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At a time when scientific and commercial interest in the Moon is being reinvigorated it is becoming fashionable for ordinary individuals to ‘buy’ plots on the lunar surface, with the ‘vendors’ arguing that an absence of specific prohibition of individual private activity in space makes such action legal. It is therefore time for the legal community to address this situation by investigating just how legal such activity is—and bringing their findings to the attention of governments. This can be done through an examination of the relationship between national law and international space law, of the provisions of international space law—especially Article 2 of the Outer Space Treaty—and by answering any claims to private ownership of immovable property. Aside from the fact that individuals appear to be being duped, the pursuit of property claims on the Moon could impede future activities aimed at benefiting society.  相似文献   
In 2013 and 2015, investigations of the internal solar wind were carried out using the method of two-frequency radio sounding by signals from the Mars Express European spacecraft. The values of the S- and X-bands’ frequency and the differential frequency were registered with a sampling rate of 1s at the American and European networks of ground-based tracking stations. The spatial distribution of the frequency fluctuation’s level has been studied. It has been shown that the intensity of frequency fluctuation considerably decreases at high heliolatitudes. In some radio sounding sessions, quasiperiodic oscillations of sub-mHz band have been observed in the temporal spectra of frequency fluctuations; they are supposed to be associated with the density inhomogeneities, the sizes of which are close to the turbulence outer scale.  相似文献   
At present, the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, in cooperation with other organizations, is preparing space experiments onboard the Lomonosov satellite. The main goal of this mission is to study extreme astrophysical phenomena such as cosmic gamma-ray bursts and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. These phenomena are associated with the processes occurring in the early universe in very distant astrophysical objects, therefore, they can provide information on the first stages of the evolution of the universe. This paper considers the main characteristics of the scientific equipment aboard the Lomonosov satellite.  相似文献   
In 1998, Comet 9P/Tempel 1 was chosen as the target of the Deep Impact mission (A’Hearn, M. F., Belton, M. J. S., and Delamere, A., Space Sci. Rev., 2005) even though very little was known about its physical properties. Efforts were immediately begun to improve this situation by the Deep Impact Science Team leading to the founding of a worldwide observing campaign (Meech et al., Space Sci. Rev., 2005a). This campaign has already produced a great deal of information on the global properties of the comet’s nucleus (summarized in Table I) that is vital to the planning and the assessment of the chances of success at the impact and encounter. Since the mission was begun the successful encounters of the Deep Space 1 spacecraft at Comet 19P/Borrelly and the Stardust spacecraft at Comet 81P/Wild 2 have occurred yielding new information on the state of the nuclei of these two comets. This information, together with earlier results on the nucleus of comet 1P/Halley from the European Space Agency’s Giotto, the Soviet Vega mission, and various ground-based observational and theoretical studies, is used as a basis for conjectures on the morphological, geological, mechanical, and compositional properties of the surface and subsurface that Deep Impact may find at 9P/Tempel 1. We adopt the following working values (circa December 2004) for the nucleus parameters of prime importance to Deep Impact as follows: mean effective radius = 3.25± 0.2 km, shape – irregular triaxial ellipsoid with a/b = 3.2± 0.4 and overall dimensions of ∼14.4 × 4.4 × 4.4 km, principal axis rotation with period = 41.85± 0.1 hr, pole directions (RA, Dec, J2000) = 46± 10, 73± 10 deg (Pole 1) or 287± 14, 16.5± 10 deg (Pole 2) (the two poles are photometrically, but not geometrically, equivalent), Kron-Cousins (V-R) color = 0.56± 0.02, V-band geometric albedo = 0.04± 0.01, R-band geometric albedo = 0.05± 0.01, R-band H(1,1,0) = 14.441± 0.067, and mass ∼7×1013 kg assuming a bulk density of 500 kg m−3. As these are working values, {i.e.}, based on preliminary analyses, it is expected that adjustments to their values may be made before encounter as improved estimates become available through further analysis of the large database being made available by the Deep Impact observing campaign. Given the parameters listed above the impact will occur in an environment where the local gravity is estimated at 0.027–0.04 cm s−2 and the escape velocity between 1.4 and 2 m s−1. For both of the rotation poles found here, the Deep Impact spacecraft on approach to encounter will find the rotation axis close to the plane of the sky (aspect angles 82.2 and 69.7 deg. for pole 1 and 2, respectively). However, until the rotation period estimate is substantially improved, it will remain uncertain whether the impactor will collide with the broadside or the ends of the nucleus.  相似文献   
The properties of the eclipsing binaries Algol, Beta Lyrae, and W Serpentis are discussed and new results are presented. The physical properties of the components of Algol are now well determined. High resolution spectroscopy of the H-alpha feature by Richards et al. and by Gillet et al. and spectroscopy of the ultraviolet resonance lines with the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite reveal hot gas around the BBV primary. Gas flows also have been detected apparently originating from the low mass, cooler secondary component and flowing toward the hotter star through the Lagrangian L1 point. Analysis of 6 years of multi-bandpass photoelectric photometry of Beta Lyrae indicates that systematic changes in light curves occur with a characteristic period of -275 ± 25 days. These changes may arise from pulsations of the B8II star or from changes in the geometry of the disk component. Hitherto unpublished u, v, b, y, and H-alpha index light curves of W Ser are presented and discussed. W Ser is a very complex binary system that undergoes complicated, large changes in its light curves. The physical properties of W Ser are only poorly known, but it probably contains one component at its Roche surface, rapidly transfering matter to a component which is embedded in a thick, opaque disk. In several respects, W Ser resembles an upscale version of a cataclysmic variable binary system.  相似文献   
In extension to common applications such as groundtrack displays and antenna steering, the SGP4 orbit model is proposed for operational orbit determination in small satellite missions. SGP4 is an analytical orbit model for Low-Earth orbiting satellites that is widely used for the propagation of NORAD twoline elements. Twoline elements may hence be generated completely independent of NORAD. Their use as exclusive source of orbital information simplifies the operations concept and reduces mission costs through the extensive use of existing low-cost mission support software. Due to small computer resource requirements of 8–10kByte, the SGP4 model may also be applied for onboard orbit computations making use of e.g. a 80186 processor, thus ensuring full compatibility of ground-based and onboard operations. The proposed approach is particularly suited in combination with a space-borne GPS receiver, were the C/A-code navigation solutions are treated as measurements that are adjusted in a least-squares sense using the SGP4 model. As consequence, inherent drawbacks of the pure navigation solutions such as data gaps and scatter as well as limited velocity accuracy are avoided, while the operational navigation activities are kept at a minimum. The feasibility of the concept is illustrated based on real GPS navigation data from the TOPEX/Poseidon and the MIR space station with an inherent data quality of 50–100 m. It is shown that 3 hours of data within a 4 day period are sufficient to keep the position error within 4 km, that is considered sufficient for most applications.  相似文献   
The Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIS) instrument on the Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft is designed to map spectral properties of the mission target, the S-type asteroid 433 Eros, at near-infrared wavelengths diagnostic of the composition of minerals forming S asteroids. NIS is a grating spectrometer, in which light is directed by a dichroic beam-splitter onto a 32-element Ge detector (center wavelengths, 816–1486 nm) and a 32-element InGaAs detector (center wavelengths, 1371–2708 nm). Each detector reports a 32-channel spectrum at 12-bit quantization. The field-of-view is selectable using slits with dimensions calibrated at 0.37° × 0.76° (narrow slit) and 0.74° × 0.76° (wide slit). A shutter can be closed for dark current measurements. For the Ge detector, there is an option to command a 10x boost in gain. A scan mirror rotates the field-of-view over a 140° range, and a diffuse gold radiance calibration target is viewable at the sunward edge of the field of regard. Spectra are measured once per second, and up to 16 can be summed onboard. Hyperspectral image cubes are built up by a combination of down-track spacecraft motion and cross-track scanning of the mirror. Instrument software allows execution of data acquisition macros, which include selection of the slit width, number of spectra to sum, gain, mirror scanning, and an option to interleave dark spectra with the shutter closed among asteroid observations. The instrument was extensively characterized by on-ground calibration, and a comprehensive program of in-flight calibration was begun shortly after launch. NIS observations of Eros will largely be coordinated with multicolor imaging from the Multispectral Imager (MSI). NIS will begin observing Eros during approach to the asteroid, and the instrument will map Eros at successively higher spatial resolutions as NEAR's orbit around Eros is lowered incrementally to 25 km altitude. Ultimate products of the investigation will include composition maps of the entire illuminated surface of Eros at spatial resolutions as high as 300 m.  相似文献   
The science payload on the Deep Impact mission includes a 1.05–4.8 μm infrared spectrometer with a spectral resolution ranging from R∼200–900. The Deep Impact IR spectrometer was designed to optimize, within engineering and cost constraints, observations of the dust, gas, and nucleus of 9P/Tempel 1. The wavelength range includes absorption and emission features from ices, silicates, organics, and many gases that are known to be, or anticipated to be, present on comets. The expected data will provide measurements at previously unseen spatial resolution before, during, and after our cratering experiment at the comet 9P/Tempel 1. This article explores the unique aspects of the Deep Impact IR spectrometer experiment, presents a range of expectations for spectral data of 9P/Tempel 1, and summarizes the specific science objectives at each phase of the mission.  相似文献   
喷流对飞机尾流涡影响的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
飞机产生的尾流涡,特别是大尺度的翼尖涡,对尾随其后的飞行器是非常有害的,本文旨在探索利用飞机发动机产生的喷流加速尾流涡消亡的方法。试验采用简化的飞机模型(有尾翼),建立了包含一对翼尖涡及一对反向旋转的尾翼涡(通过以负迎角安装尾翼得到)的4涡尾流系统。在无外来扰动的情况下,不同的尾翼设置下得到的尾翼涡对翼尖涡的作用效果不同,有的能导致翼尖涡提前消亡,有的则不能。考察了不同强度的喷流对不同4涡尾流系统的影响,且作为对比,对无尾翼(2涡系统)及无喷流下的各种情况也分别作了观测。试验在拖曳水槽中进行,运用体视粒子图像测速(SPIV)技术,观测了与模型拖曳方向垂直的、从机翼后缘到下游约45翼展间均布的一系列切面。结果表明:当喷流直接作用于涡时,其效果主要取决于两者之间的初始距离及相对强度;而当喷流作用于整个4涡尾流系统时,其引入的扰动对不同的系统均能起到一定程度的改善作用,这种作用的关键在于利用喷流优化对翼尖涡进行扰动的机制,而不仅仅取决于喷流的强度。  相似文献   
In this paper, the results of an experimental study concerning average heat transfer in an annular channel with flow swirling by an endless screw and spherical grooves on the convex surface are presented. Also analyzed is the heat and hydraulic efficiency of grooves application under conditions being considered.  相似文献   
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