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We present an investigation of the influence of the 27-day solar flux variations, caused by solar rotation, on the ionosphere parameters such as the F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) and the total electron content (TEC). Our observational data were obtained with the Irkutsk Digisonde (DPS-4) located at 52.3 North and 104.3 East during the period from 2003 to 2005. In addition, we use TEC data from the Global Ionosphere Maps (GIM) based on Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. The solar radiation flux at a wavelength of 10.7 cm (F10.7 index) is used as an index characterizing the solar activity level. A good correlation between observed ionosphere parameters and solar activity variations is found especially in autumn-to-winter season. We estimate the impact of the 27-day solar flux variations on the day-to-day variability and determine the time delay of the ionosphere response.  相似文献   
太阳大气的诸多观测事件(如耀斑、喷流等)均被归因于磁重联产生的能量转换. 近年来, 关于太阳风起源, 有研究提出了磁重联使闭合磁圈开放为太阳风供应物质的新模式. 在该模式中, 闭合磁圈被光球超米粒组织对流携带, 向超米粒边界运动, 与位于边界的开放磁场相碰撞进而发生磁重联. 该模式中磁重联的驱动及其效应是本文的研究目标. 磁流体力学(MHD)数值模拟是研究太阳大气磁重联物理过程的重要途径. 本文建立了一个二维MHD数值模型, 结合太阳大气温度和密度的分层分布, 在超米粒组织尺度上模拟了水平流动驱动的闭合磁圈与开放磁场的重联过程. 通过对模拟结果的定量分析, 认为磁重联确实能够将闭合磁圈的物质释放, 进而供应给新的开放磁结构并产生向上流动. 该结果为进一步模拟研究太阳风初始外流奠定了基础.  相似文献   
Senrad: an advanced wideband air-surveillance radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The generic characteristics and performance of an experimental long-range air-surveillance radar, known at the Naval Research Laboratory as Senrad, is described. Its distinguishing feature is that it can operate with simultaneous transmissions over a very wide bandwidth-from 850 to 1400 MHz. The technology and type of experimental radar equipment employed are discussed and examples are given of its performance capabilities obtained by means of very wideband operation. The unusually wide bandwidth of this radar allows 1) improved detection and tracking performance because of the absence of the nulls that are common in the antenna elevation radiation-pattern of a single-frequency radar; 2) moving target indication (MTI) without loss of targets due to blind speeds and without the need for multiple PRFs (pulse repetition frequencies); 3) accurate height finding with a fan-beam radar by taking advantage of the multipath time difference as a function of target height; 4) a form of limited target recognition based on high range-resolution; and 5) a reduction of the effectiveness of electronic countermeasures that can seriously degrade more narrowband radars  相似文献   
A recent multibeam pulsar survey of the outer Galactic plane at Parkes has discovered the first-known double-pulsar binary, a very compact double neutron star system in which both stars are observable as radio pulsars. In this review, we briefly describe the discovery and the studies which have been enabled by the unique properties of the system. These range from the most precise confirmation yet of the theory of general relativity, with the possibility of even more new tests and the measurement of second-order post-Newtonian effects, to studies of the magnetospheres and emission properties of the two pulsars. The discovery also results in a significant increase in the expected rate of occurrence of the mergers of double neutron star systems, and hence the rate of detection of such events by the new ground-based gravitational wave detectors.  相似文献   
SIGMA - 3 gas chromatograph on board VEGA 1 and 2 landing probes has been operated successfully in the 60 - 50 km altitude range, providing several in - situ chemical analysis of the gas and the aerosols of Venus cloud layers. Post flight calibration required to derive atmospheric abundancies from gas chromatograms were carried out using the SIGMA - 3 spare model. A Venus atmospheric aerosol simulation chamber was used in which sulfuric acid droplets were generated. Preliminary results of these calibration experiments indicate that the concentration of sulfuric acid in the upper part of the clouds ( 60 to 55 km) is about 1 mg/m3 and suggest that an additional constituant must be present in noticeable amount in the aerosols. From these experiments the mixing ratio upper limits of SO2 is 100 ppmV and of H2S and COS is few 10 ppmV.  相似文献   
Mutations occur at a higher rate in space than under terrestrial conditions, primarily due to an increase in radiation levels. These mutations may effect the productivity of plants found in a controlled ecological life support system (CELSS). Computer simulations of plants with different ploidies, modes of reproduction, lethality thresholds, viability thresholds and susceptibilities to radiation induced mutations were performed under space normal and solar flare conditions. These simulations identified plant characteristics that would enable plants to retain high productivities over time in a CELSS.  相似文献   
The Lunar Gravity Ranging System (LGRS) flying on NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission measures fluctuations in the separation between the two GRAIL orbiters with sensitivity below 0.6 microns/Hz1/2. GRAIL adapts the mission design and instrumentation from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) to a make a precise gravitational map of Earth’s Moon. Phase measurements of Ka-band carrier signals transmitted between spacecraft with line-of-sight separations between 50 km to 225 km provide the primary observable. Measurements of time offsets between the orbiters, frequency calibrations, and precise orbit determination provided by the Global Positioning System on GRACE are replaced by an S-band time-transfer cross link and Deep Space Network Doppler tracking of an X-band radioscience beacon and the spacecraft telecommunications link. Lack of an atmosphere at the Moon allows use of a single-frequency link and elimination of the accelerometer compared to the GRACE instrumentation. This paper describes the implementation, testing and performance of the instrument complement flown on the two GRAIL orbiters.  相似文献   
This paper describes the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) instruments aboard the RBSP spacecraft from an instrumentation and engineering point of view. There are four magnetic spectrometers aboard each of the two spacecraft, one low-energy unit (20–240 keV), two medium-energy units (80–1200 keV), and a high-energy unit (800–4800 keV). The high unit also contains a proton telescope (55 keV–20 MeV). The magnetic spectrometers focus electrons within a selected energy pass band upon a focal plane of several silicon detectors where pulse-height analysis is used to determine if the energy of the incident electron is appropriate for the electron momentum selected by the magnet. Thus each event is a two-parameter analysis, an approach leading to a greatly reduced background. The physics of these instruments are described in detail followed by the engineering implementation. The data outputs are described, and examples of the calibration results and early flight data presented.  相似文献   
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