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Many simple radars use fact-risetime pulses, but wide bandwidth does not translate into corresponding high resolution since the spectrum is far from flat. A scheme for enhancing down- and cross-range resolution of multiple targets through a two-step partial equalization of the spectrum is illustrated by detailed computer simulation, with emphasis on the tradeoffs between resolution and signal-to-noise ratios. Three examples are treated: two equal scattering centers, two unequal scattering centers, and compound target  相似文献   
A modular state-variable approach is presented for DC spacecraft power system modeling and simulation. Each modular component is treated as a multiport network, and a state model is written with the port voltages as the inputs. The state model of a component is solved independently of the other components, using its state transition matrix. The state variables of each component are updated, assuming that the inputs are constant. Network analysis principles are then utilized to calculate the component inputs  相似文献   
Multisensor tracking of a maneuvering target in clutter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An algorithm is presented for tracking a highly maneuvering target using two different sensors, a radar and an infrared sensor, assumed to operate in a cluttered environment. The nonparametric probabilist data association filter (PDAF) has been adapted for the multisensor (MS) case, yielding the MSPDAF. To accommodate the fact that the target can be highly maneuvering, the interacting multiple model (IMM) approach is used. The results of single-model-based filters and of the IMM/MSPDAF algorithm with two and three models are presented and compared. The IMM has been shown to be able to adapt itself to the type of motion exhibited by the target in the presence of heavy clutter. It yielded high accuracy in the absence of acceleration and kept the target in track during the high acceleration periods  相似文献   
P.L. Boglar (see ibid., vol.AES-23, no.3, p.298-310, May 1987) developed a recursive formulation of the Chan, Hu, and Plant (CHP) algorithm, and the results of the simulation verified the performance improvements. The commenter claims that Bogler obtained an incorrect recursive formulation of input estimation because he incorrectly used the formulation of the Kalman filter. The commenter presents calculations that aim to demonstrate this claim  相似文献   
Time-resolved spectroscopy during the eclipse of short-period Algol systems, has shown their accretion disks to be small, turbulent structures with non-Keplerian velocity fields and asymmetries between the leading and trailing sides of the disk. These transient disks are produced by the impact of the gas stream on the mass-gaining star, and occur in systems where the star is just large enough to ensure the stream collision is complete. These emission line disks and the excess continuum emission do not always occur together. The permanent accretion disks in at least a few of the long-period Algol systems have features in common with the transient disks including non-Keplerian velocity fields.  相似文献   
Application of digital cross-correlation spectroscopy to the spectra of the W Serpentis binaries SX Cas and RX Cas has allowed an accurate determination of the orbits and rotations of the (mass-losing) K-subgiant secondary components. The distortion of the primary radial-velocity curves due to the influence of the prominent accretion disks in these systems has been modelled to first order. This enables us to estimate k 1, and thereby the mass ratio q ≈ 0.30, to within ~ ± 20%. The absolute radii of the secondaries are derived independently from the observed rotations and periods, assuming synchronous rotation. They show that the stars fill their Roche lobes, or at least very nearly so. Rough fits to the available photometry shows both primaries to be unevolved mid-B stars; that in RX Cas appears completely obscured by the disk. Preliminary spectroscopic data for W Ser and W Cru show some promise for similar analyses of these systems.  相似文献   
This work is concerned with binary systems that we call ‘moderately close’. These are systems in which the primary (by which we mean the initially more massive star) fills its Roche lobe when it is on the giant branch with a deep convective envelope but before helium ignition (late case B). We find that if the mass ratio q(= M 1/M 2) < q crit = 0.7 when the primary fills its Roche lobe positive feedback will lead to a rapid hydrodynamic phase of mass transfer which will probably lead to common envelope evolution and thence to either coalescence or possibly to a close binary in a planetary nebula. Although most Algols have probably filled their Roche lobes before evolving off the main-sequence we find that some could not have and are therefore ‘moderately close’. Since rapid overflow is unlikely to lead to an Algol-like system there must be some way of avoiding it. The most likely possibility is that the primary can lose sufficient mass to reduce q below q crit before overflow begins. Ordinary mass loss rates are insufficient but evidence that enhanced mass loss does take place is provided by RS CVn systems that have inverted mass ratios but have not yet begun mass transfer. We postulate that the cause of enhanced mass loss lies in the heating of the corona by by magnetic fields maintained by an αω dynamo which is enhanced by tidal effects associated with corotation. In order to model the the effects of enhanced mass loss we ignore the details and adopt an empirical approach calibrating a simple formula with the RS CVn system Z Her. Using further empirical relations (deduced from detailed stellar models) that describe the evolution of red giants we have investigated the effect on a large number of systems of various initial mass ratios and periods. These are notable in that some systems can now enter a much gentler Algol-like overflow phase and others are prevented from transferring mass altogether. We have also investigated the effects of enhanced angular momentum loss induced by corotation of the wind in the strong magnetic fields and consider this in relation to observed period changes. We find that a typical ‘moderately close’ Algol-like system evolves through an RS CVn like system and then possibly a symbiotic state before becoming an Algol and then goes on through a red giant-white dwarf state which may become symbiotic before ending up as a double white dwarf system in either a close or wide orbit depending on how much mass is lost before the secondary fills its Roche lobe.  相似文献   
We present light curve solutions for the non-synchronously rotating Algols RW Mon and RW Tau, and we illustrate how rotation rates are determined from light curves. We find RW Mon's primary component to spin at about 5 times the synchronous rate, which confirms the indication of fast rotation from reported emission line activity. RW Tau turns out to be only a mildly rapidly rotating Algol system, and our light curve solutions do not yield any firm value for the rotation rate of the primary component. It is suggested that continued efforts should be made to do good quality line broadening studies in order to find rotation rates for systems with only modest degrees of rapid rotation, and in order to further test photometric rotation rates against those of line broadening studies.  相似文献   
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