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Growth process generate plant form and relate to most physiological functions. The Earth's gravity force affects plant growth in both obvious and subtle ways. It is a major environmental influence on morphology and physiology of plants. Gravity is less important as an agent for plant stress than as an environmental signal to guide growth. The plant's bioaccelerometers are remarkably sensitive, especially in hypogravity. Simulation (clinostat) studies and experiments in satellite laboratories are needed to understand the sensing, transduction, and response characteristics of g related mechanisms. By examining how plants alter growth processes to accomplish developmental or physiological “objectives” we may find it pragmatically desirable to ask ourselves how we might design a plant to achieve such responses to environmental influences. Examples of this design engineering approach for gravity related effects are described as an aid to experimentation.  相似文献   
Ample research evidence from space analogs points to the crucial role that teamwork plays in the performance of small groups in isolation and confinement. This paper surveys findings about the impacts of group behavior and social interaction on crew morale, coordination, and productivity. Implications for the organization, selection, and training of crews for extended spaceflight are discussed.  相似文献   
A laboratory method to determine the magnitude and position of radar reflection sources on complex targets is described. In addition the method provides a way to measure the modification of the radar cross section (RCS) due to multipath. The method has application in modeling RCS for radar and electronic countermeasure (ECM) system performance analysis and in the study of the extent to which the signature of the target could be altered. The equipment described, termed MACROSCOPE, was developed for RCS studies by the U.S. Army and is described in limited distribution bution literature. The application to marine targets is new with this paper, as is the technique of measuring the RCS of parts of the target and analytically combining them to represent the whole. An illustration of the need for this type of laboratory equipment was illustrated by the extensive search for full scale data which could be compared to scale model data to validate the technique.  相似文献   
以2004年9月28日02:53:20 UT的亚暴为例, 通过TC-1在磁尾约12.5 Re 和Geotail卫星在近地磁尾等离子体片约8~9 Re的联合观测, 研究亚暴触发过程中近地磁尾等离子体片中等离子体波动特征. 结果表明, 亚暴触发区是近地磁尾中心等离子体片中较小的一个区域, 在亚暴触发区中低混杂不稳定性在近地磁尾等离子体片中存在, 准垂直传播的低混杂波发生在亚暴触发过程中, 而亚暴触发过程中近地磁尾等离子体片外边界区内的磁场偶极化信号和扰动都非常微弱. 在亚暴触发和亚暴膨胀相过程中出现了多次具有不同特征的磁场偶极化现象.  相似文献   
Mende  S.B.  Heetderks  H.  Frey  H.U.  Stock  J.M.  Lampton  M.  Geller  S.P.  Abiad  R.  Siegmund  O.H.W.  Habraken  S.  Renotte  E.  Jamar  C.  Rochus  P.  Gerard  J.-C.  Sigler  R.  Lauche  H. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,91(1-2):287-318
Two FUV Spectral imaging instruments, the Spectrographic Imager (SI) and the Geocorona Photometer (GEO) provide IMAGE with simultaneous global maps of the hydrogen (121.8 nm) and oxygen 135.6 nm components of the terrestrial aurora and with observations of the three dimensional distribution of neutral hydrogen in the magnetosphere (121.6 nm). The SI is a novel instrument type, in which spectral separation and imaging functions are independent of each other. In this instrument, two-dimensional images are produced on two detectors, and the images are spectrally filtered by a spectrograph part of the instrument. One of the two detectors images the Doppler-shifted Lyman- while rejecting the geocoronal `cold Ly-, and another detector images the OI 135.6 nm emission. The spectrograph is an all-reflective Wadsworth configuration in which a grill arrangement is used to block most of the cold, un-Doppler-shifted geocoronal emission at 121.567 nm. The SI calibration established that the upper limit of transmission at cold geocoronal Ly- is less than 2%. The measured light collecting efficiency was 0.01 and 0.008 cm2 at 121.8 and at 135.6 nm, respectively. This is consistent with the size of the input aperture, the optical transmission, and the photocathode efficiency. The expected sensitivity is 1.8×10–2 and 1.3×10–2 counts per Rayleigh per pixel for each 5 s viewing exposure per satellite revolution (120 s). The measured spatial resolution is better than the 128×128 pixel matrix over the 15°×15° field of view in both wavelength channels. The SI detectors are photon counting devices using the cross delay line principle. In each detector a triple stack microchannel plate (MCP) amplifies the photo-electronic charge which is then deposited on a specially configured anode array. The position of the photon event is measured by digitizing the time delay between the pulses detected at each end of the anode structures. This scheme is intrinsically faster than systems that use charge division and it has a further advantage that it saturates more gradually at high count rates. The geocoronal Ly- is measured by a three-channel photometer system (GEO) which is a separate instrument. Each photometer has a built in MgF2 lens to restrict the field of view to one degree and a ceramic electron multiplier with a KBr photocathode. One of the tubes is pointing radially outward perpendicular to the axis of satellite rotation. The optic of the other two subtend 60° with the rotation axis. These instruments take data continuously at 3 samples per second and rely on the combination of satellite rotation and orbital motion to scan the hydrogen cloud surrounding the earth. The detective efficiencies (effective quantum efficiency including windows) of the three tubes at Ly- are between 6 and 10%.  相似文献   
Plots of performance degradation are used to compare the effects of fading and intersymbol interference in a two- component specular multipath digital communications channel. Similar plots are then used to compare two practical receivers designed to combat the interference. Degradation plots are shown to allow easy identification of each receiver's range of usefulness, as well as identification of variance bounds demanded of channel parameter estimates which the receivers require.  相似文献   
In a nonstationary and/or nonhomogeneous interference environment, an adaptive system for target detection may suffer a severe performance degradation due to the lack of a sufficient amount of data from which the system can learn (estimate) the statistics of the environment. The detection performance of an adaptive system, which employs a frequency diversity (multiband) signaling waveform and a multiband sample matrix inversion algorithm (SMI), is analyzed. By comparison with the corresponding single-band system under the chosen system constraint, it is shown that the multiband system can significantly outperform the single band when the amount of data available from a single frequency band is severely limited by the environment  相似文献   
An analogy is drawn between the current knowledge on terrestrial snow and ice-cap chemistry and the possible composition of snowfall and ice caps of Mars. Terrestrial snowfall reflects the composition of the Earth's atmosphere. Snow cover further interacts with the atmosphere and is the recipient of aerosol and particulate fall-out. The snow is transformed to firn and ice and the chemical signatures become locked into the perennial ice sheets. The chemical profiles of ice thus constitute environmental records of the Earth's past. By considering the present knowledge on the hydrologie cycle of Mars and the chemistry of the atmosphere, a simple analogous model for the chemical profile of the North polar ice cap is proposed. Three major constituents of the ice are discussed: water ice, dust, and occluded air bubbles. The seasonal fluctuations and interannual variability of these components are examined as possible chemical signatures for the dating of ice, elucidating hydrologie processes, and recording long-term climatic change. The model of the north polar cap in summer consists of water-ice fine-dust layers (30–200 m thick) sandwiched between annual dust layers of variable size distribution and thickness (< 1m– > 66 m). The water ice is subjected to metamorphism and grain growth. The interpretation of the physico-chemical profile could lead to increased knowledge on the recent climatic past (1,000–2,000 years), hydrologic reservoirs, and seasonal cycles in the atmospheric dynamics of the planet.  相似文献   
The Energetic Particles Investigation (EPI) instrument operates during the pre-entry phase of the Galileo Probe. The major science objective is to study the energetic particle population in the innermost regions of the Jovian magnetosphere — within 4 radii of the cloud tops — and into the upper atmosphere. To achieve these objectives the EPI instrument will make omnidirectional measurements of four different particle species — electrons, protons, alpha-particles, and heavy ions (Z > 2). Intensity profiles with a spatial resolution of about 0.02 Jupiter radii will be recorded. Three different energy range channels are allocated to both electrons and protons to provide a rough estimate of the spectral index of the energy spectra. In addition to the omnidirectional measurements, sectored data will be obtained for certain energy range electrons, protons, and alpha-particles to determine directional anisotropies and particle pitch angle distributions. The detector assembly is a two-element telescope using totally depleted, circular silicon surfacebarrier detectors surrounded by a cylindrical tungsten shielding with a wall thickness of 4.86 g cm-2. The telescope axis is oriented normal to the spherical surface of the Probe's rear heat shield which is needed for heat protection of the scientific payload during the Probe's entry into the Jovian atmosphere. The material thickness of the heat shield determines the lower energy threshold of the particle species investigated during the Probe's pre-entry phase. The EPI instrument is combined with the Lightning and Radio Emission Detector (LRD) such that the EPI sensor is connected to the LRD/EPI electronic box. In this way, both instruments together only have one interface of the Probe's power, command, and data unit.  相似文献   
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