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A conventional (nonmonopulse) secondary surveillance radar (SSR) is significantly cheaper than a monopulse SSR but exhibits much greater azimuthal error, especially when some of the replies are missing. Estimation techniques and their performance are discussed with special reference to SSR applications, and a novel estimator for conventional SSR is described. The proposed technique is a close approximation of the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE), taking into account the receiver characteristics as well as the missed replies. Estimator performance obtained by analysis and computer simulation is compared with that of conventional estimators that are based on the leading and trailing edges of binary sequences and shows significantly improved accuracy  相似文献   
气冷涡轮叶栅效率的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将气冷涡轮叶栅中的冷气与主流在边界层中的掺混模型和在边界层外的掺混层中的掺混模型结合起来, 建立了一个预估气冷涡轮叶栅效率的计算模型。根据该模型利用回转面叶栅无粘流场的计算结果和二维叶面边界层流动的计算结果来预估气冷涡轮叶栅的效率。该算法为气冷涡轮叶栅的优化气动设计提供了一个计算手段。   相似文献   
Several forms of sequential hypothesis testing algorithms are described and their performance as classification algorithms for automatic target recognition is evaluated and compared. Several forms of parameteric algorithms, as well as a sequential form of a useful nonparametric algorithm are considered. The primary focus is the design of algorithms for automatic target recognition that produce maximally reliable decisions while requiring, on the average, a minimum number of backscatter measurements. The tradeoffs between the average number of required measurements and the error performance of the resulting algorithms are compared by means of Monte-Carlo simulation studies  相似文献   
Three improved algorithms for strapdown attitude computation utilizing accumulated gyro increments from the previous and current update are developed and evaluated analytically under classical coning motion. The error criterion of Miller is derived directly from the rotation vector concept. The accuracy of updating rotation vector estimation can be improved at least two orders of magnitude as compared with those of conventional algorithms. The proposed algorithm is equivalent to increasing the number of gyro samples used in the conventional method and it requires less computer loading  相似文献   
The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), a fully approved and funded project of ESA, will operate at wavelengths from 3–200 microns. The satellite essentially consists of a large cryostat containing about 2300 litres of superfluid helium to maintain the telescope (primary mirror diameter of 60 cm) and the scientific instruments at temperatures between 2K and 8K. A pointing accuracy of a few arc seconds is provided by a three-axis-stabilisation system. ISO's instrument complement consists of four instruments, namely: an imaging photo-polarimeter (3–200 microns), a camera (3–17 microns), a short wavelength spectrometer (3–45 microns) and a long wavelength spectrometer (45–180 microns). ISO's scheduled launch date is May 1993 and it will be operational for at least 18 months. In keeping with ISO's role as an observatory, two-thirds of its observing time will be made available to the general astronomical community via several Calls for Observing Proposals.  相似文献   
The specifications are presented for an imperfect automatic test system (ATS) (test frequency distribution, reliability, false alarm rate, nondetection rate) in order to account for the availability, readiness, mean time between unscheduled repairs (MTBUR), reliability, and maintenance of the system subject to monitoring and test. A time-dependent Markov model is presented, and applied in three cases, with examples of numerical results provided for preventive maintenance decisions, design of an automatic test system, buffer testing in computers, and data communications.  相似文献   
A refined stochastic model for the errors of the Loran-C radio navigation aid is described, and it is shown how this model can be used to improve the performance of integrated navigation systems. In addition to the usual propagation errors, Loran-C time of arrival measurements are occasionally plagued with sudden intermittent errors of a particular magnitude and caused by receiver cycle selection errors. These result in sudden large jumps in the calculated position solution. The Loran-C error has been modeled as the sum of a diffusion process, representing the normal propagating errors, and a pure jump process of Poisson type, representing the cycle selection errors. A simple integrated navigation system is then described, based on the Loran-C model and the standard dead reckoning (heading and speed) system model. Assuming that the observed process is governed by a linear stochastic difference equation, a recursive linear unbiased minimum variance filter is developed, from which the Loran-C and dead reckoning errors, and hence position and velocity, can be estimated  相似文献   
This paper presents results of a preliminary study of feasibility for the application of electroactive polymer (EAP) based actuators to a robotic locomotion system, intended by the European Space Agency (ESA) to operate on the surface of Mars. The system is conceived as an elastic spherical rover, exploiting wind propulsion for surface motion, while adopting an active mechanism for vertical jumping over obstacles. The use of polymeric electromechanical devices is envisaged in order to provide actuation to such a jumping mechanism. Among the available EAP technologies, new contractile linear actuators based on dielectric elastomers arc proposed in this study as suitable devices and two potential solutions concerning their use are designed, modeled, and evaluated via numerical simulations. The best solution reveals interesting simulated performances, enabling jumping of obstacle heights corresponding to more than 7% of the diameter of the rover  相似文献   
In this paper the problem of uplink array calibration for deep-space communication is considered. A phased array of many modest-size reflectors antennas is used to drastically improve the uplink effective isotropic radiated power of a ground station. A radar calibration procedure for the array phase distribution is presented using a number of in-orbit targets. Design of optimal orbit and the number of calibration targets is investigated for providing frequent calibration opportunities needed for compensating array elements phase center movements as the array tracks a spacecraft. Array far-field focusing based on the near-filed in-orbit (low Earth orbit (LEO)) calibration targets is also presented and array gain degradation analysis based on the position error of the array elements and in-orbit targets has been carried out. It is shown that errors in the in-orbit targets positions significantly degrade the far-field array gain while the errors in array elements positions are not very important. Analysis of phase errors caused by thermal noise, system instability, and atmospheric effects show insignificant array gain degradation by these factors  相似文献   
A coarray-based near-field, wideband synthetic aperture beamformer using stepped-frequency signal synthesis and post-data acquisition processing is presented. While coarray techniques offer significant reduction in the number of array elements for a given angular resolution, the hybrid subarray-stepped frequency realization of wideband systems simplifies implementations and offers flexibility in beamforming. Proof of concept is provided using real data collected in an anechoic chamber for several pulse shapes and array weightings.  相似文献   
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