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We review recent progress in understanding how nebular dust and gas are converted into the planets of the present-day solar system, focusing particularly on the “Grand Tack” and pebble accretion scenarios. The Grand Tack can explain the observed division of the solar system into two different isotopic “flavours”, which are found in both differentiated and undifferentiated meteorites. The isotopic chronology inferred for the development of these two “flavours” is consistent with expectations of gas-giant growth and nebular gas loss timescales. The Grand Tack naturally makes a small Mars and a depleted, dynamically-excited and compositionally mixed asteroid belt (as observed); it builds both Mars and the Earth rapidly, which is consistent with the isotopically-inferred growth timescale of the former, but not the latter. Pebble accretion can explain the rapid required growth of Jupiter and Saturn, and the number of Kuiper Belt binaries, but requires specific assumptions to explain the relatively protracted growth timescale of Earth. Pure pebble accretion cannot explain the mixing observed in the asteroid belt, the fast proto-Earth spin rate, or the tilt of Uranus. No current observation requires pebble accretion to have operated in the inner solar system, but the thermal and compositional consequences of pebble accretion have yet to be explored in detail.  相似文献   
The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) instrument was built for launch and operation on the NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) mission. The instrument was designed to measure thermospheric horizontal wind velocity profiles and thermospheric temperature in altitude regions between 90 km and 300 km, during day and night. For the wind measurements it uses two perpendicular fields of view pointed at the Earth’s limb, observing the Doppler shift of the atomic oxygen red and green lines at 630.0 nm and 557.7 nm wavelength. The wavelength shift is measured using field-widened, temperature compensated Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne (DASH) spectrometers, employing low order échelle gratings operating at two different orders for the different atmospheric lines. The temperature measurement is accomplished by a multichannel photometric measurement of the spectral shape of the molecular oxygen A-band around 762 nm wavelength. For each field of view, the signals of the two oxygen lines and the A-band are detected on different regions of a single, cooled, frame transfer charge coupled device (CCD) detector. On-board calibration sources are used to periodically quantify thermal drifts, simultaneously with observing the atmosphere. The MIGHTI requirements, the resulting instrument design and the calibration are described.  相似文献   
The design and laboratory tests of the interferometers for the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) instrument which measures thermospheric wind and temperature for the NASA-sponsored Ionospheric Connection (ICON) Explorer mission are described. The monolithic interferometers use the Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne (DASH) Spectroscopy technique for wind measurements and a multi-element photometer approach to measure thermospheric temperatures. The DASH technique and overall optical design of the MIGHTI instrument are described in an overview followed by details on the design, element fabrication, assembly, laboratory tests and thermal control of the interferometers that are the heart of MIGHTI.  相似文献   
We investigated the possible seismic signatures of dust devils on Mars, both at long and short period, based on the analysis of Earth data and on forward modeling for Mars. Seismic and meteorological data collected in the Mojave Desert, California, recorded the signals generated by dust devils. In the 10–100 s band, the quasi-static surface deformation triggered by pressure fluctuations resulted in detectable ground-tilt effects: these are in good agreement with our modeling based on Sorrells’ theory. In addition, high-frequency records also exhibit a significant excitation in correspondence to dust devil episodes. Besides wind noise, this signal includes shallow surface waves due to the atmosphere-surface coupling and is used for a preliminary inversion of the near-surface S-wave profile down to 50 m depth. In the case of Mars, we modeled the long-period signals generated by the pressure field resulting from turbulence-resolving Large-Eddy Simulations. For typical dust-devil-like vortices with pressure drops of a couple Pascals, the corresponding horizontal acceleration is of a few nm/s2 for rocky subsurface models and reaches 10–20 nm/s2 for weak regolith models. In both cases, this signal can be detected by the Very-Broad Band seismometers of the InSight/SEIS experiment up to a distance of a few hundred meters from the vortex, the amplitude of the signal decreasing as the inverse of the distance. Atmospheric vortices are thus expected to be detected at the InSight landing site; the analysis of their seismic and atmospheric signals could lead to additional constraints on the near-surface structure, more precisely on the ground compliance and possibly on the seismic velocities.  相似文献   
Auroral substorms are mostly manifestations of dissipative processes of electromagnetic energy. Thus, we consider a sequence of processes consisting of the power supply (dynamo), transmission (currents/circuits) and dissipations (auroral substorms-the end product), namely the electric current line approach. This work confirms quantitatively that after accumulating magnetic energy during the growth phase, the magnetosphere unloads the stored magnetic energy impulsively in order to stabilize itself. This work is based on our result that substorms are caused by two current systems, the directly driven (DD) current system and the unloading system (UL). The most crucial finding in this work is the identification of the UL (unloading) current system which is responsible for the expansion phase. A very tentative sequence of the processes leading to the expansion phase (the generation of the UL current system) is suggested for future discussions.
  1. (1)
    The solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo enhances significantly the plasma sheet current when its power is increased above \(10^{18}~\mbox{erg}/\mbox{s}\) (\(10^{11}\) w).
  2. (2)
    The magnetosphere accumulates magnetic energy during the growth phase, because the ionosphere cannot dissipate the increasing power because of a low conductivity. As a result, the magnetosphere is inflated, accumulating magnetic energy.
  3. (3)
    When the power reaches \(3\mbox{--}5\times 10^{18}~\mbox{erg}/\mbox{s}\) (\(3\mbox{--}5\times 10^{11}\) w) for about one hour and the stored magnetic energy reaches \(3\mbox{--}5\times10^{22}\) ergs (\(10^{15}\) J), the magnetosphere begins to develop perturbations caused by current instabilities (the current density \({\approx}3\times 10^{-12}~\mbox{A}/\mbox{cm}^{2}\) and the total current \({\approx}10^{6}~\mbox{A}\) at 6 Re). As a result, the plasma sheet current is reduced.
  4. (4)
    The magnetosphere is thus deflated. The current reduction causes \(\partial B/\partial t > 0\) in the main body of the magnetosphere, producing an earthward electric field. As it is transmitted to the ionosphere, it becomes equatorward-directed electric field which drives both Pedersen and Hall currents and thus generates the UL current system.
  5. (5)
    A significant part of the magnetic energy is accumulated in the main body of the magnetosphere (the inner plasma sheet) between 4 Re and 10 Re, because the power (Poynting flux \([ \boldsymbol{E} \times \boldsymbol{B} ])\) is mainly directed toward this region which can hold the substorm energy.
  6. (6)
    The substorm intensity depends on the location of the energy accumulation (between 4 Re and 10 Re), the closer the location to the earth, the more intense substorms becomes, because the capacity of holding the energy is higher at closer distances. The convective flow toward the earth brings both the ring current and the plasma sheet current closer when the dynamo power becomes higher.
This proposed sequence is not necessarily new. Individual processes involved have been considered by many, but the electric current approach can bring them together systematically and provide some new quantitative insights.
Some characteristic zones of parts shaped by the multi-pass rotary drawing are presented. Also given are the analytical relations determining deformations in two directions within these zones and recommendations useful to calculate the values of stresses.  相似文献   
A convective-film system of high pressure-differential turbine blade cooling is presented. The results of calculating the thermal-hydraulic blade state using the KW3D software are given.  相似文献   
Using the SONG detector onboard the CORONAS-F satellite, gamma-ray emission of high energies (>100 MeV) was recorded during four solar flares. In the sequential spectra of gamma rays the peculiarity caused by generation and decay of neutral pions was isolated, which made it possible to determine with a high accuracy the moments of appearance in the solar atmosphere of protons accelerated up to energies above 300 MeV.  相似文献   
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