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A constant-frequency diode-clamped series resonant converter (CFCSRC) is proposed as a solution to problems associated with frequency-controlled resonant converters. This converter has two resonant frequencies, and control is achieved by varying the relative time spent at each switching frequency. Two zero-current-switching (ZCS) modes are examined and plotted in the output plane. An equation is given for the boundary between the two ZCS modes, as well as an expression for the boundary between ZCS and non-ZCS operation; both are plotted in the output plane. The output equation for the main mode is shown to be hyperbolic. Converter peak voltages limited to the input voltages, and peak currents are less than those of the frequency-controlled clamped series resonant converter over a large operating range. Data from a prototype converter are compared with theoretical data and are shown to be in good agreement with the theoretical model  相似文献   
Mechanisms for the deposition of heat in the lower coronal plasma are discussed, emphasizing recent attempts to reconcile the fluid and kinetic perspectives. Structures at the MHD scales are believed to act as reservoirs for fluctuation energy, which in turn drive a nonlinear cascade process. Kinetic processes act at smaller spatial scales and more rapid time scales. Cascade-driven processes are contrasted with direct cyclotron absorption, and this distinction is echoed in the contrast between frequency and wavenumber spectra of the fluctuations. Observational constraints are also discussed, along with estimates of the relative efficiency of cascade and cyclotron processes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Relativistic Proton Spectrometer (RPS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes spacecraft is a particle spectrometer designed to measure the flux, angular distribution, and energy spectrum of protons from ~60 MeV to ~2000 MeV. RPS will investigate decades-old questions about the inner Van Allen belt proton environment: a nearby region of space that is relatively unexplored because of the hazards of spacecraft operation there and the difficulties in obtaining accurate proton measurements in an intense penetrating background. RPS is designed to provide the accuracy needed to answer questions about the sources and losses of the inner belt protons and to obtain the measurements required for the next-generation models of trapped protons in the magnetosphere. In addition to detailed information for individual protons, RPS features count rates at a 1-second timescale, internal radiation dosimetry, and information about electrostatic discharge events on the RBSP spacecraft that together will provide new information about space environmental hazards in the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a novel landing gear for spacecraft that allows a weight reduction due to using deformable crash legs. Numerical simulation of the landing process was performed.  相似文献   
We are in the process of surveying the linear polarization in luminous, early-type stars. We here report on new observations of the B [e] stars S 18 and R 50, and of the Luminous Blue Variables HR Car, R 143, and HD 160529. Together with previously published data, these observations provide clear evidence for the presence of intrinsic polarization in 1 B[e] star (HD 34664) and in 5 LBVs ( Car, P Cyg, R 127, AG Car, and HR Car). The data indicate that anisotropic stellar winds are a common occurrence among massive stars in these particular evolutionary stages. For such stars, mass-loss rates estimated using the assumption of a spherical, homogeneous and stationary outflow may be in error.  相似文献   
An experimental investigation of three eigen DF techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The comparative direction-finding (DF) performance of multiple signal classification (MUSIC), ROOT-MUSIC, and estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) is considered. Data were collected from two target transmitters operating simultaneously. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate multipath resolution capability using measurement precision equivalent to that found in modern radio direction-finding systems  相似文献   
EXOSAT observed LMC X-4 on November 17/19, 1983 for one 1.4 day binary period during the high state of the 30.5 day cycle. An eclipse with sharp ingress and slow egress was detected with an eclipse angle of 27.1±1.0 dgr. In the medium energy experiment the source showed a hard power law spectrum. Outside eclipse the source was remarkably constant and only one flare was detected on November 17 at 19 UT lasting for about 1 h. The energy spectrum of the source softens considerably during that time and shows an emission line of cold iron. 13.5 sec pulsations are strongly present during the flare and have also been detected during the quiescent period and during several 1 min flares in another EXOSAT LMC X-4 observation on November 22, 1983. A pulse delay time analysis results in the determination of the pulse period (13.5019±0.0002) s and of the semimajor axis of the orbit of the X-ray star (26.0±0.6) It-sec. These results, together with other available information on LMC X-4, allowed to improve the binary parameters. The mass of the neutron star is found to be 1.34 ±0.44 0.48 Mo (95% confidence errors).  相似文献   
The control of a linear system with random coefficients is studied here. The cost function is of a quadratic form and the random coefficients are assumed to be partially observable by the controller. By means of the stochastic Bellman equation, the optimal control of stochastic dynamic models with partially observable coefficients is derived. The optimal control is shown to be a linear function of the observable states and a nonlinear function of random parameters. The theory is applied to an optimal control design of an aircraft landing in wind gust.  相似文献   
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