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The plasma Environment of Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nagy  A.F.  Winterhalter  D.  Sauer  K.  Cravens  T.E.  Brecht  S.  Mazelle  C.  Crider  D.  Kallio  E.  Zakharov  A.  Dubinin  E.  Verigin  M.  Kotova  G.  Axford  W.I.  Bertucci  C.  Trotignon  J.G. 《Space Science Reviews》2004,111(1-2):33-114
Space Science Reviews -  相似文献   
SOHO/UVCS data indicate that minor ions in the corona are heated more than hydrogen, and that coronal heating results in T larger than T. Analogous behavior has been known from in situ measurements in solar wind for many years. Here we compare and contrast two mechanisms which have been proposed to account for the above behavior: ion-cyclotron resonance and gravity damping. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
D. J. McComas  E. R. Christian  N. A. Schwadron  N. Fox  J. Westlake  F. Allegrini  D. N. Baker  D. Biesecker  M. Bzowski  G. Clark  C. M. S. Cohen  I. Cohen  M. A. Dayeh  R. Decker  G. A. de Nolfo  M. I. Desai  R. W. Ebert  H. A. Elliott  H. Fahr  P. C. Frisch  H. O. Funsten  S. A. Fuselier  A. Galli  A. B. Galvin  J. Giacalone  M. Gkioulidou  F. Guo  M. Horanyi  P. Isenberg  P. Janzen  L. M. Kistler  K. Korreck  M. A. Kubiak  H. Kucharek  B. A. Larsen  R. A. Leske  N. Lugaz  J. Luhmann  W. Matthaeus  D. Mitchell  E. Moebius  K. Ogasawara  D. B. Reisenfeld  J. D. Richardson  C. T. Russell  J. M. Sokół  H. E. Spence  R. Skoug  Z. Sternovsky  P. Swaczyna  J. R. Szalay  M. Tokumaru  M. E. Wiedenbeck  P. Wurz  G. P. Zank  E. J. Zirnstein 《Space Science Reviews》2018,214(8):116
The Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) is a revolutionary mission that simultaneously investigates two of the most important overarching issues in Heliophysics today: the acceleration of energetic particles and interaction of the solar wind with the local interstellar medium. While seemingly disparate, these are intimately coupled because particles accelerated in the inner heliosphere play critical roles in the outer heliospheric interaction. Selected by NASA in 2018, IMAP is planned to launch in 2024. The IMAP spacecraft is a simple sun-pointed spinner in orbit about the Sun-Earth L1 point. IMAP’s ten instruments provide a complete and synergistic set of observations to simultaneously dissect the particle injection and acceleration processes at 1 AU while remotely probing the global heliospheric interaction and its response to particle populations generated by these processes. In situ at 1 AU, IMAP provides detailed observations of solar wind electrons and ions; suprathermal, pickup, and energetic ions; and the interplanetary magnetic field. For the outer heliosphere interaction, IMAP provides advanced global observations of the remote plasma and energetic ions over a broad energy range via energetic neutral atom imaging, and precise observations of interstellar neutral atoms penetrating the heliosphere. Complementary observations of interstellar dust and the ultraviolet glow of interstellar neutrals further deepen the physical understanding from IMAP. IMAP also continuously broadcasts vital real-time space weather observations. Finally, IMAP engages the broader Heliophysics community through a variety of innovative opportunities. This paper summarizes the IMAP mission at the start of Phase A development.  相似文献   
The Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on SOHO is a grazing/normal incidence spectrograph, aimed to produce stigmatic spectra of selected regions of the solar surface in six spectral windows of the extreme ultraviolet from 150 Å to 785 Å (Harrison et al. 1995). In the present work, CDS, EIT, MDI and Yohkoh observations of active region lops have been analyzed. These observations are part of JOP 54. CDS monochromatic images from lines at different temperatures have been co-aligned with EIT and MDI images, and loop structures have been clearly identified using Fe XVI emission lines. Density sensitive lines and lines from adjacent stages of ionization of Fe ions have been used to measure electron density and temperature along the loop length; these measurements have been used to determine the electron pressure along the loop and test the constant pressure assumption commonly used in loop modeling. The observations have been compared with a static, isobaric loop model (Landini and Monsignori Fossi 1975) assuming a temperature-constant heating function in the energy balance equation. Good agreement is found for the temperature distribution along the loop at the coronal level. The model pressure is somewhat higher than obtained from density sensitive line ratios.  相似文献   
Our objective is to review recent advances in ionospheric and thermospheric modeling that aim at supporting space weather services. The emphasis is placed on achievements of European research groups involved in the COST Action 724. Ionospheric and thermospheric modeling on time scales ranging from a few minutes to several days is fundamental for predicting space weather effects on the Earth’s ionosphere and thermosphere. Space weather affects telecommunications, navigation and positioning systems, radars, and technology in space. We start with an overview of the physical effects of space weather on the upper atmosphere and on systems operating at this regime. Recent research on drivers and development of proxies applied to support space weather modeling efforts are presented, with emphasis on solar radiation indices, solar wind drivers and ionospheric indices. The models are discussed in groups corresponding to the physical effects they are dealing with, i.e. bottomside ionospheric effects, trans-ionospheric effects, neutral density and scale height variations, and spectacular space weather effects such as auroral emissions. Another group of models dealing with global circulation are presented here to demonstrate 3D modeling of the space environment. Where possible we present results concerning comparison of the models’ performance belonging to the same group. Finally we give an overview of European systems providing products for the specification and forecasting of space weather effects on the upper atmosphere, which have implemented operational versions of several ionospheric and thermospheric models.  相似文献   
The algorithms of controlled descent for unmanned winged gliders are designed taking into account the requirements to the flight trajectory. The calculation results are represented to show the efficiency of the algorithms.  相似文献   
Whistler mode wave phenomena observed in the earth's environment and in the planetary magnetospheres, such as in the vicinity of the Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are reviewed, Importance of ray tracing technique is stated in connection with the interpretation of these phenomena. A historical review of ray tracing technique is then given. Finally the most recent ray tracing technique, such as 3-D ray tracing in a non-dipolar background magnetic field model is introduced.  相似文献   
We consider a probabilistic estimation of microaccelerations being produced in the inboard environment of an orbital laboratory as a random process; based on this estimation we analyzed a probability of fulfilling the favorable conditions to realize gravity-sensitive processes. The approach suggested can be applied when designing a space laboratory to meet the requirements for the microaccelerations inside the working zone of technological equipment.  相似文献   
Results are reported on the attempt to define a pseudotransfer funtion of a circuit composed of a 2-pulse canceler and hard limiter.  相似文献   
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