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The first estimations of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) using Langley Method at Southern Space Observatory (SSO) at Southern Brazil (29.4°S, 53.8°W) are presented. In addition to ozone and sulphur dioxide columns, AOT can be obtained using Brewer Spectrophotometer at specific wavelengths: 306.3, 310.1, 313.5, 316.8 and 320.1 nm. The AOT was obtained for the period from November/2002 to May/2003. Very low AOT averages were obtained, whose values were about 0.21 ± 0.03 at 306.3 nm, 0.21 ± 0.02 at 310.1 nm, 0.19 ± 0.02 at 313.5 nm, 0.20 ± 0.02 at 316.8 nm and 0.20 ± 0.02 at 320.0 nm for all period analysed. Different behaviour of AOT were obtained at two daily specific periods of aerosol accumulation, one in the afternoons from November/2002 to February/2003, caused mainly by a mild biomass burning season’s in the region and other in the mornings from March to May/2003, due the high relative humidity presented in the region studied.  相似文献   
The Scanning Sky Monitor is one of the experiments onboard the ASTROSAT, an Indian multiwavelength astronomy satellite mission. This experiment will detect and monitor X-ray transients in the energy band 2–10 keV. It is similar in design to the ASM on RXTE. It consists of position-sensitive proportional counters with one-dimensional mask. We describe the configuration of the experiment. We also discuss some of the results obtained using a detector which has already been fabricated and tested in our laboratory.  相似文献   
We present results of optical follow-up observations of candidate ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs). Using Keck optical spectroscopy, 17 of the candidates from the Colbert and Ptak [Colbert, E.J.M., Ptak, A.F. A catalog of candidate intermediate-luminosity X-ray objects. ApJS 143, 25–45, 2002] catalog have been identified; this is one of the largest sets of optical identifications of such objects thus far. Fifteen are background active galactic nuclei (AGN); two are foreground stars in our Galaxy. These findings are consistent with background and foreground object expectations, as derived from log N–log S relations. Also, the results are briefly discussed in terms of the spiral-galaxy/ULX connection.  相似文献   
We investigate the relation between the pulse and orbital periods in high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), in order to find the candidates of magnetar descendants in HMXBs. We suggest that magnetar descendants can be found among the HMXBs with relatively shorter orbital periods and longer pulse periods.  相似文献   
On March 2003, IBIS, the γ-ray imager on board the INTEGRAL satellite, detected an outburst from a new source, IGR J17464-3213, that turned out to be an HEAO-1 transient, namely H1743-322. The spectral and temporal evolutions of the source were observed by INTEGRAL in different periods. Also RXTE observed the source for the first time on 2003 March 29 during a PCA Galactic bulge scan. The source flux decayed below the RXTE PCA sensitivity limit in November 2003, then in April 2004 it was again detected by INTEGRAL. On July 3, 2004 the source was again detected by RXTE/PCA at a 2–10 keV intensity of 16 mCrab and on July 7, reached 69 mCrab. Recently, a new outburst was observed on August 2005. We briefly summarise here the behaviour of the source observed by INTEGRAL from March 2003 to August 2005. The new outbursts of the source and the analysis of all the data collected (now public) give a global view of the spectral and time behaviour of this X-ray transient.  相似文献   
The state of subsonic propeller is intermediate between the states of supersonic propeller and accretor in the evolutionary tracks of magnetized compact stars. The rotational rate of a star at this stage decelerates due to the interaction between its magnetosphere and the surrounding hot, quasi-static plasma envelope. The magnetospheric radius is smaller than the corotation radius and the boundary of the magnetosphere is stable with respect to interchange instabilities. The rate of the mass flux from the inner radius of the envelope to the stellar surface is limited by the rate of plasma diffusion into the magnetic field of the star. As a result, the subsonic propeller would appear as a low-luminosity accretion-powered pulsar with a soft X-ray spectrum.  相似文献   
INTEGRAL is the ESA lead International Gamma-Ray Astrophysical Laboratory, successfully launched the 17th October 2002 from Baikonur with a Proton vehicle. In view of the high sensitivity of the two γ-ray instruments IBIS and SPI and their capability to provide at the same time image, spectra and time profiles of all the sources in their wide field of view, a key project was approved as “Core Programme” to obtain deep observations of the Galactic Centre (GCDE) and to exploit regular scan of the whole Galaxy Plane since the beginning of the mission. This paper will briefly review the main astrophysical results obtained in the field of high energy Galactic sources with the INTEGRAL/IBIS γ-ray Imager onboard INTEGRAL, and make a comparison with the previous scenario depicted by the BeppoSAX and RXTE results.  相似文献   
High mass X-ray binary (HMXB) pulsars are of two types, persistent and transient. 4U1538−52 is a persistent HMXB whose orbit was previously measured to be circular but the RXTE observations revealed an eccentric orbit. We observed this system with RXTE-PCA in August 2003 and our timing analysis supports the eccentric orbit of the system. However, we do not find any evidence for orbital evolution.

Rotational and tidal interactions between the stars of a closed binary system result in apsidal motion which can be measured in systems with eccentric orbit. 4U0115+63 is a Be-transient HMXB whose eccentric orbit was well-determined during its 1978 outburst. We report preliminary results from analysis of data obtained during the 1999 outburst of this source with the RXTE-PCA.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the rapid X-ray variability of low magnetic-field neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries are briefly summarized.  相似文献   
We propose a jet model for the low/hard state of galactic black-hole X-ray sources which explains the energy spectra from radio to X-rays and a number of timing properties in the X-ray domain such as the time lag spectra, the hardening of the power density spectra and the narrowing of the autocorrelation function with increasing photon energy. The model assumes that (i) there is a magnetic field along the axis of the jet, (ii) the electron density in the jet drops inversely proportional to distance, (iii) the jet is “hotter” near its center than at its periphery, and (iv) the electrons in the jet follow a power-law distribution function. We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of Compton upscattering of soft photons from the accretion disk and have found power-law high-energy spectra with photon-number index in the range 1.5–2 and cutoff at a few hundred keV, power-law time lags versus Fourier frequency with index 0.8, and an increase of the rms amplitude of variability and a narrowing of the autocorrelation function with increasing photon energy as they have been observed in Cygnus X-1. The spectrum at long wavelengths (radio, infrared, optical) is modeled to come from synchrotron radiation of the energetic electrons in the jet. We find flat to inverted radio spectra that extend from the radio up to about the optical band. For magnetic field strengths of the order 105–106 G at the base of the jet, the calculated spectra agree well in slope and flux with the observations.  相似文献   
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