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The chilled rinds of pillow basalt from the Ampère-Coral Patch Seamounts in the eastern North Atlantic were studied as a potential habitat of microbial life. A variety of putative biogenic structures, which include filamentous and spherical microfossil-like structures, were detected in K-phillipsite-filled amygdules within the chilled rinds. The filamentous structures (~2.5 μm in diameter) occur as K-phillipsite tubules surrounded by an Fe-oxyhydroxide (lepidocrocite) rich membranous structure, whereas the spherical structures (from 4 to 2 μm in diameter) are associated with Ti oxide (anatase) and carbonaceous matter. Several lines of evidence indicate that the microfossil-like structures in the pillow basalt are the fossilized remains of microorganisms. Possible biosignatures include the carbonaceous nature of the spherical structures, their size distributions and morphology, the presence and distribution of native fluorescence, mineralogical and chemical composition, and environmental context. When taken together, the suite of possible biosignatures supports the hypothesis that the fossil-like structures are of biological origin. The vesicular microhabitat of the rock matrix is likely to have hosted a cryptoendolithic microbial community. This study documents a variety of evidence for past microbial life in a hitherto poorly investigated and underestimated microenvironment, as represented by the amygdules in the chilled pillow basalt rinds. This kind of endolithic volcanic habitat would have been common on the early rocky planets in our Solar System, such as Earth and Mars. This study provides a framework for evaluating traces of past life in vesicular pillow basalts, regardless of whether they occur on early Earth or Mars.  相似文献   
随着大型民机飞行时间的延长,座舱空气污染事故发生概率也随之增大,快速准确的污染浓度预测对保证乘客生命安全具有重要意义.座舱各污染浓度的动态预测和污染源项强度辨识是实现座舱空气质量实时预测的关键技术.污染源项散发强度辨识,如采用最小二乘算法,参数估计是静态的,一般延迟较大;如采用单模卡尔曼滤波算法,虽能实现动态辨识,但不能同时兼顾稳态和过渡过程(突发污染)的参数估计性能,导致误差较大.为解决上述难题,本文提出基于源项辨识的飞机座舱污染浓度动态预测方法,同时完成污染源散发强度动态辨识和污染浓度状态实时预测.该算法由2个滤波器组成,分别用于匹配系统的稳态和突发过渡过程特征,提高浓度方程参数估计和状态预测性能,保证飞机座舱空气质量态势预测的快速性和准确性.仿真结果证实了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   
滑橇甲板助飞的力学机理分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
针对飞机在滑橇甲板上起飞的特点,基于力多边形的变化过程,以及甲板形状对飞机俯仰转动的作用,分析了飞机性能和品质与甲板参数的适配关系,说明了飞机在低速离舰初期迎角建立的力学机理.迎角的建立综合3个方面的效果:曲面甲板提供正向俯仰角速度,使迎角增加;前轮离舰释放载荷、后轮尚未离舰的过程中,甲板支反力提供低头力矩,使离舰初期俯仰角速度减小;离舰初期升力不能平衡重力,加速度指向前下方,轨迹向下弯曲,速度下偏使迎角增加.对航母/舰载机/起落架多体动力学系统进行数值仿真,结果表明分析合理.   相似文献   
文章旨在建立环路热管的地面实验平台,模拟环路热管在太空轨道运行的热环境。首先建立了地面实验舱的物理模型,对其如何实现在地面模拟太空中该环路热管的热环境进行了热分析计算,其次确定了满足环路热管轨道运行最冷工况和最热工况下的实验舱的壁面温度,最后对实现该轨道环境所需要的壁面绝热材料、制冷剂、制冷设备进行了选择,初步完成了实验平台的热设计。计算结果表明,在同时考虑舱内对流和辐射换热的条件下,要实现空间热边界条件,实验舱内舱的壁温要保证在-62.1~-10.9℃之间变化。  相似文献   
采用能量平衡方程和离散坐标法近似地建立了金属热防护系统多层隔热材料的一维稳态传热的数学模型,并利用遗传算法和纤维隔热材料的有效导热系数试验数据求解传热反问题,从而得到了模型中的纤维隔热材料的辐射衰减系数、反照率和隔热屏表面辐射发射系数。最后,由实验测得了多层隔热材料的有效导热系数,验证了采用优化参数后,多层隔热材料的传热模型的正确性。  相似文献   
调制域测频原理及工程实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了调制域这一新概念,着重分析了调制域测频方法,给出了所实现的调制域测频系统框图,展示了调制域测试的关键技术、内插技术和无间隔计数技术,介绍了游标内插法,独立提出了斜波内插法和孪生链。  相似文献   
Winkler弹性地基上自由矩形板问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在经典薄板理论中,弹性地基上自由矩形板弯曲问题的精确解,长期以来被认为是一个相当困难的课题。根据对矩形板精确解的研究,构造了一个包括三角函数和多项式组成的近似挠度函数。它满足四个自由边上的全部边界条件和自由角点条件,利用伽辽金方法得到Winkler弹性地基上自由边矩形板弯曲、自由振动和稳定问题的解。还给出了数值算例。  相似文献   
Plasmaspheric density structures have been studied since the discovery of the plasmasphere in the late 1950s. But the advent of the Cluster and Image missions in 2000 has added substantially to our knowledge of density structures, thanks to the new capabilities of those missions: global imaging with Image and four-point in situ measurements with Cluster. The study of plasma sources and losses has given new results on refilling rates and erosion processes. Two-dimensional density images of the plasmasphere have been obtained. The spatial gradient of plasmaspheric density has been computed. The ratios between H+, He+ and O+ have been deduced from different ion measurements. Plasmaspheric plumes have been studied in detail with new tools, which provide information on their morphology, dynamics and occurrence. Density structures at smaller scales have been revealed with those missions, structures that could not be clearly distinguished before the global images from Image and the four-point measurements by Cluster became available. New terms have been given to these structures, like “shoulders”, “channels”, “fingers” and “crenulations”. This paper reviews the most relevant new results about the plasmaspheric plasma obtained since the start of the Cluster and Image missions.  相似文献   
Solar fundamental (f) acoustic mode oscillations are investigated analytically in a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model. The model consists of three layers in planar geometry, representing the solar interior, the magnetic atmosphere, and a transitional layer sandwiched between them. Since we focus on the fundamental mode here, we assume the plasma is incompressible. A horizontal, canopy-like, magnetic field is introduced to the atmosphere, in which degenerated slow MHD waves can exist. The global (f-mode) oscillations can couple to local atmospheric Alfvén waves, resulting, e.g., in a frequency shift of the oscillations. The dispersion relation of the global oscillation mode is derived, and is solved analytically for the thin-transitional layer approximation and for the weak-field approximation. Analytical formulae are also provided for the frequency shifts due to the presence of a thin transitional layer and a weak atmospheric magnetic field. The analytical results generally indicate that, compared to the fundamental value (ω=gk), the mode frequency is reduced by the presence of an atmosphere by a few per cent. A thin transitional layer reduces the eigen-frequencies further by about an additional hundred microhertz. Finally, a weak atmospheric magnetic field can slightly, by a few percent, increase the frequency of the eigen-mode. Stronger magnetic fields, however, can increase the f-mode frequency by even up to ten per cent, which cannot be seen in observed data. The presence of a magnetic atmosphere in the three-layer model also introduces non-permitted propagation windows in the frequency spectrum; here, f-mode oscillations cannot exist with certain values of the harmonic degree. The eigen-frequencies can be sensitive to the background physical parameters, such as an atmospheric density scale-height or the rate of the plasma density drop at the photosphere. Such information, if ever observed with high-resolution instrumentation and inverted, could help to gain further insight into solar magnetic structures by means of solar magneto-seismology, and could provide further insight into the role of magnetism in solar oscillations.  相似文献   
We present up-to-date evolutionary models of low-mass stars, from M0.6 M down to the hydrogen burning minimum mass, using recent equation of state and synthetic spectra calculations. Comparison is made with observed luminosity function for these objects. We also present implications for the dark-matter distribution in the galactic halo.  相似文献   
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