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Ulysses plasma measurement from 1.15 to 5.31 AU and from S6.4° to S48.3° solar latitude are used to assess the trends in the solar wind thermal electron temperature and anisotropy. Improved spacecraft potential corrections and data products have been incorporated. The radial temperature gradient is steeper than in previous determinations, but flatter than adiabatic. When normalized to 1 AU, temperature decrease with increasing latitude. Little change in the average thermal anisotropy has been seen during the mission.  相似文献   
The computation of high-accuracy orbits is a prerequisite for the success of Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) missions such as CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE. The mission objectives of these satellites cannot be reached without computing orbits with an accuracy at the few cm level. Such a level of accuracy might be achieved with the techniques of reduced-dynamic and kinematic precise orbit determination (POD) assuming continuous Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking (SST) by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Both techniques have reached a high level of maturity and have been successfully applied to missions in the past, for example to TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P), leading to (sub-)decimeter orbit accuracy. New LEO gravity missions are (to be) equipped with advanced GPS receivers promising to provide very high quality SST observations thereby opening the possibility for computing cm-level accuracy orbits. The computation of orbits at this accuracy level does not only require high-quality GPS receivers, but also advanced and demanding observation preprocessing and correction algorithms. Moreover, sophisticated parameter estimation schemes need to be adapted and extended to allow the computation of such orbits. Finally, reliable methods need to be employed for assessing the orbit quality and providing feedback to the different processing steps in the orbit computation process. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Subspace based direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation has motivated many performance studies, but limitations such as the assumption of an infinite amount of data and analysis of individual algorithms generally exist in these performance studies. The authors have previously proposed a unified performance analysis based on a finite amount of data and achieved a tractable expression for the mean-squared DOA estimation error for the multiple signal classification (MUSIC). Min-Norm, estimation of signal parameters using rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT), and state-space realization algorithms. However, this expression uses the singular values and vectors of a data matrix, which are obtained by the highly nonlinear transformation of the singular value decomposition (SVD). Thus the effects of the original data parameters such as numbers of sensors and snapshots, source coherence and separations were not explicitly analyzed. The authors unify and simplify this previous result and derive a unified expression based on the original data parameters. They analytically observe the effects of these parameters on the estimation error  相似文献   
A study of the distribution of gain-to-noise-temperature (G/T) values for the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) satellite is described. The statistics of the G/T values are determined by a Monte Carlo simulation of the orbital geometry of the Sun and Moon, and the gain and noise temperature calculations is included. The results and their underlying assumptions are described  相似文献   
Far ultraviolet imaging from the IMAGE spacecraft. 2. Wideband FUV imaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mende  S.B.  Heetderks  H.  Frey  H.U.  Lampton  M.  Geller  S.P.  Abiad  R.  Siegmund  O.H.W.  Tremsin  A.S.  Spann  J.  Dougani  H.  Fuselier  S.A.  Magoncelli  A.L.  Bumala  M.B.  Murphree  S.  Trondsen  T. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,91(1-2):271-285
The Far Ultraviolet Wideband Imaging Camera (WIC) complements the magnetospheric images taken by the IMAGE satellite instruments with simultaneous global maps of the terrestrial aurora. Thus, a primary requirement of WIC is to image the total intensity of the aurora in wavelength regions most representative of the auroral source and least contaminated by dayglow, have sufficient field of view to cover the entire polar region from spacecraft apogee and have resolution that is sufficient to resolve auroras on a scale of 1 to 2 latitude degrees. The instrument is sensitive in the spectral region from 140–190 nm. The WIC is mounted on the rotating IMAGE spacecraft viewing radially outward and has a field of view of 17° in the direction parallel to the spacecraft spin axis. Its field of view is 30° in the direction perpendicular to the spin axis, although only a 17°×17° image of the Earth is recorded. The optics was an all-reflective, inverted Cassegrain Burch camera using concentric optics with a small convex primary and a large concave secondary mirror. The mirrors were coated by a special multi-layer coating, which has low reflectivity in the visible and near UV region. The detector consists of a MCP-intensified CCD. The MCP is curved to accommodate the focal surface of the concentric optics. The phosphor of the image intensifier is deposited on a concave fiberoptic window, which is then coupled to the CCD with a fiberoptic taper. The camera head operates in a fast frame transfer mode with the CCD being read approximately 30 full frames (512×256 pixel) per second with an exposure time of 0.033 s. The image motion due to the satellite spin is minimal during such a short exposure. Each image is electronically distortion corrected using the look up table scheme. An offset is added to each memory address that is proportional to the image shift due to satellite rotation, and the charge signal is digitally summed in memory. On orbit, approximately 300 frames will be added to produce one WIC image in memory. The advantage of the electronic motion compensation and distortion correction is that it is extremely flexible, permitting several kinds of corrections including motions parallel and perpendicular to the predicted axis of rotation. The instrument was calibrated by applying ultraviolet light through a vacuum monochromator and measuring the absolute responsivity of the instrument. To obtain the data for the distortion look up table, the camera was turned through various angles and the input angles corresponding to a pixel matrix were recorded. It was found that the spectral response peaked at 150 nm and fell off in either direction. The equivalent aperture of the camera, including mirror reflectivities and effective photocathode quantum efficiency, is about 0.04 cm2. Thus, a 100 Rayleigh aurora is expected to produce 23 equivalent counts per pixel per 10 s exposure at the peak of instrument response.  相似文献   
Neugebauer  M.  Steinberg  J.T.  Tokar  R.L.  Barraclough  B.L.  Dors  E.E.  Wiens  R.C.  Gingerich  D.E.  Luckey  D.  Whiteaker  D.B. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,105(3-4):661-679
Some of the objectives of the Genesis mission require the separate collection of solar wind originating in different types of solar sources. Measurements of the solar wind protons, alpha particles, and electrons are used on-board the spacecraft to determine whether the solar-wind source is most likely a coronal hole, interstream flow, or a coronal mass ejection. A simple fuzzy logic scheme operating on measurements of the proton temperature, the alpha-particle abundance, and the presence of bidirectional streaming of suprathermal electrons was developed for this purpose. Additional requirements on the algorithm include the ability to identify the passage of forward shocks, reasonable levels of hysteresis and persistence, and the ability to modify the algorithm by changes in stored constants rather than changes in the software. After a few minor adjustments, the algorithm performed well during the initial portion of the mission. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
In sensor networks distributed over large areas, communication by means of active transmitters on sensor nodes is inherently energy expensive and poses a significant bottleneck to achieve a long battery life. We propose modulated reradiation of radar illumination as a means to transmit information from a group of sensors to an airborne radar. This puts the communications energy burden on the radar transmitter rather than on the sensor nodes, thus increasing their battery lifetimes. To distinguish the sensor return from the clutter return, the modulation on the sensors is done by switching a nonlinear load on the sensor antenna and processing the harmonic reradiation. We present techniques to transmit information from the sensors, which use stripmap mode synthetic aperture radar (SAR) ideas to decode the information and to simultaneously obtain a geographic map of the sensor locations.  相似文献   
While Ovonic NiMH batteries are already in high volume commercial production for portable applications, advances in materials technology have enabled performance improvements in specific energy (100 Wh/kg), specific power (600-1000 W/kg), high temperature operation, charge retention, and voltage stability. Concurrent with technology advances, Ovonic NiMH batteries have established performance and commercial milestones in electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, as well as scooter, motorcycle and bicycle applications. As important as these advances, significant manufacturing cost reductions have also occurred which allow continued growth of NiMH technology. In this paper, advances in performance, applications and cost reduction are discussed with particular emphasis on the improved proprietary metal hydride and nickel hydroxide materials that make such advances possible  相似文献   
With major emphasis on simulation, a university laboratory telerobotics facility permits problems to be approached by groups of graduate students. Helmet-mounded displays provide realism; the slaving of the display to the human operator's viewpoint gives a sense of `telepresence' that may be useful for prolonged tasks. Using top-down 3-D model control of distant images allows distant images to be reduced to a few parameters to update the model used for display to the human operator in a preview model to circumvent, in part, the communication delay. Also, the model can be used as a format for supervisory control and permit short-term local autonomous operations. Image processing algorithms can be made simpler and faster without trying to construct sensible images from the bottom. Control studies of telerobots lead to preferential manual control modes and, in this university environment, to basic paradigms for human motion and thence, perhaps, to redesign of robotic control, trajectory path planning, and rehabilitation prosthetics. Speculation as to future industrial drives for this telerobotic field suggests efficient roles for government agencies such as NASA  相似文献   
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