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针对道面板在飞机荷载与温度耦合场复合作用下的道面寿命问题,首先,通过试验准确测量基于道面板深度的温度分布情况,得出了不同厚度道面板最大温度梯度推荐值,确定了仿真温度场加载参数。然后,在大量仿真试验分析的基础上,开展土基模量、道面板厚度和温差因素对道面板内应力的敏感性影响分析,建立温度应力与温差相关性关系模型,并通过实例验证其有效性。最后,在道面板临界荷位处进行飞机与温度耦合仿真加载试验分析,结果表明温度梯度和飞机荷载共同作用下产生的耦合应力小于温度翘曲应力和荷载应力的叠加之和,两者相差4.93%。基于荷载和温度耦合作用下的应力损伤累积原理,计算道面剩余容许作用次数,构建耦合场下道面剩余寿命评价模型,并进行实例应用。  相似文献   
The quality and availability of Uncalibrated Phase Delay (UPD) solutions are crucial to the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) service, and the long-term temporal variability and its contributing factors should be better understood. In this paper, we comprehensively investigate the long-term time-varying characteristics of each UPD product respectively generated by a global and regional network and their interoperable application in PPP-AR (ambiguity resolution), the sampling of the WL and NL UPDs are daily and 30 s, respectively. Firstly, in terms of our 30 day Wide-Lane (WL) UPD products of 31 satellites, the Standard Deviation (STD) of each satellite WL UPDs ranges from 0.04 to 0.06 cycles, indicating that the long-term prediction accuracy of satellite WL UPD is sufficient for fixing Wide-Lane ambiguities. Secondly, when a satellite in eclipsing the discontinulity may corrupt the determination of Narrow-Lane (NL) UPD in form of offset, as a result of lacking or poor satellite attitude dynamic modeling. When the influence of discontinuity is removed, the STD of our estimated satellite NL UPDs is less than 0.05 cycles. Thirdly, the STD of our estimated receiver WL UPDs is mainly below 0.2 cycles, which implies that its stability is one order poorer that of the satellite. In addition, if they are used for stations in and around the network covered region, the stability of the UPD products from the CMONOC (Crustal Movement Observation Network of China) is better than that from a global network, benefit from the fact that all the CMONOC stations are equipped with the same receiver type. Finally, the PPP-AR results show that a rate of 82.9% for stations with a WL-ambiguity-fixed rate of over 90% while 69.5% for stations with an NL-ambiguity-fixed rate of over 80% can be achieved when using UPD from the global network, which is worse than that of using UPD from the CMONOC (85.7% for stations with a WL-ambiguity-fixed rate of over 90% while 75% for stations with an NL-ambiguity-fixed rate of over 80%). The results of the experiment on the UPD interoperable application in PPP show that the global network UPD products can provide a fast AR at any single station, and the convergence time is well below 25 min. Particularly, when the location of a station is in and around the regional network, our results show that the PPP results obtained using regional UPDs enable the consistent use of global UPDs. When the location of a station is far away from the regional network, using the regional UPDs can not achieve PPP-AR. Finally, the WL UPDs of the previous day is used for forecasting to estimate the NL UPDs, the stability analysis results of NL UPDs solution and positioning results are demonstrate the validity of forecasted UPD products.  相似文献   
As an important loss mechanism of radiation belt electrons, electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves show up as three distinct frequency bands below the hydrogen (H+), helium (He+), and oxygen (O+) ion gyrofrequencies. Compared to O+-band EMIC waves, H+- and He+-band emissions generally occur more frequently and result in more efficient scattering removal of <~5?MeV relativistic electrons. Therefore, knowledge about the occurrence of these two bands is important for understanding the evolution of the relativistic electron population. To evaluate the occurrence pattern and wave properties of H+- and He+-band EMIC waves when they occur concurrently, we investigate 64 events of multi-band EMIC emissions identified from high quality Van Allen Probes wave data. Our quantitative results demonstrate a strong occurrence dependence of the multi-band EMIC emissions on magnetic local time (MLT) and L-shell to mainly concentrate on the dayside region of L?=?~4–6. We also find that the average magnetic field amplitude of H+-band waves is larger than that of He+-band waves only when L?<?4.5 and AE1?<?300?nT, and He+-band emissions are more intense under all other conditions. In contrast to 5 events that have average H+-band amplitude over 2 nT, 19 events exhibit >2 nT He+-band amplitude, indicating that the He+-band waves can be more easily amplified than the H+-band waves under the same circumstances. For simultaneous occurrences of the two EMIC wave bands, their frequencies vary with L-shell and geomagnetic activity: the peak wave frequency of H+-band emissions varies between 0.25 and 0.8 fcp with the average between 0.25 and 0.6 fcp, while that of He+-band emissions varies between 0.03 and 0.23 fcp with the average between 0.05 and 0.15 fcp. These newly observed occurrence features of simultaneous H+- and He+-band EMIC emissions provide improved information to quantify the overall contribution of multi-band EMIC waves to the loss processes of radiation belt electrons.  相似文献   
We perform an L-shell dependent inter-satellite calibration of FengYun 3 medium energy electron measurements with POES measurements based on rough orbital conjunctions within 5?min?×?0.1?L?×?0.5 MLT. By comparing electron flux data between the U.S. Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES) and Chinese sun-synchronous satellites including FY-3B and FY-3C for a whole year of 2014, we attempt to remove less reliable data and evaluate systematic uncertainties associated with the FY-3B and FY-3C datasets, expecting to quantify the inter-satellite calibration factors for the 150–350?keV energy channel at L?=?2–7. Compared to the POES data, the FY-3B and FY-3C data generally exhibit a similar trend of electron flux variations but more or less underestimate them within a factor of 5 for the medium electron energy 150–350?keV channel. Good consistency in the flux conjunctions after the inter-calibration procedures gives us certain confidence to generalize our method to calibrate electron flux measurements from various satellite instruments.  相似文献   
控制体有限元方法中的一种高阶插值格式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王旭  谷传纲 《航空动力学报》1999,14(2):209-211,224
针对控制体有限元方法对流动方向不平行于坐标轴方向的回流问题数值模拟采用各种迎风格式都容易产生假扩散的问题,本文给出了一种由插值单元及其迎风相邻单元所确定的高阶插值格式。通过对Re=1000时三种不同形状的二维四边形空穴流模拟,表明该格式与局部斜迎风格式的适当组合可有效地减小控制体有限元方法对回流问题数值模拟的假扩散。   相似文献   
基于Simulink的导弹控制系统参数优化设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了用Simulink对导弹控制系统进行设计和仿真的步骤和方法。以某导弹俯仰通道控制系统设计为例,应用最优化技术,通过建立被优化系统的数学模型和选择合适的最优化求解方法,利用Simulink Response Optim ization模块对导弹控制系统设计参数进行了优化设计。研究结果表明:设计出的导弹控制系统具有良好的动静态性能,很好地满足了战术技术要求,证明了应用计算机辅助优化设计技术可以在短时间内设计出性能优良的导弹控制系统。  相似文献   
顾文锦  韦峰  姚洪 《宇航学报》2000,21(2):43-49
飞航导弹模型可以处理成一种四层非线性、时变块对角结构,但其中一、二层模型不是仿射型模型,这在控制理论的应用上受到限制。本文应用优化线性理论,对这两层模型进行了仿射型处理,这样就得到了飞航导弹的四层非线性信射型模型。接着,本文提出了玫类非线性系统的变结构控制方法,从而对导弹进行了分层变结构控制器设计。仿真结果表明,所设计的系统具有很强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
油液压缩性对减摆器工作特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
讨论了考虑油液压缩性时减摆阻尼器的数学模型,在液压缸的压力微分方程中引入变化的体积弹性模量。用数字仿真方法模拟减摆阻尼器的动态阻尼特性,并与K8飞机的前轮操纵减摆器的动态阻尼试验作了对比。试验工况包含有意设置的缺油工况,即明显含有空气泡的情况。结果表明,不考虑油液压缩性的仿真结果与实测功量图明显不符,油液压缩性对减摆阻尼器的动态阻尼特性有较大影响。本文还讨论了含气量、振幅、频率等因素对动态阻尼特性的影响  相似文献   
用射频溅射制备了一组厚度不同的NiSiB非晶态薄膜.在不同温度下,用不同时间对薄膜进行了循环退火.实验测量了循环退火后的薄膜电阻随温度的变化,得到可逆和不可逆两组曲线.厚度较大(>1 000)的薄膜,电阻随温度的增加而增大,厚度较小(<400)的薄膜,电阻随温度的增加而减小.电阻温度系数有正有负.从非晶态材料的结构弛豫出发,应用激活能谱模型和推广的Ziman理论讨论了实验所得的结果.  相似文献   
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