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Over the last 10 years the experimental basis for the study of the very local interstellar medium (VLISM) has been substantially broadened by the direct detection of pickup ions and of neutral helium. The strength of these methods lies in the local measurement of the particles. By scanning the gravitational focusing cone of the interstellar wind, a consistent set of interstellar helium parameters, neutral density, temperature and relative velocity, has been derived. However, the accuracy of these parameters is still hampered by uncertainties in some of the crucial ionization rates and in the pickup ion transport. Recent observations have shown that the scattering mean free path of pickup ions is comparable with the large scale variation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the inner heliosphere. This requires a substantial modification in the modeling of the ion distribution and more detailed measurements, tasks that can be addressed in the near future.  相似文献   
The wavelet filters of the conventional 3D multiresolution analysis possess homogeneous spatial and temporal frequency characteristics which limits one's ability to match filter frequency characteristics to signal frequency behavior. Also, the conventional 3D multiresolution analysis employs an oct-tree decomposition structure which restricts the analysis of signal details to identical resolutions in space and time. This paper presents a 3D wavelet multiresolution analysis constructed from nonhomogeneous spatial and temporal filters, and an orthogonal sub-band coding scheme that decouples the spatial and temporal decomposition processes  相似文献   
The relative abundances of chemical elements and isotopes have been our most effective tool in identifying and understanding the physical processes that control populations of energetic particles. The early surprise in solar energetic particles (SEPs) was 1000-fold enhancements in \({}^{3}\mbox{He}/{}^{4}\mbox{He}\) from resonant wave-particle interactions in the small “impulsive” SEP events that emit electron beams that produce type III radio bursts. Further studies found enhancements in Fe/O, then extreme enhancements in element abundances that increase with mass-to-charge ratio \(A/Q\), rising by a factor of 1000 from He to Au or Pb arising in magnetic reconnection regions on open field lines in solar jets. In contrast, in the largest SEP events, the “gradual” events, acceleration occurs at shock waves driven out from the Sun by fast, wide coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Averaging many events provides a measure of solar coronal abundances, but \(A/Q\)-dependent scattering during transport causes variations with time; thus if Fe scatters less than O, Fe/O is enhanced early and depleted later. To complicate matters, shock waves often reaccelerate impulsive suprathermal ions left over or trapped above active regions that have spawned many impulsive events. Direct measurements of ionization states \(Q\) show coronal temperatures of 1–2 MK for most gradual events, but impulsive events often show stripping by matter traversal after acceleration. Direct measurements of \(Q\) are difficult and often unavailable. Since both impulsive and gradual SEP events have abundance enhancements that vary as powers of \(A/Q\), we can use abundances to deduce the probable \(Q\)-values and the source plasma temperatures during acceleration, ≈3 MK for impulsive SEPs. This new technique also allows multiple spacecraft to measure temperature variations across the face of a shock wave, measurements otherwise unavailable and provides a new understanding of abundance variations in the element He. Comparing coronal abundances from SEPs and from the slow solar wind as a function of the first ionization potential (FIP) of the elements, remaining differences are for the elements C, P, and S. The theory of the fractionation of ions by Alfvén waves shows that C, P, and S are suppressed because of wave resonances during chromospheric transport on closed magnetic loops but not on open magnetic fields that supply the solar wind. Shock waves can accelerate ions from closed coronal loops that easily escape as SEPs, while the solar wind must emerge on open fields.  相似文献   
The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) Science Ground Segment (SGS), comprised of payload Instrument Team, ESA and Russian operational centres, is responsible for planning the science operations of the TGO mission and for the generation and archiving of the scientific data products to levels meeting the scientific aims and criteria specified by the ESA Project Scientist as advised by the Science Working Team (SWT). The ExoMars SGS builds extensively upon tools and experience acquired through earlier ESA planetary missions like Mars and Venus Express, and Rosetta, but also is breaking ground in various respects toward the science operations of future missions like BepiColombo or JUICE. A productive interaction with the Russian partners in the mission facilitates broad and effective collaboration. This paper describes the global organisation and operation of the SGS, with reference to its principal systems, interfaces and operational processes.  相似文献   
Active ionospheric experiments using high-power, high-frequency transmitters, “heaters”, to study plasma processes in the ionosphere and magnetosphere continue to provide new insights into understanding plasma and geophysical proceses. This review describes the heating facilities, past and present, and discusses scientific results from these facilities and associated space missions. Phenomena that have been observed with these facilities are reviewed along with theoretical explanations that have been proposed or are commonly accepted. Gaps or uncertainties in understanding of heating-initiated phenomena are discussed together with proposed science questions to be addressed in the future. Suggestions for improvements and additions to existing facilities are presented including important satellite missions which are necessary to answer the outstanding questions in this field.  相似文献   
The surfaces of the Solar System’s icy satellites show an extraordinary variety of morphological features, which bear witness to exchange processes between the surface and subsurface. In this paper we review the characteristics of surface features on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Using data from spacecraft missions, we discuss the detailed morphology, size, and topography of cryovolcanic, tectonic, aeolian, fluvial, and impact features of both large moons and smaller satellites.  相似文献   
The Photopolarimeter/Radiometer (PPR) is a remote sensing instrument on the Galileo Orbiter designed to measure the degree of linear polarization and the intensity of reflected sunlight in ten spectral channels between 410 and 945 nm to determine the physical properties of Jovian clouds and aerosols, and to characterize the texture and microstructure of satellite surfaces. The PPR also measures thermal radiation in five spectral bands between 15 and 100 m to sense the upper tropospheric temperature structure. Two additional channels which measure spectrally integrated solar and solar plus thermal radiation are used to determine the planetary radiation budget components. The PPR photopolarimetric measurements utilize previously flown technology for high-precision polarimetry using a calcite Wollaston prism and two silicon photodiodes to enable simultaneous detection of the two orthogonal polarization components. The PPR radiometry measurements are made with a lithium tantalate pyroelectric detector utilizing a unique arrangement of radiometric stops and a scene/space chopper blade to enable a warm instrument to sense accurately the much colder scene temperatures.  相似文献   
本文介绍了俄国1420,1430,1450等铝锂合金的研制过程和性能,并与西方类似合金进行了对比,同时还列举了铝锂合金在战斗机、运输机、民航机和直升机上作为结构元件和应用情况。  相似文献   
We developed two types of hybrid terminals that can provide both satellite communication and position determination services in one system. One terminal uses the single channel per carrier (SCPC) technique and the other uses the spread spectrum (SS) technique. To evaluate the performance of the two systems, we carried out experiments in Japan and in the Pacific Ocean using two geostationary satellites, ETS-V (150°E) and Inmarsat (180°E). The ranging accuracy between the mobile terminals and the base station via the satellites was found to be about 200 m using the SCPC system and about 10 m using the SS system. The measured positioning accuracy was about 1 km in the SCPC system and about 600 m in the SS system when experiments were carried out near Japan. The experimental results show that the positioning errors were mainly caused by the orbital determination errors of the two satellites. Presented here are the configurations and features of the SCPC and SS terminals, the experimental system, and the experimental results  相似文献   
An analysis is presented that forms the basis for an algorithm for calculating the IGBT losses in a power factor correction (PFC) circuit. The method employs experimental data from an off-line test circuit that closely resembles the switching conditions in the actual PFC. This technique provides calculated values of both the conduction and switching losses of the main transistor in a boost-type PFC circuit. Results for a 6 kW PFC are included  相似文献   
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