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Transients in the heliosphere, including coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and corotating interaction regions can be imaged to large heliocentric distances by heliospheric imagers (HIs), such as the HIs onboard STEREO and SMEI onboard Coriolis. These observations can be analyzed using different techniques to derive the CME speed and direction. In this paper, we use a three-dimensional (3-D) magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulation to investigate one of these methods, the fitting method of  and . Because we use a 3-D simulation, we can determine with great accuracy the CME initial speed, its speed at 1 AU and its average transit speed as well as its size and direction of propagation. We are able to compare the results of the fitting method with the values from the simulation for different viewing angles between the CME direction of propagation and the Sun-spacecraft line. We focus on one simulation of a wide (120–140°) CME, whose initial speed is about 800 km s−1. For this case, we find that the best-fit speed is in good agreement with the speed of the CME at 1 AU, and this, independently of the viewing angle. The fitted direction of propagation is not in good agreement with the viewing angle in the simulation, although smaller viewing angles result in smaller fitted directions. This is due to the extremely wide nature of the ejection. A new fitting method, proposed to take into account the CME width, results in better agreement between fitted and actual directions for directions close to the Sun–Earth line. For other directions, it gives results comparable to the fitting method of Sheeley et al. (1999). The CME deceleration has only a small effect on the fitted direction, resulting in fitted values about 1–4° higher than the actual values.  相似文献   
The article analyzes new and previously reported data on several catalytic and photochemical processes yielding biologically important molecules. UV-irradiation of formaldehyde aqueous solution yields acetaldehyde, glyoxal, glycolaldehyde and glyceraldehyde, which can serve as precursors of more complex biochemically relevant compounds. Photolysis of aqueous solution of acetaldehyde and ammonium nitrate results in formation of alanine and pyruvic acid. Dehydration of glyceraldehyde catalyzed by zeolite HZSM-5-17 yields pyruvaldehyde. Monosaccharides are formed in the course of the phosphate-catalyzed aldol condensation reactions of glycolaldehyde, glyceraldehyde and formaldehyde. The possibility of the direct synthesis of tetroses, keto- and aldo-pentoses from pure formaldehyde due to the combination of the photochemical production of glycolahyde and phosphate-catalyzed carbohydrate chain growth is demonstrated. Erythrulose and 3-pentulose are the main products of such combined synthesis with selectivity up to 10%. Biologically relevant aldotetroses, aldo- and ketopentoses are more resistant to the photochemical destruction owing to the stabilization in hemiacetal cyclic forms. They are formed as products of isomerization of erythrulose and 3-pentulose. The conjugation of the concerned reactions results in a plausible route to the formation of sugars, amino and organic acids from formaldehyde and ammonia under presumed ‘prebiotic’ conditions.  相似文献   
We investigate the conditions under which the fluting (m=2), m=3, and m=12 magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modes in a uniformly twisted flux tube moving along its axis become unstable in order to model the Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) instability in a twisting solar coronal hole jet near the northern pole of the Sun. We employed the dispersion relations of MHD modes derived from the linearized MHD equations. We assumed real wavenumbers and complex angular wave frequencies, namely complex wave phse velocities. The dispersion relations were solved numerically at fixed input parameters (taken from observational data) and varying degrees of torsion of the internal magnetic field. It is shown that the stability of the modes depends upon five parameters: the density contrast between the flux tube and its environment, the ratio of the external and internal axial magnetic fields, the twist of the magnetic field lines inside the tube, the ratio of transverse and axial jet’s velocities, and the value of the Alfvén Mach number (the ratio of the tube axial velocity to Alfvén speed inside the flux tube). Using a twisting jet of 2010 August 21 by SDO/AIA and other observations of coronal jets we set the parameters of our theoretical model and have obtained that in a twisted magnetic flux tube of radius of 9.8 Mm, at a density contrast of 0.474 and fixed Alfvén Mach number of ?0.76, for the three MHD modes there exist instability windows whose width crucially depends upon the internal magnetic field twist. It is found that for the considered modes an azimuthal magnetic field of 1.31.4 G (computed at the tube boundary) makes the width of the instability windows equal to zero, that is, it suppress the KH instability onset. On the other hand, the times for developing KH instability of the m=12 MHD mode at instability wavelengths between 15 and 12 Mm turn out to be in the range of 1.94.7 min that is in agreement with the growth rates estimated from the temporal evolution of the observed unstable jet’s blobs in their initial stage.  相似文献   
The instrument configuration and performance characteristics of the X-ray imaging telescopes on EXOSAT are described. The instrument comprises two fully independent Wolter I imaging telescopes. Each telescope can be used in either of two principal modes: (i) an imaging mode with either a position sensitive proportional counter or a channel multiplier array plate in the focal plane, (ii) a spectrometer mode which features a 500 lines/mm and/or a 1000 lines/mm transmission grating as dispersive element.Preliminary results from the calibration of the fully integrated experiment indicate an ultimate angular resolution of 8.5 arc sec full width at half maximum or 17.5 arc sec half-power beam width. The ultimate wavelength resolution in the spectrometer mode ranges from 1Å for wavelengths below 50Å, to 5Å at wavelengths near 300Å.A method for estimating the telescope performance is given which reasonably accounts for the influence of the X-ray source spectrum and the degree of interstellar absorption on the counting statistics.A comparison between EXOSAT and the EINSTEIN telescope in terms of band width/resolution and minimum source detectability shows an enhanced potential for EXOSAT relative to EINSTEIN for sources with T 107K and low column densities (< 4 × 1020cm–2) and a reduced potential for sources with hard, or heavily cut-off, spectra.  相似文献   
The ionospheric Nighttime Winter Anomaly (NWA) is a feature observed in the Northern Hemisphere at the American and in the Southern Hemisphere at the Asian longitude sector under low solar activity conditions. Jakowski et al. (2015) analyzed ground-based GPS derived TEC and peak electron density data from radio occultation measurements on Formosat-3/COSMIC satellites and confirmed the persistence of the phenomenon. Further, they assumed that Mid-latitude Summer Nighttime Anomaly (MSNA) and related special anomalies such as the Weddell Sea Anomaly (WSA) and the Okhotsk Sea Anomaly (OSA) are closely related to the NWA via enhanced wind-induced uplifting of the ionosphere. The aim of this paper is to study the factors causing these anomalies and also to investigate if these anomalies are re-produced by IRI. The results show that IRI model does include the NWA effect, though at a different longitude and could be improved for better predictions. The IRI-2016 model does show WSA in TEC but not in NmF2. Further, the IRI-2016 model could clearly predict the OSA both in NmF2 and TEC.  相似文献   
A continual model of humification and mineralization of soil organic matter (SOM) formed under the conditions of a Lunar base from biological waste materials is proposed. The model parameters corresponding to the conditions of several Earths climatic regions are estimated. The time necessary for the formation of organic matter in the soil based on regolith and higher plant residues has been evaluated. Soil formation under tropical conditions are shown to be the most appropriate for Lunar base CELSS due to high matter turnover rate, relatively short formation time, minimum deposited mass, and satisfactory predictability of expected soil parameters.  相似文献   
The whistler-mode waves and electron temperature anisotropy play a key role prior to and during magnetic reconnection. On August 21, 2002, the Cluster spacecrafts encountered a quasi-collisionless magnetic reconnection event when they crossed the plasma sheet. Prior to the southward turning of magnetospheric magnetic field and high speed ion flow, the whistler-mode waves and positive electron temperature anisotropy are simultaneously observed. Theoretic analysis shows that the electrons with positive temperature anisotropy can excite the whistler-mode waves via cyclotron resonances. Using the data of particles and magnetic field, we estimated the whistler-mode wave growth rate and the ratio of whistler-mode growth rate to wave frequency. They are 0.0016fce (Electron cyclotron frequency) and 0.0086fce, respectively. Therefore the whistler-mode waves can grow quickly in the current sheet. The combined observations of energetic electron beams and waves show that after the southward turning of magnetic field, energetic electrons in the reconnection process are accelerated by the whistler-mode waves.  相似文献   
Results of a combination of radio-crossing and in situ measurements of plasma density in an artificial plasma “bubble” in the ionosphere are presented. Shaped — charge barium injection was made at short distance (≤50 m) to plasma diagnostics on the rocket. After injection the rocket passed through expanding plasma shell. Plasma density depletion inside was more than one order and plasma enhancements on the boundary about 3–5 times that of background. When the rocket passed the shell and went away by 2.1 km an abrupt drop of telemetry signal level (≤ 65 dB) was registered though plasma density was not more than 3×103sm−3. An estimation of high frequency signal refraction on the plasma shell is in good accordance with refraction data of geostationary satellite signals on equatorial bubbles.  相似文献   
The hard X-ray spectra of small subset of accreting pulsars show absorption-like line features in the range 10–100 keV. These lines, referred to as cyclotron lines or cyclotron resonance scattering features, are due to photons scattered out of the line of sight by electrons trapped in the 1012 G pulsar polar cap magnetic field. In this paper we present a review of observations, from the discovery of a cyclotron line in Hercules X-1 to recent results with RXTE and INTEGRAL.  相似文献   
SPIRIT (SPectroheliograph Ic soft X-Ray Imaging Telescope) is the current experiment on board theCORONAS-F satellite launched on July 31, 2001 (Oraevskii & Sobelman, 2002). The main goal of this experiment is to study a structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere in the wide scale of heights (from the chromosphere to a far corona) and of temperatures (from ten thousands through thirty millions Kelvins) by means of the XUV imaging spectroscopy. Since the launch of the CORONAS-F satellite more than three hundred thousands of images and spectroheliograms have been recorded. For the first time continuous series of monochromatic full Sun images in MgXII lines at 8.42 Å (doublet: 8.418 and 8.423 Å) were obtained. These series include long-term continuous observations of duration up to 10 days with the cadence of 100 sec as well as temporal sequences with duration of a few minutes and high resolution of 7 sec, synchronized with flares. The spectroheliograms for the whole disk and off-limb regions are also recorded in the spectral bands 177 – 207 and 285 – 335 Å providing spectra with high resolution of various coronal structures including eruptive and transient events. This paper presents preliminary results of quick look analysis of some observational data obtained by means of the SPIRIT spectroheliographs.  相似文献   
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