending upon the magnitudes. Two colour instantaneous magnitudes should also be obtained to 0.1–0.4 mag. precision.Several Space-Telescope on-board instruments are also capable to make small field astrometric observations. Accurate imaging is possible with the Wide Field and the Faint Object cameras. Lunar occultations will be performed with the High Speed photometer. But the main astrometric mode of the Space Telescope will be the use of the Fine Guidance Sensors to measure the relative positions of stars to ±0.002. It is described together with its main scientific applications.The establishment of an absolute reference frame is subsequently discussed. Plans using simultaneously VLBI, HIPPARCOS, and Space Telescope observations are described. They consist in linking the HIPPARCOS stellar system to quasars via radio-stars or stars in the vicinity of optical quasars.Finally, several space astrometry proposals are described: long focus space astrometry and two versions of space interferometry.  相似文献   
The topics, advanced aircraft electric system and all-electric airplane, inspire a broad range of concepts from the evolutionary to the revolutionary. The revolutionary developments are exciting to the research and development community but find little encouragement or acceptance from airframe developers whose objective is to build an advanced technology airplane using only-off-the-shelf, proven equipment. Their anthem rings "We know how bad the ___________ is, but we have learned to live with it. We have only your vision of how good an advanced system will be and fear to chance it. "However, the cost of living with these known systems combined with the escalating cost of fuel and the military need to address advanced mission capability demands more than a patch called improved reliability and maintainability. The time is at hand to demonstrate an evolutionary approach to achieve a revolutionary improvement. This paper describes an advanced electric system, the life cycle cost improvement anticipated, and the evolutionary means to implementation.  相似文献   
Electromechanical Actuation Technology for the All-Electric Aircraft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electromechanical actuation is a critical element that must be developed and verified to make the all-electric aircraft a viable concept. For several years the Flight Control Division of the Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories has sponsored activities to demonstrate the credibility of electromechanical actuation systems (EMAS) for primary flight control actuation functions. The foundation for these EMAS activities and several electromechanical actuation development programs are described here. One involves the design, fabrication, and laboratory test of a rotary, hingeline electromechanical actuator. Another involves the development and flight test demonstration of a linear electromechanical actuator for controlling an aileron of a C-141 aircraft. A third involves the design and development of a linear electromechanical actuator for missiles having severe performance, temperature, and volumetric requirements. In addition, a brief summary of the results from two aircraft actuation trade studies compare the baseline (conventional) hydraulic flight control system with an all-electric airplane concept including quantitative comparisons of weight, reliability and maintainability, and life cycle costs.  相似文献   
An improved power converter model is developed by combining the average and discrete modeling techniques. The parameter determination of the proposed discrete-average model is shown to be dependent on the type of duty cycle control law and the nature of the error processor used in the feedback loop. Furthermore, the paper pinpoints deficiencies of the conventional loop gain measurement technique which is widely used in industries.  相似文献   
With the increasing size and speed of modern supercomputers, the incredibly complex nonlinear properties of plasmas in the laboratory and in space are being successfully explored in increasing depth. Of particular importance have been numerical simulation techniques involving finite size particles on a discrete mesh. After discussing the importance of this means of understanding a variety of nonlinear plasma phenomena, we describe the basic elements of particle-in-cell simulation and their limitations and advantages. The differencing techniques, stability and accuracy issues, data management and optimization issues are discussed by a simple example of a particle-in-cell code. Recent advances in simulation methods allowing large space and time scales to be treated with minimal sacrifice in physics are reviewed. Various examples of nonlinear processes successfully studied by plasma simulation are given.  相似文献   
On July 5.–6. 1983, during the EXOSAT performance verification (PV) and calibration phase, a raster scan of Cygnus X-2 was performed. In contrast to the previously observed smooth intensity variations on timescales of hours, the source revealed a behaviour unknown until now: active periods with high energy flares recurring on time scales of 300–500 s were interrupted by quiet periods of several hours. At all intensity levels the source spectra clearly require a two component continuum (blackbody + thermal bremsstrahlung). In addition, a weak iron emission line with equivalent widths between 39 an 70 eV was detected. The source has a much harder spectrum during the flares than during quiet periods, indicating drastic temperature changes within the emission region, while the absolute iron line flux does not vary. From the spectral characteristics it becomes clear that self-comptonization of the thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum plays an important role. The time variability and spectral behaviour in this peculiar state allow Cyg X-2 to be classified as a Low Mass X-ray Binary System (LMXB) very similar to the prototype of this class, Sco X-1.  相似文献   
We present optical spectroscopy and photometry of 4U 1258-61 obtained over the course of six years. Evidence for the evolution of a circumstellar envelope throughout the course of the observations is presented.  相似文献   
The Broad-Band X-Ray Telescope (BBXRT) has been designed to perform high sensitivity, moderate resolution spectrophototnetry of X-ray sources in the 0.3–12 keV band from the Shuttle. It consists of a coaligned pair of high throughput, conical X-ray imaging mirrors, with a cryogenically-cooled, multiple element, Si(Li) spectrometer at the focus of each. On axis, BBXRT will have an effective area of 580 cm2 at 2 keV and 250 cm2 at 7 keV, and a spectral resolution of 110 eV at 2 keV and 150 eV at 7 keV. A 104 s observation with BBXRT will allow a determination of the continuum spectral shape for sources near the Einstein deep survey limit.  相似文献   
Priedhorsky  W. 《Space Science Reviews》1985,40(1-2):305-311
We present long-term (1969–1979) observations of Cygnus X-3, obtained by the Vela 5B satellite. The 3–12 keV light curve has 10 day time resolution. Cyg X-3 is a peculiar high-luminosity X-ray source, radiating from the radio region to hard gamma rays of more than 1016 eV. It has a 4.8 hour period, probably orbital, which is not resolved by our present analysis. Long term periodicities of 17, 20, and 33–34 days have been reported by several authors, and explained as the effects of apsidal motion, precession, or an eccentric orbit. We do not observe the 17 and 33–34 day variations, and set upper limits significantly lower than the reported amplitude of the 33–34 day variation. There is weak evidence for a 20 day flux variation. The light curve shows high and low states which alternate with a characteristic timescale of 1 year. There is no counterpart, at this time resolution, of the giant radio outburst of 1972 September.  相似文献   
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