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The chlorophyll concentration of a water body is an important proxy for representing the phytoplankton biomass. Its estimation from multi or hyper-spectral remote sensing data in natural waters is generally achieved by using (i) the waveband ratioing in two or more bands in the blue-green or (ii) by using a combination of the radiance peak position and magnitude in the red-near-infrared (NIR) spectrum. The blue-green ratio algorithms have been extensively used with satellite ocean color data to investigate chlorophyll distributions in open ocean and clear waters and the application of red-NIR algorithms is often restricted to turbid productive water bodies. These issues present the greatest obstacles to our ability to formulate a modern robust method suitable for quantitative assessments of the chlorophyll concentration in a diverse range of water types. The present study is focused to investigate the normalized water-leaving radiance spectra in the visible and NIR region and propose a robust algorithm (Generalized ABI, GABI algorithm) for chlorophyll concentration retrieval based on Algal Bloom index (ABI) which separates phytoplankton signals from other constituents in the water column. The GABI algorithm is validated using independent in-situ data from various regional to global waters and its performance is further evaluated by comparison with the blue-green waveband ratios and red-NIR algorithms. The results revealed that GABI yields significantly more accurate chlorophyll concentrations (with uncertainties less than 13.5%) and remains more stable in different waters types when compared with the blue-green waveband ratios and red-NIR algorithms. The performance of GABI is further demonstrated using HICO images from nearshore turbid productive waters and MERIS and MODIS-Aqua images from coastal and offshore waters of the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and East China Sea.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the motion around the triangular equilibrium points, of a passively gravitating dust particle in the gravitational field of a low-mass post-AGB binary system, surrounded by circumbinary disc. The two bodies of the binary are modeled as a triaxial star and a radiating-oblate star. Due to small deviation of disc stars on circular orbits, we have assumed that the Coriolis and centrifugal forces of the stars are slightly perturbed. The triangular equilibrium points of the particle are found. These points are defined by, triaxiality of the primary star, oblateness and radiation of the secondary one and the gravitational potential from the disc mass. Further, when the disc mass increases, the particle moves nearer to the stars and farther away from the disc. In general, these equilibrium points are linearly stable when μ < μC; where μ is the mass ratio and μC is the critical mass function, defined by the parameters of the system. The effects of each of these parameters on the size of the stability region are stated, and the periodic motion around the stable points is examined. It is seen that the orbits are ellipses, and the orientation, eccentricities, lengths of the semi-major and semi-minor axes are influenced by the parameters of the problem. In particular, for our numerical linear stability analysis, we have taken an extremely depleted pulsating star, IRAS 11472-0800 as the post-AGB triaxial star, with a weakly-radiating young white dwarf star; G29-38 as the secondary. For this system, the stability result of the triangular points comes out different. Here, μC < μ throughout the entire range of the mass ratio and the critical mass function. Hence, the triangular equilibrium points are unstable. The stability of the orbits is tested using the Poincaré surfaces of section (Pss). The region of stability is controlled by the introduced parameters and the Jacobi constant.  相似文献   
The paper presents a novel noncertainty-equivalent adaptive (NCEA) control system for the pitch attitude control of satellites in elliptic orbits using solar radiation pressure (SRP). The satellite is equipped with two identical solar flaps to produce control moments. The adaptive law is based on the attractive manifold design using filtered signals for synthesis, which is a modification of the immersion and invariance (I&I) method. The control system has a modular controller–estimator structure and has separate tunable gains. A special feature of this NCEA law is that the trajectories of the satellite converge to a manifold in an extended state space, and the adaptive law recovers the performance of a deterministic controller. This recovery of performance cannot be obtained with certainty-equivalent adaptive (CEA) laws. Simulation results are presented which show that the NCEA law accomplishes precise attitude control of the satellite in an elliptic orbit, despite large parameter uncertainties.  相似文献   
Magnetic data from a newly commissioned Indian Antarctic station Bharati (corrected geomagnetic (CGM) coordinates 74.7°S, 97.2°E) and closely-spaced IMAGE chain observatories (∼100° magnetic meridian in Northern hemisphere) has been analyzed to study the climatology of substorms which were localized poleward of the standard auroral oval. We considered four austral summers (year 2007–2010) when data from Bharati was available. Several very high latitude substorms were observed in this duration when the solar activity remained unexpectedly low for a long time. Various features of very high latitude substorms, e.g., local time dependence, interplanetary state, hemispherical asymmetry and their nightside low latitude signatures are examined. Events studied here, suggested the following properties of substorms occurring at very high latitudes: (1) maximum occurrence was observed near magnetic midnight (21:00–02:00 MLT). (2) In contradiction to earlier reports, many substorms were observed even during negative IMF Bz condition. In addition, majority of substorms occurred during low or moderate solar wind streams. (3) Magnetic signatures were often pronounced in the winter hemisphere. (4) Even if widely used standard AE indices fail to monitor very high latitude substorms, their low latitude signatures are often evident.  相似文献   
The importance of the dielectric properties of earth, ocean and snow surfaces in microwave remote sensing is reviewed. Data on dielectric properties of materials in the microwave frequency range are very scarce and their behaviour is not fully understood. In this paper the need for dielectric properties of ocean and snow surfaces, the earth's surface and subsurface materials is discussed for the quantitative and qualitative interpretation of microwave remote sensing data of developing countries.  相似文献   
The question of attitude control and elastic mode stabilization of a spacecraft (orbiter) with beam-tip-mass-type payloads is considered. A three-axis moment control law is derived to control the attitude of the spacecraft. The derivation of the control moments acting on the spacecraft does not require any information on the system dynamics. The control law includes a reference model and a dynamic compensator in the feedback path. For damping out the elastic motion excited by the slewing maneuver, an elastic mode stabilizer is designed. The stabilization is achieved by modal velocity feedback using force and torque actuators located at the payload end of the elastic beam. Collocated actuators and sensors provide robust stabilization. Simulation results are presented to show that rotational maneuvers and vibration stabilization can be accomplished in the closed-loop systems despite the presence of model uncertainty and disturbance torque in the system  相似文献   
Aggregation mechanism of erythrocytes under normal and microgravity conditions is analyzed from their recorded images. The video data is analyzed by PC/AT based image processing system. The results show that the shape of individual erythrocytes and their formed aggregates changes significantly which may affect the formation process of aggregates under microgravity conditions.  相似文献   
In the present paper salient features of discharges in the stratosphere and mesosphere (namely sprites, halos, blue starters, blue jets, gigantic jets and elves), are discussed. The electrostatic field due to charge imbalance during lightning processes may lead to stratospheric/mesospheric discharges either through the conventional breakdown based on streamers and leaders or relativistic runaway mechanism. Most (not all) of the observed features of sprites, halos and jets are explained by this processes. Development and evolution of streamers are based on the local transient electrostatic field and available ambient electron density which dictate better probability in favor of positive cloud-to-ground discharges, and thus explains the polarity asymmetry in triggering sprites and streamers. Elves are generated by electromagnetic pulse radiated by return stroke currents of cloud-to-ground/inter-cloud discharges. Generation of the both donut and pancake shape elves are explained. Electrodynamic features of thunderstorms associated with stratospheric/mesospheric discharges are summarized including current and charge moment associated with relevant cloud-to-ground discharges. The hypothesis relating tropospheric generated gravity waves and mesospheric discharges are also discussed. Finally some interesting problems are listed.  相似文献   
The present study is an assessment and identification of urban heat island (UHI) in the environment of one of the fastest urbanizing city of India, Delhi Metropolis, employing satellite image of ASTER and Landsat 7 ETM+ in the thermal infrared region 3–14 μm. Temporal (2001 and 2005) ASTER datasets were used to analyze the spatial structure of the thermal urban environment subsequently urban heat island (UHI) in relation to the urban surface characteristics and land use/land cover (LULC). The study involves derivation of parameters governing the surface heat fluxes, constructing statistics of ASTER thermal infrared images along with validation through intensive in situ measurements. The average images reveal spatial and temporal variations of land surface temperature (LST) of night-time and distinct microclimatic patterns. Central Business District (CBD) of Delhi, (Connaught Place, a high density built up area), and commercial/industrial areas display heat islands condition with a temperature greater than 4 °C compared to the suburbs. The small increase in surface temperature at city level is mainly attributed to cumulative impact of human activities, changes in LULC pattern and vegetation density. In this study the methodology takes into account spatially-relative surface temperatures and impervious surface fraction value to measure surface UHI intensity between the urban land cover and rural surroundings. Both the spatial and temporal variation in surface temperature associated with impervious surface area (ISA) has been evaluated to assess the effect of urbanization on the local climate.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to describe some unusual whistlers (doublets and triplets) and VLF hiss emission recorded simultaneously on February 18, 1998 during nighttime at a low latitude Indian ground station Jammu (geomag. lat., 22° 26′ N; L = 1.17), and to make some discussions about their origin. The detailed structures of the observed VLF hiss emission clearly show that these emissions confined to a narrow continuous frequency band. Some times the frequency of hiss band oscillates and subsequently touches the upper edge of the first whistler component of the doublet. Detailed structures of the dynamic spectra of whistler and VLF hiss emission are briefly presented. From the dispersion analysis of the whistler doublets and triplets, it is found that the individual whistlers of the doublets and triplets simultaneously observed on the same day are one-hop whistlers having propagation path along higher and closely spaced L-values. Our result also shows that VLF hiss has been generated in the equatorial region of higher L-values. Generation and propagation mechanisms are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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