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It is widely accepted that diffusive shock acceleration is an important process in the heliosphere, in particular in producing the energetic particles associated with interplanetary shocks driven by coronal mass ejections. In its simplest formulation shock acceleration is expected to accelerate ions with higher mass to charge ratios less efficiently than those with lower mass to charge. Thus it is anticipated that the Fe/O ratio in shock-accelerated ion populations will decrease with increasing energy above some energy. We examine the circumstances of five interplanetary shocks that have been reported to have associated populations in which Fe/O increases with increasing energy. In each event, the situation is complex, with particle contributions from other sources in addition to the shock. Furthermore, we show that the Fe/O ratio in shock-accelerated ions can decrease even when the shock is traveling through an Fe-rich ambient ion population. Thus, although shock acceleration of an Fe-rich suprathermal population has been proposed to explain large Fe-rich solar particle events, we find no support for this proposal in these observations.  相似文献   
The MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft, launched on August 3, 2004, is nearing the halfway point on its voyage to become the first probe to orbit the planet Mercury. The mission, spacecraft, and payload are designed to answer six fundamental questions regarding the innermost planet: (1) What planetary formational processes led to Mercury’s high ratio of metal to silicate? (2) What is the geological history of Mercury? (3) What are the nature and origin of Mercury’s magnetic field? (4) What are the structure and state of Mercury’s core? (5) What are the radar-reflective materials at Mercury’s poles? (6) What are the important volatile species and their sources and sinks near Mercury? The mission has focused to date on commissioning the spacecraft and science payload as well as planning for flyby and orbital operations. The second Venus flyby (June 2007) will complete final rehearsals for the Mercury flyby operations in January and October 2008 and September 2009. Those flybys will provide opportunities to image the hemisphere of the planet not seen by Mariner 10, obtain high-resolution spectral observations with which to map surface mineralogy and assay the exosphere, and carry out an exploration of the magnetic field and energetic particle distribution in the near-Mercury environment. The orbital phase, beginning on March 18, 2011, is a one-year-long, near-polar-orbital observational campaign that will address all mission goals. The orbital phase will complete global imaging, yield detailed surface compositional and topographic data over the northern hemisphere, determine the geometry of Mercury’s internal magnetic field and magnetosphere, ascertain the radius and physical state of Mercury’s outer core, assess the nature of Mercury’s polar deposits, and inventory exospheric neutrals and magnetospheric charged particle species over a range of dynamic conditions. Answering the questions that have guided the MESSENGER mission will expand our understanding of the formation and evolution of the terrestrial planets as a family.  相似文献   
The dynamical and chemical effects of the Galactic Wind are discussed. This wind is primarily driven by the pressure gradient of the Cosmic Rays. Assuming the latter to be accelerated in the Supernova Remnants of the disk which at the same time produce the Hot Interstellar Medium, it is argued that the gas removed by the wind is enriched in the nucleosynthesis products of Supernova explosions. Therefore the moderate mass loss through this wind should still be able to remove a substantial amount of metals, opening the way for stars to produce more metals than observed in the disk, by e.g. assuming a Salpeter-type stellar initial mass function beyond a few Solar masses. The wind also allows a global, physically appealing interpretation of Cosmic Ray propagation and escape from the Galaxy. In addition the spiral structure of the disk induces periodic pressure waves in the expanding wind that become a sawtooth shock wave train at large distances which can re-accelerate “knee” particles coming from the disk sources. This new Galactic Cosmic Ray component can reach energies of a few×1018 eV and may contribute to the juncture between the particles of Galactic and extragalactic origin in the observed overall Cosmic Ray spectrum.  相似文献   
The Genesis mission returned samples of solar wind to Earth in September 2004 for ground-based analyses of solar-wind composition, particularly for isotope ratios. Substrates, consisting mostly of high-purity semiconductor materials, were exposed to the solar wind at L1 from December 2001 to April 2004. In addition to a bulk sample of the solar wind, separate samples of coronal hole (CH), interstream (IS), and coronal mass ejection material were obtained. Although many substrates were broken upon landing due to the failure to deploy the parachute, a number of results have been obtained, and most of the primary science objectives will likely be met. These objectives include He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe isotope ratios in the bulk solar wind and in different solar-wind regimes, and 15N/14N and 18O/17O/16O to high precision. The greatest successes to date have been with the noble gases. Light noble gases from bulk solar wind and separate solar-wind regime samples have now been analyzed. Helium results show clear evidence of isotopic fractionation between CH and IS samples, consistent with simplistic Coulomb drag theory predictions of fractionation between the photosphere and different solar-wind regimes, though fractionation by wave heating is also a possible explanation. Neon results from closed system stepped etching of bulk metallic glass have revealed the nature of isotopic fractionation as a function of depth, which in lunar samples have for years deceptively suggested the presence of an additional, energetic component in solar wind trapped in lunar grains and meteorites. Isotope ratios of the heavy noble gases, nitrogen, and oxygen are in the process of being measured.  相似文献   
Mariner 10 measurements proved the existence of a large-scale internal magnetic field on Mercury. The observed field amplitude, however, is too weak to be compatible with typical convective planetary dynamos. The Lorentz force based on an extrapolation of Mariner 10 data to the dynamo region is 10−4 times smaller than the Coriolis force. This is at odds with the idea that planetary dynamos are thought to work in the so-called magnetostrophic regime, where Coriolis force and Lorentz force should be of comparable magnitude. Recent convective dynamo simulations reviewed here seem to resolve this caveat. We show that the available convective power indeed suffices to drive a magnetostrophic dynamo even when the heat flow though Mercury’s core–mantle boundary is subadiabatic, as suggested by thermal evolution models. Two possible causes are analyzed that could explain why the observations do not reflect a stronger internal field. First, toroidal magnetic fields can be strong but are confined to the conductive core, and second, the observations do not resolve potentially strong small-scale contributions. We review different dynamo simulations that promote either or both effects by (1) strongly driving convection, (2) assuming a particularly small inner core, or (3) assuming a very large inner core. These models still fall somewhat short of explaining the low amplitude of Mariner 10 observations, but the incorporation of an additional effect helps to reach this goal: The subadiabatic heat flow through Mercury’s core–mantle boundary may cause the outer part of the core to be stably stratified, which would largely exclude convective motions in this region. The magnetic field, which is small scale, strong, and very time dependent in the lower convective part of the core, must diffuse through the stagnant layer. Here, the electromagnetic skin effect filters out the more rapidly varying high-order contributions and mainly leaves behind the weaker and slower varying dipole and quadrupole components (Christensen in Nature 444:1056–1058, 2006). Messenger and BepiColombo data will allow us to discriminate between the various models in terms of the magnetic fields spatial structure, its degree of axisymmetry, and its secular variation.  相似文献   
山特维克可乐满是山特维克集团旗下最大的金属切削刀具公司,是全球金属切削行业的领导品牌。作为全球排名第一的金属切削业刀具制造和供应商,山特维克可乐满始终致力于提升制造业的综合实力,并为客户不断提供创新的高效率金属切削刀具和解决方案。金秋9月新鲜  相似文献   
昆虫(果蝇)悬停飞行中,翅膀按照特定的拍动方式往复运动,产生非定常高升力维持身体的平衡.研究昆虫高升力机理,需要探索拍动翼运动引发的三维空间非定常流场的特性,尤其是三维空间非定常涡的发展变化过程.本文将氢气泡流动显示技术应用于动态模型实验,定性的观察拍动翼前缘涡(LEV)的发展破裂过程.并利用数字体视粒子图像测速,DSPIV(Digital Steroscopic Particle Image Velocimetry)技术,测得了拍动翼运动瞬时相位和相位平均的三维空间流场信息(速度向量场、截面涡量场、空间涡量场,以及三维空间流线),揭示了拍动翼展向流动的存在,并结合定性和定量方法多角度说明了前缘涡沿展向发展到破裂的流动结构,并说明了侧缘涡与前缘涡的相互影响.测量结果表明:在雷诺数960的情况下,拍动翼运动至相位时,翼面上前缘涡在距翼根约60%展长的位置发生破裂;翼根至破裂点之间,展向流动稳定,指向翼梢;破裂点以后,展向流改变方向,指向翼根.  相似文献   
基于剪切应力传输(SST)k-ω湍流模型,对考虑结构误差情况下的弹箭模型进行数值模拟计算。首先采用CFD和工程经验公式相结合的方法,得到了不同马赫数、不同转速情况下无结构误差模型的多种气动特性参数。通过与实验数据对比,阻力、法向力、俯仰力矩、压心位置误差在10%以内,验证了该方法的可行性和准确性。然后,建立了考虑结构误差即质量分布不对称、弹体不同轴和无结构误差模型,并分别进行了气动特性模拟计算。结果表明,质量偏心对滚转阻尼力矩系数、马格努斯力矩系数影响很大;弹体不同轴对法向力系数导数、俯仰力矩系数导数、马格努斯力矩系数导数和压心位置都产生很大影响。结构误差使模型的多种气动特性参数产生很大变化,将影响其飞行弹道和稳定性。  相似文献   
This paper presents an analytical solution for static analysis of thick rectangular beams with different boundary conditions.Carrera's Unified Formulation (CUF) is used in order to consider shear deformation theories of arbitrary order.The novelty of the present work is that a boundary discontinuous Fourier approach is used to consider clamped boundary conditions in the analytical solution,unlike Navier-type solutions which are restricted to simply supported beams.Governing equations are obtained by employing the principle of virtual work.The numerical accuracy of results is ascertained by studying the convergence of the solution and comparing the results to those of a 3D finite element solution.Beams subjected to bending due to a uniform pressure load and subjected to torsion due to opposite linear forces are considered.Overall,accurate results close to those of 3D finite element solutions are obtained,which can be used to validate finite element results or other approximate methods.  相似文献   
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