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This paper reviews the present state of knowledge of the abundances and physical state of interstellar atomic and molecular hydrogen. Much new data in this area have been obtained in recent rocket observations. There have also been new developments as a result of ground-based infrared and 21-cm observations, and theoretical research.Rocket observations of the Lyman- interstellar absorption line of atomic hydrogen indicate that, in many directions in the sky, atomic hydrogen is up to a factor of 10 less abundant than previously indicated by 21-cm emission measurements. In the direction of the Orion Nebula, most of the absorbing gas appears to be concentrated in the near vicinity of the nebula and to have a temperature considerably lower than the average of 100 K obtained from 21-cm emission measurements. Molecular hydrogen appears essentially absent from the general interstellar medium, as confirmed by theoretical studies of photodissociation processes. However, ground-based infrared and 21-cm studies indicate that the hydrogen in dark dust clouds is mostly molecular.  相似文献   

Active exploration is reportedly better than passive observation of spatial displacements in real environments, for the acquisition of relational spatial information, especially by children. However, a previous study using a virtual environment (VE) showed that children in a passive observation condition performed better than actives when asked to reconstruct in reality the environment explored virtually. Active children were unpractised in using the input device, which may have detracted from any active advantage, since input device operation may be regarded as a concurrent task, increasing cognitive load and spatial working memory demands. To examine this possibility, 7–8-year-old children in the present study were given 5 minutes of training with the joystick input device. When compared with passive participants for spatial learning, active participants gave a better performance than passives, placing objects significantly more accurately. The importance of interface training when using VEs for assessment and training was discussed.  相似文献   
Previous calculations of the accumulation of small (∼10 km) planetesimals at ∼1 AU to form Mars-sized bodies assumed that the initial assemblage of planetesimals were all present at the outset. This is an obviously reasonable assumption in systems in which the time scale for growth time of ∼1026 g planetary bodies is long compared to estimates of the evolutionary time scale of a protosolar disk, as was the case in the pioneering work of Safronov (1969). It is now found that as a result of the preplanetary assemblage being unstable with respect to the runaway growth of the largest bodies, this is unlikely to be the case. The more realistic alternative of adding the initial planetesimals on a ∼105 year time scale is considered here, as well as the consequences of the initial planetesimals being considerably smaller than those assumed previously. It is found that although the time scale for runaway growth is now actually controlled by the availability of planetesimals, for planetesimal production time scales of ∼105 yrs, the final consequences are very similar. These calculations do show, however, that as a consequence of continuous infall during the runaway growth process, the late initial planetesimals are likely to be catastrophically disrupted by mutual collisions. For this reason, a more detailed treatment of the growth of planetesimals into planetary embryos will require a better understanding of the difficult problem of formation of the initial planetesimals themselves. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Space flight results in the exposure of astronauts to a mixed field of radiation composed of energetic particles of varying energies, and biological indicators of space radiation exposure provides a better understanding of the associated long-term health risks. Current methods of biodosimetry have employed the use of cytogenetic analysis for biodosimetry, and more recently the advent of technological progression has led to advanced research in the use of genomic and proteomic expression profiling to simultaneously assess biomarkers of radiation exposure. We describe here the technical advantages of the Luminex(TM) 100 system relative to traditional methods and its potential as a tool to simultaneously profile multiple proteins induced by ionizing radiation. The development of such a bioassay would provide more relevant post-translational dynamics of stress response and will impart important implications in the advancement of space and other radiation contact monitoring.  相似文献   
Attention is called to the importance of including the roles of cosmic dust particles and rocket exhaust particles in the detailed analysis of spacecraft charging effects, arcing and power drains due to leakage currents. Aspects of the problem pertaining to both low and high (geosynchronous) Earth orbit are discussed. Recommendations are made to assessing the long-term effects of hypervelocity impacts of these particles.  相似文献   
Mercury’s regolith, derived from the crustal bedrock, has been altered by a set of space weathering processes. Before we can interpret crustal composition, it is necessary to understand the nature of these surface alterations. The processes that space weather the surface are the same as those that form Mercury’s exosphere (micrometeoroid flux and solar wind interactions) and are moderated by the local space environment and the presence of a global magnetic field. To comprehend how space weathering acts on Mercury’s regolith, an understanding is needed of how contributing processes act as an interactive system. As no direct information (e.g., from returned samples) is available about how the system of space weathering affects Mercury’s regolith, we use as a basis for comparison the current understanding of these same processes on lunar and asteroidal regoliths as well as laboratory simulations. These comparisons suggest that Mercury’s regolith is overturned more frequently (though the characteristic surface time for a grain is unknown even relative to the lunar case), more than an order of magnitude more melt and vapor per unit time and unit area is produced by impact processes than on the Moon (creating a higher glass content via grain coatings and agglutinates), the degree of surface irradiation is comparable to or greater than that on the Moon, and photon irradiation is up to an order of magnitude greater (creating amorphous grain rims, chemically reducing the upper layers of grains to produce nanometer-scale particles of metallic iron, and depleting surface grains in volatile elements and alkali metals). The processes that chemically reduce the surface and produce nanometer-scale particles on Mercury are suggested to be more effective than similar processes on the Moon. Estimated abundances of nanometer-scale particles can account for Mercury’s dark surface relative to that of the Moon without requiring macroscopic grains of opaque minerals. The presence of nanometer-scale particles may also account for Mercury’s relatively featureless visible–near-infrared reflectance spectra. Characteristics of material returned from asteroid 25143 Itokawa demonstrate that this nanometer-scale material need not be pure iron, raising the possibility that the nanometer-scale material on Mercury may have a composition different from iron metal [such as (Fe,Mg)S]. The expected depletion of volatiles and particularly alkali metals from solar-wind interaction processes are inconsistent with the detection of sodium, potassium, and sulfur within the regolith. One plausible explanation invokes a larger fine fraction (grain size <45 μm) and more radiation-damaged grains than in the lunar surface material to create a regolith that is a more efficient reservoir for these volatiles. By this view the volatile elements detected are present not only within the grain structures, but also as adsorbates within the regolith and deposits on the surfaces of the regolith grains. The comparisons with findings from the Moon and asteroids provide a basis for predicting how compositional modifications induced by space weathering have affected Mercury’s surface composition.  相似文献   
Inflatable/deployable structures are under consideration as habitats for future Lunar surface science operations. The use of non-traditional structural materials combined with the need to maintain a safe working environment for extended periods in a harsh environment has led to the consideration of an integrated structural health management system for future habitats, to ensure their integrity. This article describes recent efforts to develop prototype sensing technologies and new self-healing materials that address the unique requirements of habitats comprised mainly of soft goods. A new approach to detecting impact damage is discussed, using addressable flexible capacitive sensing elements and thin film electronics in a matrixed array. Also, the use of passive wireless sensor tags for distributed sensing is discussed, wherein the need for on-board power through batteries or hardwired interconnects is eliminated. Finally, the development of a novel, microencapuslated self-healing elastomer with applications for inflatable/deployable habitats is reviewed.  相似文献   
This paper describes the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) instruments aboard the RBSP spacecraft from an instrumentation and engineering point of view. There are four magnetic spectrometers aboard each of the two spacecraft, one low-energy unit (20–240 keV), two medium-energy units (80–1200 keV), and a high-energy unit (800–4800 keV). The high unit also contains a proton telescope (55 keV–20 MeV). The magnetic spectrometers focus electrons within a selected energy pass band upon a focal plane of several silicon detectors where pulse-height analysis is used to determine if the energy of the incident electron is appropriate for the electron momentum selected by the magnet. Thus each event is a two-parameter analysis, an approach leading to a greatly reduced background. The physics of these instruments are described in detail followed by the engineering implementation. The data outputs are described, and examples of the calibration results and early flight data presented.  相似文献   
The Relativistic Proton Spectrometer (RPS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes spacecraft is a particle spectrometer designed to measure the flux, angular distribution, and energy spectrum of protons from ~60 MeV to ~2000 MeV. RPS will investigate decades-old questions about the inner Van Allen belt proton environment: a nearby region of space that is relatively unexplored because of the hazards of spacecraft operation there and the difficulties in obtaining accurate proton measurements in an intense penetrating background. RPS is designed to provide the accuracy needed to answer questions about the sources and losses of the inner belt protons and to obtain the measurements required for the next-generation models of trapped protons in the magnetosphere. In addition to detailed information for individual protons, RPS features count rates at a 1-second timescale, internal radiation dosimetry, and information about electrostatic discharge events on the RBSP spacecraft that together will provide new information about space environmental hazards in the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   
First recognized by Wu and Lee (Ap. J. 230, 621, 1979), electron-cyclotron masers can be activated under very mild conditions. Large growth rates can occur even for relatively mild anisotropies in the electron velocity distribution, e.g., the one-sided loss cones that commonly occur when electrons with small pitch angles precipitate into high density regions at the footpoints of flaring loops while others are reflected in the converging field in the corona. Maser action can plausibly occur at the second harmonic of the local gyrofrequency and so explain certain very bright (? 1010 K) microwave bursts from the sun and other stars. However, the preponderance of the energy is at the first harmonic.We suggest that masers operating at the local gyrofrequency in a flaring loop generate radiation at decimeter wavelengths that is a significant fraction of the total energy of the flare, in fact (and not coincidentally) comparable with the energy in electrons associated with hard X-ray bursts. Essentially all of the radio energy is trapped in the corona and serves to produce localized heating in a volume large compared with the energy release region. Thus it can transfer energy by radiation from one magnetic loop to another, possibly inducing further instabilities, and spreading the course of the flare. Eventually the energy probably escapes the corona as soft X-rays. The electron-cyclotron maser saturates by extracting the perpendicular energy of the electrons, thereby diffusing them into the loss cone at the maximum possible rate; the enhanced precipitation into the footpoints can produce bright emission in hard X-rays, EUV and Hα and remove any necessity for directive acceleration in the energy release region.Details of the proposed mechanism and effects are contained in two papers by Melrose and Dulk (Ap. J. 259, 1982).This work was sponsored by NASA under grants NAGW-91 and NSG-7287 to the University of Colorado.  相似文献   
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