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The output of a realizable balanced frequency discriminator is calculated for an input consisting of a sine wave plus Gaussian noise. Explicit autocorrelation and power spectra are found for one practical embodiment of the discriminator for various input carrier-to-noise ratios, with the carrier tuned to center frequency and also off-center. The formulas also permit the calculation of the output for the case of a spectrum of noise slowly swept through the discriminator. Although qualitatively similar to results previously obtained with an ideal discriminator, substantial differences are also found. Measurements are made that closely verified the theoretical results. No limiting is assumed.  相似文献   
In this paper, an overview of the NEWSKY project is given. This project is funded by the European Commission within the 6th framework program and is scheduled to start in early 2007. The NEWSKY project is a feasibility study to clarify if it is possible to establish a heterogeneous network for aeronautical communications which is capable of integrating different communications systems as well as different applications into a single global aeronautical network. The envisaged applications comprise not only air traffic control and management but also airline and passenger communications  相似文献   
A magnetohydrodynamic model of the solar wind flow is constructed using a kinematic approach. It is shown that a phenomenological conductivity of the solar wind plasma plays a key role in the forming of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) component normal to the ecliptic plane. This component is mostly important for the magnetospheric dynamics which is controlled by the solar wind electric field. A simple analytical solution for the problem of the solar wind flow past the magnetosphere is presented. In this approach the magnetopause and the Earth's bow shock are approximated by the paraboloids of revolution. Superposition of the effects of the bulk solar wind plasma motion and the magnetic field diffusion results in an incomplete screening of the IMF by the magnetopause. It is shown that the normal to the magnetopause component of the solar wind magnetic field and the tangential component of the electric field penetrated into the magnetosphere are determined by the quarter square of the magnetic Reynolds number. In final, a dynamic model of the magnetospheric magnetic field is constructed. This model can describe the magnetosphere in the course of the severe magnetic storm. The conditions under which the magnetospheric magnetic flux structure is unstable and can drive the magnetospheric substorm are discussed. The model calculations are compared with the observational data for September 24–26, 1998 magnetic storm (Dst min=−205 nT) and substorm occurred at 02:30 UT on January 10, 1997. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
During 2008, the solar activity is extremely low. The satellite observations show that the ionospheric height and electron density is much lower than the predictions by the international reference ionosphere (IRI) model. In this paper, we compared the slant total electron content (TEC) observed by the COSMIC satellites during 2008 with the IRI model results. It is found that the IRI model with IRI2001 and IRI2001 Cor. topside options will always overestimate the electron density in both lower and higher altitudes. But the rest two topside options (NeQuick, and TTS) tend to overestimate the electron density in the F layer and underestimate it in the topside altitudes. The switch altitude between overestimation and underestimation and the latitude-local time distribution of the model deviation depend on the topside option. The current investigation might be useful for the model improvement as well as data assimilation work based on the IRI model and the LEO TEC data.  相似文献   
The aim of the proposed Beagle 2 small lander for ESA's 2003 Mars Express mission is to search for organic material on and below the surface of Mars and to study the inorganic chemistry and mineralogy of the landing site. The lander will have a total mass of 60kg including entry, descent, and landing system. Experiments will be deployed on the surface using a robotic arm. It will use a mechanical mole and grinder to obtain samples from below the surface, under rocks, and inside rocks. Sample analysis by a mass spectrometer will include isotopic analysis. An optical microscope, an X-ray spectrometer and a Mossbauer spectrometer will conduct in-situ rock studies.  相似文献   
Using empirical velocity distributions derived from UVCS and SUMER ultraviolet spectroscopy, we construct theoretical models of anisotropic ion temperatures in the polar solar corona. The primary energy deposition mechanism we investigate is the dissipation of high frequency (10-10000 Hz) ion-cyclotron resonant Alfvén waves which can heat and accelerate ions differently depending on their charge and mass. We find that it is possible to explain the observed high perpendicular temperatures and strong anisotropies with relatively small amplitudes for the resonant waves. There is suggestive evidence for steepening of the Alfvén wave spectrum between the coronal base and the largest heights observed spectroscopically. Because the ion-cyclotron wave dissipation is rapid, even for minor ions like O5+, the observed extended heating seems to demand a constantly replenished population of waves over several solar radii. This indicates that the waves are generated gradually throughout the wind rather than propagated up from the base of the corona. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Sun–Earth connection is studied using long-term measurements from the Sun and from the Earth. The auroral activity is shown to correlate to high accuracy with the smoothed sunspot numbers. Similarly, both geomagnetic activity and global surface temperature anomaly can be linked to cyclic changes in the solar activity. The interlinked variations in the solar magnetic activity and in the solar irradiance cause effects that can be observed both in the Earth's biosphere and in the electromagnetic environment. The long-term data sets suggest that the increase in geomagnetic activity and surface temperatures are related (at least partially) to longer-term solar variations, which probably include an increasing trend superposed with a cyclic behavior with a period of about 90 years.  相似文献   
We have performed spectral processing of the data of experiments on radio sounding of circumsolar plasma by coherent S- and X-band signals from the spacecraft Ulysses, Mars Express, Rosetta, and Venus Express carried out from 1991 to 2009. The experiments were realized in the mode of coherent response, when a signal stabilized by the hydrogen standard is transmitted from the ground station to a spacecraft, received by the onboard systems, and retransmitted to the Earth with conserved coherence. Thus, the signal sounding the coronal plasma passes twice through the medium: on the propagation path ground station — spacecraft and on the same path in the opposite direction. The spectra of frequency fluctuations in both the bands are obtained and, using them, the radial dependences of fluctuation intensities are found, which can be approximated by a power law. It is shown that the ratio of intensities of frequency fluctuations in the S- and X-bands is comparable with the theoretical value and characterizes the degree of correlation of irregularities of the electron density along the propagation path ground station — spacecraft and back. Analysis of the correlation of frequency fluctuations on the two paths allows one to get a lower estimate of the outer scale of the circumsolar plasma turbulence. For heliocentric distances R = 10 solar radii (R S ) the outer scale is larger than 0.25R S .  相似文献   
The ChemCam instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity will use laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to analyze major and minor element chemistry from sub-millimeter spot sizes, at ranges of ~1.5–7?m. To interpret the emission spectra obtained, ten calibration standards will be carried on the rover deck. Graphite, Ti?metal, and four glasses of igneous composition provide primary, homogeneous calibration targets for the laser. Four granular ceramic targets have been added to provide compositions closer to soils and sedimentary materials like those expected at the Gale Crater field site on Mars. Components used in making these ceramics include basalt, evaporite, and phyllosilicate materials that approximate the chemical compositions of detrital and authigenic constituents of clastic and evaporite sediments, including the elevated sulfate contents present in many Mars sediments and soils. Powdered components were sintered at low temperature (800?°C) with a small amount (9?wt.%) of lithium tetraborate flux to produce ceramics that retain volatile sulfur yet are durable enough for the mission. The ceramic targets are more heterogeneous than the pure element and homogenous glass standards but they provide standards with compositions more similar to the sedimentary rocks that will be Curiosity’s prime targets at Gale Crater.  相似文献   
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