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郑锋  程勉  高为炳 《航空学报》1994,15(7):870-876
根据完全状态信息下随机系统的变结构控制(SVSC)理论进一步研究不完全状态信息下随机系统的变结构控制问题,得到了变结构控制策略,研究了系统的渐近行为。仿真结果表明所得到的变结构控制策略是有效的。  相似文献   
鱼鳞纹叶栅试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鱼鳞纹叶栅临界马赫数比原型提高了9.5%,减少了46.9%,比直纹叶栅也减少了10.7%。最大二元静压比比原型高2.7%,比直纹叶栅高1.17%。在原型叶栅不能达到的Ma1=0.8处,两种花纹叶栅均未堵塞。  相似文献   
钛合金由于表面硬度低及耐磨性差而发展受限,利用电火花沉积技术对其表面进行改性处理可提升钛合金材料工作性能.以NiCr–3为电极在钛合金表面制备了强化涂层,分析了工艺参数对涂层表面粗糙度、表面形貌及厚度的影响规律,分析了不同工艺条件下涂层的微观组织结构变化规律.结果表明,随着比沉积时间的增加,涂层厚度先增加后减小,最佳比...  相似文献   
该系统实现了与CATIA的无缝连接,对知识的浏览机制、检索策略、基于CAA的三维模型预览、工程算法使用以及图表插值等关键技术进行了描述,可处理公式、图表、表格和文字等多种知识类型.最后,通过一个实例验证了该系统的可行性.  相似文献   
Russian Progress transport cargo vehicles have successfully been used in different space station programs since 1978. At present time, they play an important role in the International Space Station (ISS) project. Main tasks performed by the transport cargo vehicle (TCV) in the station program are the following: refueling of the station, delivery of consumables and equipment, waste removal, station attitude control and orbit correction maneuver execution.  相似文献   
钢板数控下料排样的一种优化算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了毛坯需求需要精确满足的不规则型毛坯数控气割下料排样问题。采用组块剪切排样法,排样时首先形成矩形组块,然后使组块在板材上优化排列。本文对两维约束排样算法进行修改,使之能生成所述排样问题的切割方式。最后应用所述算法给出变压器生产中钢板数控下料实例的优化排样方案,并与手工排样结果进行了对比  相似文献   
银行印鉴的模糊识别方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
印鉴的计算机自动识别在金融电子化进程中是一个关键问题,也是一项十分难以解决的课题,目前国内外已提出了一些算法,但仍然在存在若干未能解决的问题,本文结合遗传算法,图像分析,模糊识别等方法,提出了一套完整的印鉴识别方法,能适应不同形状,大小的印鉴,配准精度高,特征提取较为全面,有效,分类准确,且能较好的消除背景干扰,基本达到实用要求。  相似文献   
考虑到低纬地磁场与偶极子磁场偏离较大, 本文用国际参考场(n=6)进行了低纬哨声射线追迹计算.结果表明, 在约9°N和12°N处有两个很窄的哨声波非导传播出口点, 相应射线起点都在雷电活动区.哨声波非导传播出口的截止纬度约在8—9°N处.计算结果也较满意地解释了低纬哨声色散值和f0/F2正相关的事实.  相似文献   
The paper has studied the accuracy of the technique that allows the rotational motion of the Earth artificial satellites (AES) to be reconstructed based on the data of onboard measurements of angular velocity vectors and the strength of the Earth magnetic field (EMF). The technique is based on kinematic equations of the rotational motion of a rigid body. Both types of measurement data collected over some time interval have been processed jointly. The angular velocity measurements have been approximated using convenient formulas, which are substituted into the kinematic differential equations for the quaternion that specifies the transition from the body-fixed coordinate system of a satellite to the inertial coordinate system. Thus obtained equations represent a kinematic model of the rotational motion of a satellite. The solution of these equations, which approximate real motion, has been found by the least-square method from the condition of best fitting between the data of measurements of the EMF strength vector and its calculated values. The accuracy of the technique has been estimated by processing the data obtained from the board of the service module of the International Space Station (ISS). The reconstruction of station motion using the aforementioned technique has been compared with the telemetry data on the actual motion of the station. The technique has allowed us to reconstruct the station motion in the orbital orientation mode with a maximum error less than 0.6° and the turns with a maximal error of less than 1.2°.  相似文献   
航天测控与数传接收综合信道构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出 S/ X航天测控与数传接收综合信道的概念 ,对综合信道进行了设计 ,重点说明综合信道中伪码测距的实现方法。讨论设计测控系统和应用系统综合信道的三种方案 ,并进行了比较分析。  相似文献   
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