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This paper describes a system of navigation by measurement of the Doppler shift in the radio transmissions from a near-Earth satellite, and simple equipment for making the measurements. It also shows that the current information which is needed by the navigator can be reduced to a number containing six decimal digits. Finally, it shows that the computations needed for the navigator to obtain a fix can be performed witlh the aid of tables that can be prepared at least 18 months in advance. Using these tables and a simple slide rule, but no other computational aids, a fix accurate to about 500 meters can be obtained in about 10 minutes. More accuracy can be obtained at the expense of time, or time can be saved at the expense of accuracy.  相似文献   
This paper considers the effect of the rocket exhaust turbulence and scattering within the surrounding medium upon the propagation characteristics of incident electromagnetic waves. The exhaust is represented by a cylindrical plasma beam, diffusing through the surrounding medium. The equations of propagation of EM waves are derived for both TE and TM modes. By using a quasi-linear perturbation technique the exhaust is further separated into an inner homogeneous cylindrical plasma beam, and an outer conical inhomogeneous turbulent region. The isotropic change in the temperature of the outer region and its effects on the fluctuations in the density of electrons, collision frequency, and plasma index of refraction are analyzed in detail. It is found that the exhaust turbulence and scattering effects produce linear fluctuations in the E and H fields computed from the exhaust inner region effect. The equations of this paper can be used in the prediction of the radar cross sections and the attenuation of microwaves by rocket exhaust plumes.  相似文献   
Flowgraph techniques are extended to systems with piecewise-linear characteristics by developing criteria for construction of an optimum model from related subregions in which linearity holds. This requires the synthesis of several known techniques and results in a wide range of useful applications including: 1) devices with nonlinear characteristics which may be considered as linear over certain subregions; 2) networks whose response to changes in applied signal frequency or magnitude may be approximated by piecewise-linear asymptotes; 3) systems processing two or more signals simultaneously with different transfer or immitance characteristics for each signal; 4) circuits approximated by different equivalent circuits depending on the numerical values of critical parameters. Representative examples will illustrate these and similar applications. Procedures are presented to provide a logical, orderly, and effective approach to construct a model, to determine figures of merit, and to optimize the model for a prescribed region of operation or for a desired range of parameters.  相似文献   
The present experimental knowledge of electron precipitation in the auroral zone is summarized, using observations primarily from riometer, balloon, rocket and satellite studies. This includes the association of electron precipitation events with aurora, magnetic disturbances as well as temporal and spatial aspects of the particle bombardment.  相似文献   
A Loran-C Receiver is used as an example to show how an analog system could be converted to a digital one to take advantage of the expanding integrated circuit technology. The digital equivalents of the analog servo elements are described. Criteria for the design of a phase-tracking servomechanism is developed in detail. The Loran performance requirements are used to illustrate their application. The noise performance of a critically damped Type II servomechanism is derived in detail. Since the system will be employed in aircraft, tracking velocity becomes an important consideration. An analysis is made showing that an adaptive control is desirable.  相似文献   
The effects of frequency multiplication circuits on the short-term stability of an oscillator system are analyzed. The short-term stability of real components such as varactor multipliers are compared to the short-term stability of an ?ideal? frequency multiplier which maintains the stability of the basic oscillator. In addition, it is shown that positive feedback like that used in a synchronized oscillator, while useful for tracking, degrades short-term stability.  相似文献   
The results of a study of the characteristics of the second-order Type II phase-locked loop with a Gaussian noise input, and obtained by digital computer simulation, are presented. The digital simulation is described and the random state variables are defined such that their characteristics can be interpreted in terms of existing phase portraits of autonomous phase-locked loops. The statistics associated with the state variables, which are phase error and a measure of frequency error, and those associated with the number of cycles skipped and the mean time to unlock, are given.  相似文献   
The problem of determining target parameters of a known number of radar targets falling in the same range-Doppler-angle-angle resolution cell is examined for the noise-free case. The required minimum number of radar beams is determined, based upon approximating the beam patterns by a Taylor series expansion, both for the general problem and for factorable beams. Signal processors for target position estimation are developed for the two-target case and equations are presented for the general case.  相似文献   
The collision avoidance system (CAS) defined by the ATA provides for the exchange of range, range-rate, and altitude data, as well as the less significant items of altitude rate and north-south and east-west velocity vector data. This paper discusses the CAS message format and presents data (based on McDonnell-Douglas in-flight experience with its EROS system) on the accuracy of gathering the CAS data.  相似文献   
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