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The Dawn spacecraft is designed to travel to and operate in orbit around the two largest main belt asteroids, Vesta and Ceres. Developed to meet a ten-year life and fully redundant, the spacecraft accommodates an ion propulsion system, including three ion engines and xenon propellant tank, utilizes large solar arrays to power the engines, carries the science instrument payload, and hosts the hardware and software required to successfully collect and transmit the scientific data back to Earth. The launch of the Dawn spacecraft in September 2007 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station was the culmination of nearly five years of design, development, integration and testing of this unique system, one of the very few scientific spacecraft to rely on ion propulsion. The Dawn spacecraft arrived at its first destination, Vesta, in July 2011, where it will conduct science operations for twelve months before departing for Ceres.  相似文献   
Various models have been proposed to interpret the anomalous Pioneer Doppler data. We present in this paper a simulation tool aiming at determining signatures that could be searched in the data reduction process in order to discriminate between these different explanations. We discuss preliminary results on the seasonally modulated anomalies and compare two interpretations corresponding to a constant anomalous acceleration on one hand, to an anomalous curvature in the second sector of the gravity law on the other hand. Though the second sector interpretation could naturally induce large modulated anomalies, the adjustment of the initial conditions partly compensate these modulations and thus produces a signature resembling that of a constant acceleration. The difference between the predictions of the two interpretations is in fact close to the rms level of the residuals after the data analysis.  相似文献   
Radar involves similar operations applied to large amounts of data. It is thus well suited to data parallel (SEMD) hardware. In the past, large data-parallel machines have been applied to radar with limited success. This has been due to such reasons as programming issues, cost, and the hardware being too big for most embedded applications. Most SBVED machines went away a decade ago. There is now a new generation of SIMD COTS technology with powerful processing elements (PEs) and floating-point hardware. WorldScape is applying these chips to radar processing, and has demonstrated significantly more performance with much lower power dissipation (GFLOPS/Watt). These implementations provide attractive alternatives to traditional FPGA and DSP solutions. Lockheed-Martin has provided benchmark validation testing and support for these implementations. The current implementation is based on a 64 PE, 25 GFLOP CS-301 chip supplied by ClearSpeed Technology PLC. WorldScape has demonstrated FFT, Pulse Compression, a form of QR factorization, and other applications on this generation of hardware using a mix of C-level programming and optimized assembly. The next generation chip is compatible, but also has several improvements that will significantly enhance I/O performance as well as raw GFLOP throughput. An updated demonstration and discussion of a scalable processing platform for embedded radar processing which significantly improves I/O performance and provides a roadmap to government-qualified hardware for technology insertion. Architectures, data parallel coding approaches, additional functionality of the scalable processing platform, and relevance to embedded defense radar applications will be discussed.  相似文献   
The observations at different solar distances and latitudes, collected in the past three decades, and the results obtained from more and more sophisticated numerical simulations allowed us to reach a good understanding on many aspects of the complex phenomenon of solar wind turbulence. Moreover, new interesting insights in the theory of turbulence have been obtained, in the past decade, from the point of view that considers a turbulent flow as a complex system, where chaotic behavior and well-established scaling laws coexist. This review aims to provide a quick overview on the state of art in this research field with particular focus on local generation mechanisms.  相似文献   
We briefly discuss the strong intermittent nature of the interplanetary magnetic field, observing that similarity between its statistical properties and the passive scalar ones exists, and may arise from different dynamical mechanisms.  相似文献   
Multiframe detector/tracker: optimal performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop the optimal Bayes multiframe detector/tracker for rigid extended targets that move randomly in clutter. The performance of this optimal algorithm provides a bound on the performance of any other suboptimal detector/tracker. We determine by Monte Carlo simulations the optimal performance under a variety of scenarios including spatially correlated Gaussian clutter and non-Gaussian (K and Weibull) clutter. We show that, for similar tracking performance, the optimal Bayes tracker can achieve peak signal-to-noise ratio gains possibly larger than 10 dB over the commonly used combination of a spatial matched filter (spatial correlator) and a linearized Kalman-Bucy tracker. Simulations using real clutter data with a simulated target suggest similar performance gains when the clutter model parameters are unknown and estimated from the measurements  相似文献   
The present paper proposes to discuss the ionospheric absorption, assuming a quasi-flat layered ionospheric medium, with small horizontal gradients. A recent complex eikonal model (Settimi et al., 2013b) is applied, useful to calculate the absorption due to the ionospheric D-layer, which can be approximately characterized by a linearized analytical profile of complex refractive index, covering a short range of heights between h1 = 50 km and h2 = 90 km. Moreover, Settimi et al. (2013c) have already compared the complex eikonal model for the D-layer with the analytical Chapman’s profile of ionospheric electron density; the corresponding absorption coefficient is more accurate than Rawer’s theory (1976) in the range of middle critical frequencies. Finally, in this paper, the simple complex eikonal equations, in quasi-longitudinal (QL) approximation, for calculating the non-deviative absorption coefficient due to the propagation across the D-layer are encoded into a so called COMPLEIK (COMPLex EIKonal) subroutine of the IONORT (IONOspheric Ray-Tracing) program ( Azzarone et al., 2012). The IONORT program, which simulates the three-dimensional (3-D) ray-tracing for high frequencies (HF) waves in the ionosphere, runs on the assimilative ISP (IRI-SIRMUP-P) discrete model over the Mediterranean area ( Pezzopane et al., 2011). As main outcome of the paper, the simple COMPLEIK algorithm is compared to the more elaborate semi-empirical ICEPAC formula (Stewart, undated), which refers to various phenomenological parameters such as the critical frequency of E-layer. COMPLEIK is reliable just like the ICEPAC, with the advantage of being implemented more directly. Indeed, the complex eikonal model depends just on some parameters of the electron density profile, which are numerically calculable, such as the maximum height.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility of a mission to Mars using the Integrated Propulsion Systems (IPS) which means to couple Nuclear-MPD-ISPU propulsion systems. In particular both mission analysis and propulsion aspects are analyzed together with technological aspects. Identifying possible mission scenarios will lead to the study of possible strategies for Mars Exploration and also of methods for reducing cost. As regard to IPS, the coupling between Nuclear Propulsion (Rubbia's engine) and Superconductive MPD propulsion is considered for the Earth-Mars trajectories: major emphasis is given to the advantages of such a system. The In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) concerns on-Mars operations; In Situ Propellant Utilization (ISPU) is foreseen particularly for LOX-CH4 engines for Mars Ascent Vehicles and this possibility is analyzed from a technological point of view. Tether Systems are also considered during interplanetary trajectories and as space elevators on Mars orbit. Finally strategic considerations associated to this mission are considered also.  相似文献   
DORIS is one of the four geodetic space techniques participating to the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). Since the early development of this system, the Institut Géographique National played a specific and active role. Within, the International DORIS Service (IDS), IGN is in a particular position. While it is responsible for the installation and the maintenance of the DORIS ground tracking stations, it also handles one of the two IDS data center delivering DORIS data and products and has been an IDS Analysis Center for years, providing all possible IDS products, in particular the latest ignwd08 time series in preparation of ITRF2008. This paper explains the different aspects of the IGN contribution to IDS from an historical point of view, presents current activities and scientific results and provides a perspective for future activities. Recent DORIS results show a 10 mm precision or better when more than four DORIS satellites are available. Comparisons between recent DORIS solutions (ign07d02 and ign09d02) and past ITRF realizations show that errors are shared between the DORIS and the ITRF realizations. Some problems related to DORIS data processing are also discussed and possible ways to solve them in the future are discussed. In particular, we can now reject the tropospheric origin of the problem detected in the Envisat data after the software upload of October 12, 2004. A few applications in geodesy (terrestrial reference frame, Earth’s polar motion) and geophysics are also discussed as a natural extension of these service-type activities.  相似文献   
The dynamic derivatives are widely used in linear aerodynamic models in order to determine the flying qualities of an aircraft: the ability to predict them reliably, quickly and sufficiently early in the design process is vital in order to avoid late and costly component redesigns. This paper describes experimental and computational research dealing with the determination of dynamic derivatives carried out within the FP6 European project SimSAC. Numerical and experimental results are compared for two aircraft configurations: a generic civil transport aircraft, wing-fuselage-tail configuration called the DLR-F12 and a generic Transonic CRuiser, which is a canard configuration. Static and dynamic wind tunnel tests have been carried out for both configurations and are briefly described within this paper. The data generated for both the DLR-F12 and TCR configurations include force and pressure coefficients obtained during small amplitude pitch, roll and yaw oscillations while the data for the TCR configuration also include large amplitude oscillations, in order to investigate the dynamic effects on nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics. In addition, dynamic derivatives have been determined for both configurations with a large panel of tools, from linear aerodynamic (Vortex Lattice Methods) to CFD. This work confirms that an increase in fidelity level enables the dynamic derivatives to be calculated more accurately. Linear aerodynamics tools are shown to give satisfactory results but are very sensitive to the geometry/mesh input data. Although all the quasi-steady CFD approaches give comparable results (robustness) for steady dynamic derivatives, they do not allow the prediction of unsteady components for the dynamic derivatives (angular derivatives with respect to time): this can be done with either a fully unsteady approach i.e. with a time-marching scheme or with frequency domain solvers, both of which provide comparable results for the DLR-F12 test case. As far as the canard configuration is concerned, strong limitations for the linear aerodynamic tools are observed. A key aspect of this work are the acceleration techniques developed for CFD methods, which allow the computational time to be dramatically reduced while providing comparable results.  相似文献   
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