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对超声速流中准稳定三波结构进行了研究,该结构中主激波以一定的速度D沿超声速流运动,它不但引起相应的反射激波运动而且会使激波后气流中的一系列气动力参数发生变化,包括总压、总焓和熵等。本研究给出了这些量与入射激波强度之间的关系。在一定的速度D的情况下,给出了三波结构的力学相容性条件是可以被破坏的。  相似文献   
Mende  S.B.  Frey  H.U.  Immel  T.J.  Gerard  J.-C.  Hubert  B.  Fuselier  S.A. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,109(1-4):211-254
The IMAGE spacecraft carries three FUV photon imagers, the Wideband Imaging Camera (WIC) and two channels, SI-12 and SI-13, of the Spectrographic Imager. These provide simultaneous global images, which can be interpreted in terms of the precipitating particle types (protons and electrons) and their energies. IMAGE FUV is the first space-borne global imager that can provide instantaneous global images of the proton precipitation. At times a bright auroral spot, rich in proton precipitation, is observed on the dayside, several degrees poleward of the auroral zone. The spot was identified as the footprint of the merging region of the cusp that is located on lobe field lines when IMF Bz was northward. This identification was based on compelling statistical evidence showing that the appearance and location of the spot is consistent with the IMF Bz and By directions. The intensity of the spot is well correlated with the solar wind dynamic pressure and it was found that the direct entry of solar wind particles could account for the intensity of the observed spot without the need for any additional acceleration. Another discovery was the observation of dayside sub-auroral proton arcs. These arcs were observed in the midday to afternoon MLT sector. Conjugate satellite observations showed that these arcs were generated by pure proton precipitation. Nightside auroras and their relationship to substorm phases were studied through single case studies and in a superimposed epoch analysis. It was found that generally there is substantial proton precipitation prior to substorms and the proton intensity only doubles at substorm onset while the electron auroral brightness increases on average by a factor of 5 and sometimes by as much as a factor of 10. Substorm onset occurs in the central region of the pre-existing proton precipitation. Assuming that nightside protons are precipitating from a quasi-stable ring current at its outer regions where the field lines are distorted by neutral sheet currents we can associate the onset location with this region of closed but distorted field lines relatively close to the earth. Our results also show that protons are present in the initial poleward substorm expansion however later they are over taken by the electrons. We also find that the intensity of the substorms as quantified by the intensity of the post onset electron precipitation is correlated with the intensity of the proton precipitation prior to the substorms, highlighting the role of the pre-existing near earth plasma in the production of the next substorm.  相似文献   
At IECEC 2001, this team presented a paper on the new stretched lens array (SLA), including its evolution from the successful SCARLET array on the NASA/JPL Deep Space 1 spacecraft. Since that conference, the SLA team has made significant advances in SLA technology, including component-level improvements, array-level optimization, space environment exposure testing, and prototype hardware fabrication and evaluation. This paper describes the evolved version of the SLA, highlighting recent improvements in the lens, solar cell, photovoltaic receiver, rigid panel structure, and complete solar array wing. In addition to excellent durability in the space environment, the near-term SLA will provide outstanding wing-level performance parameters: 180 W/kg specific power; 300 W/m/sup 2/ power density; 300 V operational voltage; 85% savings in cell area (cm/sup 2//W) and cell-related cost ($/W) compared to planar arrays; 9 kW/m/sup 3/ stowed power at launch.  相似文献   
During flight, aircraft avionics transmit and receive RF signals to/from antennas over coaxial cables. As the density and complexity of onboard avionics increases, the electromagnetic interference (EMI) environment degrades proportionately, leading to decreasing signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and potential safety concerns. The coaxial cables are inherently lossy, limiting the RF signal bandwidth while adding considerable weight. To overcome these limitations, we have investigated a fiber optic communications link for aircraft that utilizes wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) to support the simultaneous transmission of multiple signals (including RF) over a single optical fiber. Optical fiber has many advantages over coaxial cable, particularly lower loss, greater bandwidth, and immunity to EMI. In this paper, we demonstrate that WDM can be successfully used to transmit multiple RF signals over a single optical fiber with no appreciable signal degradation. We investigate the transmission of FM and AM analog modulated signals, as well as FSK digital modulated signals, over a fiber optic link (FOL) employing WDM. We present measurements of power loss, delay, SNR, carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), total harmonic distortion (THD), and bit error rate (BER). Our experimental results indicate that WDM is a fiber optic technology suitable for avionics applications.  相似文献   
A clamped-mode resonant converter (CMRC) is proposed to be used as a transmitter which broadcasts correction signals in a differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). The digital information of the DGPS modulates the carrier with different modulation methods minimum shift keying (MSK) (recommended for the marine radiobeacon band), stepped binary phase shift keying (S-BPSK) and BPSK. The first two methods allow keeping the converter's operation in soft switching mode. Extensive trials under impedance mismatch and modulation conditions confirm that the soft switching mode is preserved.  相似文献   
Recent advances in satellite techniques hold great potential for mapping global gravity wave (GW) processes at various altitudes. Poor understanding of small-scale GWs has been a major limitation to numerical climate and weather models for making reliable forecasts. Observations of short-scale features have important implication for validating and improving future high-resolution numerical models. This paper summarizes recent GW observations and sensitivities from several satellite instruments, including MLS, AMSU-A, AIRS, GPS, and CLAES. It is shown in an example that mountain waves with horizontal wavelengths as short as 30 km now can be observed by AIRS, reflecting the superior horizontal resolution in these modern satellite instruments. Our studies show that MLS, AMSU-A and AIRS observations reveal similar GW characteristics, with the observed variances correlated well with background winds. As a complementary technique, limb sounding instruments like CRISTA, CLAES, and GPS can detect GWs with better vertical but poorer horizontal resolutions. To resolve different parts of the broad GW spectrum, both satellite limb and nadir observing techniques are needed, and a better understanding of GW complexities requires joint analyses of these data and dedicated high-resolution model simulations.  相似文献   
Although the Mars Express (MEX) does not carry a magnetometer, it is in principle possible to derive the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation from the three dimensional velocity distribution of pick-up ions measured by the Ion Mass Analyser (IMA) on board MEX because pick-up ions' orbits, in velocity phase space, are expected to gyrate around the IMF when the IMF is relatively uniform on a scale larger than the proton gyroradius. During bow shock outbound crossings, MEX often observed cycloid distributions (two dimensional partial ring distributions in velocity phase space) of protons in a narrow channel of the IMA detector (only one azimuth for many polar angles). We show two such examples. Three different methods are used to derive the IMF orientation from the observed cycloid distributions. One method is intuitive (intuitive method), while the others derive the minimum variance direction of the velocity vectors for the observed ring ions. These velocity vectors are selected either manually (manual method) or automatically using simple filters (automatic method). While the intuitive method and the manual method provide similar IMF orientations by which the observed cycloid distribution is well arranged into a partial circle (representing gyration) and constant parallel velocity, the automatic method failed to arrange the data to the degree of the manual method, yielding about a 30° offset in the estimated IMF direction. The uncertainty of the derived IMF orientation is strongly affected by the instrument resolution. The source population for these ring distributions is most likely newly ionized hydrogen atoms, which are picked up by the solar wind.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe a three-dimensional, multicellular tissue-equivalent model, produced in NASA-designed, rotating wall bioreactors using mammalian cells engineered for genomic containment of multiple copies of defined target genes for genotoxic assessment. Rat 2 lambda fibroblasts, genetically engineered to contain high-density target genes for mutagenesis (Stratagene, Inc., Austin, TX), were cocultured with human epithelial cells on Cytodex beads in the High Aspect Ratio Bioreactor (Synthecon, Inc, Houston, TX). Multi-bead aggregates were formed by day 5 following the complete covering of the beads by fibroblasts. Cellular retraction occurred 8-14 days after coculture initiation culminating in spheroids retaining few or no beads. Analysis of the resulting tissue assemblies revealed: multicellular spheroids, fibroblasts synthesized collagen, and cell viability was retained for the 30-day test period after removal from the bioreactor. Quantification of mutation at the LacI gene in Rat 2 lambda fibroblasts in spheroids exposed to 0-2 Gy neon using the Big Blue color assay (Stratagene, Inc.), revealed a linear dose-response for mutation induction. Limited sequencing analysis of mutant clones from 0.25 or 1 Gy exposures revealed a higher frequency of deletions and multiple base sequencing changes with increasing dose. These results suggest that the three-dimensional, multicellular tissue assembly model produced in NASA bioreactors are applicable to a wide variety of studies involving the quantification and identification of genotoxicity including measurement of the inherent damage incurred in Space.  相似文献   
Two types of battery-powered, compact, ground probing radar (GPR) systems have been developed. The systems have CRT displays mounted on antenna units and are used to locate such underground objects as gas pipes, water pipes, and transmission cables. The performance of the systems and results of field tests are reported. The GPR detected 59 of 64 underground gas pipes; a 200-mm-diameter pipe is clearly detected at a depth of 2.3 m  相似文献   
Requirements are rarely static, and are ever more likely to evolve as the development time of a system stretches out and its service life increases. In this paper, we discuss the evolution of requirements for the US spacesuit, the extravehicular mobility unit (EMU), as a case study to highlight the need for flexibility in system design. We explore one fundamental environmental change, using the Space Shuttle EMU aboard the International Space Station, and the resulting EMU requirement and design changes. The EMU, like other complex systems, faces considerable uncertainty during its service life. Changes in the technical, political, or economic environment cause changes in requirements, which in turn necessitate design modifications or upgrades. We make the case that flexibility is a key attribute that needs to be embedded in the design of long-lived, complex systems to enable them to efficiently meet the inevitability of changing requirements after they have been fielded.  相似文献   
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