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Nowadays operational models for solar activity forecasting are still based on the statistical relationship between solar activity and solar magnetic field evolution. In order to set up this relationship, many parameters have been proposed to be the measures. Conventional measures are based on the sunspot group classification which provides limited information from sunspots. For this reason, new measures based on solar magnetic field observations are proposed and a solar flare forecasting model supported with an artificial neural network is introduced. This model is equivalent to a person with a long period of solar flare forecasting experience.  相似文献   
The receipt of the Pioneer Award has given me a chance to look back over my professional life and the opportunity to take stock of how I helped shape a small part of the world. While I hope this process entertains my contemporaries, more importantly, I hope it stimulates those that are engaged in actively shaping the present. To describe the need for automatic picture transmission (APT), I must retrace the historical development of meteorological satellites. The idea for weather observations from a satellite originated with a small group of meteorologists at the U.S. Army Signal Corps Research and Development Lab. at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., and resulted in the design of Vanguard II. The Tiros and TOS series of satellites, and the design of Nimbus, followed soon thereafter. However, a faster picture dissemination than was available at that time was needed, and it was this necessity that sparked the development of APT. Nimbus was originally intended to be an operational system, but the advent of simpler, less costly stabilization systems made the Tiros evolution the clear winner. The geosynchronous weather satellites started nearly a decade later and evolved from the NASA Application Technology Satellite (ATS) series. All three systems, existing polar orbiting weather satellites, APT, and geosynchronous weather satellites, have changed meteorology and the reliability of weather forecasting profoundly.  相似文献   
Space flight results in the exposure of astronauts to a mixed field of radiation composed of energetic particles of varying energies, and biological indicators of space radiation exposure provides a better understanding of the associated long-term health risks. Current methods of biodosimetry have employed the use of cytogenetic analysis for biodosimetry, and more recently the advent of technological progression has led to advanced research in the use of genomic and proteomic expression profiling to simultaneously assess biomarkers of radiation exposure. We describe here the technical advantages of the Luminex(TM) 100 system relative to traditional methods and its potential as a tool to simultaneously profile multiple proteins induced by ionizing radiation. The development of such a bioassay would provide more relevant post-translational dynamics of stress response and will impart important implications in the advancement of space and other radiation contact monitoring.  相似文献   
The region of South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly (SAGA) was investigated by the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite, launched on August 7, 1981. On the basis of data obtained from 15 orbits during increased geomagnetic activity in August 1981, a map of the Anomaly was elaborated. Two centres of activity were identified. By means of the EMO-5 electrophotometer on board the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite, the atmosphere glow in lines λ 5577 Å, λ 6300 Å and λ 4278 Å was studied.  相似文献   
Thermospheric temperature, composition and wind measurements from the Dynamics Explorer satellite (DE-2) are interpreted using a three dimensional, multiconstituent spectral model. The analysis accounts for tides driven by the absorbed solar radiation as well as energy and momentum coupling involving the magnetosphere and lower atmosphere. We discuss phenomena associated with the annual tide, polar circulation, magnetic storms and substorms.  相似文献   
The circadian rhythm of conidiation in Neurospora crassa is thought to be an endogenously derived circadian oscillation; however, several investigators have suggested that circadian rhythms may, instead, be driven by some geophysical time cue(s). An experiment was conducted on space shuttle flight STS-9 in order to test this hypothesis; during the first 7-8 cycles in space, there were several minor alterations observed in the conidiation rhythm, including an increase in the period of the oscillation, an increase in the variability of the growth rate and a diminished rhythm amplitude, which eventually damped out in 25% of the flight tubes. On day seven of flight, the tubes were exposed to light while their growth fronts were marked. Some aspect of the marking process reinstated a robust rhythm in all the tubes which continued throughout the remainder of the flight. These results from the last 86 hours of flight demonstrated that the rhythm can persist in space. Since the aberrant rhythmicity occurred prior to the marking procedure, but not after, it was hypothesized that the damping on STS-9 may have resulted from the hypergravity pulse of launch. To test this hypothesis, we conducted investigations into the effects of altered gravitational forces on conidiation. Exposure to hypergravity (via centrifugation), simulated microgravity (via the use of a clinostat) and altered orientations (via alterations in the vector of a 1 g force) were used to examine the effects of gravity upon the circadian rhythm of conidiation.  相似文献   
The complex system of linear features on Phobos—the inner moon of Mars—found by the Viking Orbiters in 1976, can be classified morphologically into three types according to their appearance as well as their geometrical distribution on the surface. One kind of grooves appears to form arcs of small circles normal to the Phobos-Mars direction. We propose that these grooves are the surface manifestation of layering within Phobos[4–6] which could have been formed when Phobos was a part of a much larger and geologically active parent planet.Here we suggest some measurements to observe whether Phobos has a layered structure or not. The suggestion contains remote sensing measurements (particularly determination of the magnetic field by magnetometer and by electron reflection method) by a spacecraft orbiting around Mars as well as surface measurements (active seismic reflection experiment) by a landing module on Phobos.  相似文献   
Early Earth and early Mars were similar enough such that past geochemical and climatic conditions on Mars may have also been favorable for the origin of life. However, one of the most striking differences between the two planets was the low partial pressure of dinitrogen (pN2) on early Mars (18 mb). On Earth, nitrogen is a key biological element and in many ecosystems the low availability of fixed nitrogen compounds is the main factor limiting growth. Biological fixation of dinitrogen on Earth is a crucial source of fixed nitrogen. Could the low availability of dinitrogen in the primordial Martian atmosphere have prevented the existence, or evolution of Martian microbiota? Azotobacter vinelandii and Azomonas agilis were grown in nitrogen free synthetic medium under various partial pressures of dinitrogen ranging from 780-0 mb (total atmosphere=1 bar). Below 400 mb the biomass, cell number, and growth rate decreased with decreasing pN2. Both microorganisms were capable of growth at a pN2 as low as 5 mb, but no growth was observed at a pN2 < or = 1 mb. The data appear to indicate that biological nitrogen fixation could have occurred on primordial Mars (pN2=18 mb) making it possible for a biotic system to have played a role in the Martian nitrogen cycle. It is possible that nitrogen may have played a key role in the early evolution of life on Mars, and that later a lack of available nitrogen on that planet (currently, pN2=0.2 mb) may have been involved in its subsequent extinction.  相似文献   
The paper elaborates on “ lessons learned” from two recent ESA workshops, one focussing on the role of Innovation in the competitiveness of the space sector and the second on technology and engineering aspects conducive to better, faster and cheaper space programmes. The paper focuses primarily on four major aspects, namely:
1. a) the adaptations of industrial and public organisations to the global market needs;
2. b) the understanding of the bottleneck factors limiting competitiveness;
3. c) the trends toward new system architectures and new engineering and production methods;
4. d) the understanding of the role of new technology in the future applications.

Under the pressure of market forces and the influence of many global and regional players, applications of space systems and technology are becoming more and more competitive. It is well recognised that without major effort for innovation in industrial practices, organisations, R&D, marketing and financial approaches the European space sector will stagnate and loose its competence as well as its competitiveness. It is also recognised that a programme run according to the “better, faster, cheaper” philosophy relies on much closer integration of system design, development and verification, and draws heavily on a robust and comprehensive programme of technology development, which must run in parallel and off-line with respect to flight programmes.

A company's innovation capabilities will determine its future competitive advantage (in time, cost, performance or value) and overall growth potential. Innovation must be a process that can be counted on to provide repetitive, sustainable, long-term performance improvements. As such, it needs not depend on great breakthroughs in technology and concepts (which are accidental and rare). Rather, it could be based on bold evolution through the establishment of know-how, application of best practices, process effectiveness and high standards, performance measurement, and attention to customers and professional marketing. Having a technological lead allows industry to gain a competitive advantage in performance, cost and opportunities. Instrumental to better competitiveness is an R&D effort based on the adaptation of high technology products, capable of capturing new users, increasing production, decreasing the cost and delivery time and integrating high level of intelligence, information and autonomy. New systems will have to take in to account from the start what types of technologies are being developed or are already available in other areas outside space, and design their system accordingly. The future challenge for “faster, better, cheaper” appears to concern primarily “cost-effective”, performant autonomous spacecraft, “cost-effective”, reliable launching means and intelligent data fusion technologies and robust software serving mass- market real time services, distributed via EHF bands and Internet.

In conclusion, it can be noticed that in the past few years new approaches have considerably enlarged the ways in which space missions can be implemented. They are supported by true innovations in mission concepts, system architecture, development and technologies, in particular for the development of initiatives based on multi-mission mini-satellites platforms for communication and Earth observation missions. There are also definite limits to cost cutting (such as lowering heads counts and increasing efficiency), and therefore the strategic perspective must be shifted from the present emphasis on cost-driven enhancement to revenue-driven improvements for growth. And since the product life-cycle is continuously shortening, competitiveness is linked very strongly with the capability to generate new technology products which enhance cost/benefit performance.  相似文献   

The different types of convective phenomena which may occur during the dendritic solidification of metallic alloys are discussed from an order of magnitude analysis. Bulk thermal convection and/or interdendritic solutal convection have to be considered according to the values of the experimental data. Scaling laws for the solute boundary layer resulting from bulk thermal convection have already been derived. It is shown here that the interdendritic flow depends on a solutal Grashof number Gr based on the horizontal density gradient and a characteristic length Ls which is of the order of the liquid channels width. For Gr < 1, which is generally verified in practical cases, the interdendritic flow velocity Ur is proportional to the Grashof number. This a priori law compares favorably with the results of horizontal solidification experiments where the mean interdendritic flow velocity has been estimated from the resulting measured macrosegregation. In these experiments, as well as for most horizontal dendritic solidifications of metallic alloys at 1 g, the ratio UrR (R is the growth rate) is of order one. In order to cancel the interdendritic flow effects, this ratio has to be lowered by one order of magnitude. According to our analysis, this can be obtained by performing the experiments either at a slightly reduced g level (~10?1 g), or at 1 g in a vertical stable configuration with a sufficiently low residual horizontal thermal gradient.  相似文献   
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