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可视化建模语言是采用图形方式对系统/软件进行描述的语言,可视化建模语言编辑器为其使用提供了工具支持.不同编辑器存在的共性使得可视化语言编辑器自动生成和配置成为可能.基于理论研究和编辑器开发的实践经验,提出了自动生成和配置相结合的可视化建模语言编辑器开发的总体框架以支持编辑器的快速开发,定义了一套支持静态语义的可视化建模语言描述方法RM.RM采用基于规则的形式化描述方法来描述可视化建模语言的语法和编辑器的特性,采用MOF(Meta Object Facility)来描述可视化语言的静态语义.最后,设计实现了可视化建模语言编辑器开发环境Veda,验证了总体框架和描述方法的可行性.   相似文献   
针对整车车身点云空间尺寸较大,数据量庞大,还原精度要求高等特点,提出基于骨架点的点云拼合算法,算法的基本思想是构造整车模型的骨架点和分块点云的mark点,由全等三角形法则搜索骨架点与mark点的映射关系,应用加速迭代的改进ICP(Iterative Closest Point)算法拼合整车点云.某厂轻卡整车点云的拼合实例证明,该算法拼合精度高,运算速度快,是拼合整车点云行之有效的方法.   相似文献   
GRECO(Graphical Electromagnetic Computing)技术是目前分析高频区复杂目标雷达散射截面(RCS)最有效方法之一.对复杂目标而言,应用GRECO方法的一个重要工作就是对目标的几何造型进行准确地建模,才能获得令人满意的结果.文中结合C-R样条建模理论,阐述了在Windows NT环境下利用VC+ +4.0与OpenGL为GRECO方法进行建模的机制.以标准体与复杂目标为实例,给出了与实验结果符合良好的RCS曲线,具有工程实用价值.   相似文献   
基于LMI的混合系统的稳定性和鲁棒镇定研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
混合系统的稳定性分析,乃至镇定方法是混合系统研究的重要内容。线性多模态切换系统是一类重要的混合系统。针对线性多模态系统提出了一种基于线性矩阵不等式技术进行稳定性分析和鲁棒镇定的方法,通过求解一组线性不等式得出稳定性的判定条件,设计出的一组状态反馈控制律对系统的模态切换乃至有界模型不确定有鲁棒性。推导了控制律设计所对应的线性矩阵不等式组,并证明了其中的一致性关系,探讨了求解方法,应用实施也显示出该方  相似文献   
基于MLFMA的飞行器锯齿边板散射特性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为精确求解散射问题,采用混合场积分方程、多层快速多极子算法(MLFMA, Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm)和共轭梯度算法的迭代技术,并改进了多极子模式数.金属球双站雷达散射截面(RCS,Radar Cross Section)的算例表明,该方法在保证精度的前提下,降低了内存和计算时间;分析了锯齿边板的电磁散射特性,总结了锯齿边板相对于直边板在不同角域内的RCS减缩特性以及RCS减缩与入射频率变化之间的关系:随着入射频率的增高,RCS减缩效果迅速提高,且垂直极化减缩效果较水平极化减缩效果好.该结论可以用来提高飞行器的隐身性能.   相似文献   
基于Tophat变换和文字纹理的车牌定位算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对车牌自动识别系统的应用场景越来越广泛,提出一种新的基于Tophat滤波和文字纹理特征的车牌定位算法.首先,利用形态学Tophat滤波抑制背景、消除不均匀光照,然后对图像进行二值化操作和连通域分析;其次,扫描图像得到区域的垂直投影图(VPM, Vertical Projection Map),对VPM进行离散余弦变换(DCT, Discrete Cosine Transformation),利用中低频描绘子重构VPM,重构后的VPM更为平滑,不受噪声影响,其波峰波谷数量、统计量更能描绘区域纹理的本质属性;最后,结合部分中低频描绘子和统计量组成描述区域纹理的模式向量,输入支持向量机归类.实验表明,算法适用于自然场景中的车牌定位问题,具有较强的适应性.   相似文献   
以实施第1及第2阶段限值后的大型客车为对象,对车用燃油从原油开采、运输、炼油WTT(Well-to-Tank)到车辆使用TTW(Tank-to-Wheel)等多个环节,即燃料生命周期WTW(Well-to-Wheel)内的能量消耗和温室气体排放进行了定量分析,WTT阶段的分析使用了有关统计数据,TTW阶段的分析采用了试验数据.结果表明:WTW阶段的能量消耗和温室气体分别是TTW阶段的1.151倍和1.153倍;WTT阶段各环节的能量消耗占总能量消耗的比例分别为6.7%,0.42%,6.1%,温室气体排放占总排放的比例分别为1.92%,1.42%,9.97%;大型客车第1阶段燃料消耗量限值的实施可降低12%的能量消耗和11.8%的温室气体排放;第2阶段燃料消耗量限值的实施可降低16.93%的能量消耗和17.67%的温室气体排放.  相似文献   
Lift on circulation control (CC) circular cylinder is calculated via numerical simulations based on 2D real- izable k-e epsilon viscous model and compared with experimental data. The simulation result shows an acceptable agreement with tested data. With the proved grid and simulation method, series of simulations are conducted to study the effect of parameters on lift. Single slotted tail booms under different clown wash velocities are optimized with the principle of generating maximum total moment around the main rotor shaft with same total power con- sumption. The results show that larger jet flow velocity, or smaller blow angle, or larger diameter of the cross section can help generating larger lift while enhancing the attachment of both the jet flow and down wash flow. Multiple slotted tail boom is better because it increases lift with same total slot width, and can increase lift by in- creasing total slot width without causing separation, also it helps generating high steady lift at a big rank of slot at- tack angles. To mount a guide vane (GV) at the exit of the slot, or shape the upper slot wall like a smooth-GV, or design the slot with an edge fillet is not recommended because it reduces the velocity of both the jet flow and the upstream of the attached downwash flow. Compared with other shapes of the slots, arcs-profiled slot performs better because of larger jet flow velocity and smaller blow angle. In order to generate the largest moment with same total power consumed by the entire NOTARTM system, total width of the slots and slot attack angle should be optimized according to velocity of down wash flow.  相似文献   
The non-linear behavior of continuous fiber reinforced C/SiC ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) under tensile loading is modeled by three-dimensional representative volume element (RVE) models of the composite. The theoretical background of the multi-scale approach solved by the finite element method (FEM) is recalled first- ly. Then the geometric characters of three kinds of damage mechanisms, i.e. micro matrix cracks, fiber/matrix interface debonding and fiber fracture, are studied. Three kinds of RVE are proposed to model the microstructure of C/SiC with above damage mechanisms respectively. The matrix cracking is modeled by critical matrix strain en- ergy (CMSE) principle while a maximum shear stress criterion is used for modeling fiber/matrix interface debond- ing. The behavior of fiber fracture is modeled by the famous Weibull statistic theory. A numerical example of con- tinuous fiber reinforced C/SiC composite under tensile loading is performed. The results show that the stress/ strain curve predicted by the developed model agrees with experimental data.  相似文献   
基于Web应用逆向工程提出一种网页信息提取的数据融合方案,利用HTTP的POST请求智能获取网页信息,通过自定义串口协议将数据送至服务器,最终采用C#正则表达式提取有效信息,设计在汕头空管站飞行计划处理系统(FIPS)与潮汕机场航班信息查询系统的数据融合中投入实际应用。  相似文献   
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