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A recent multibeam pulsar survey of the outer Galactic plane at Parkes has discovered the first-known double-pulsar binary, a very compact double neutron star system in which both stars are observable as radio pulsars. In this review, we briefly describe the discovery and the studies which have been enabled by the unique properties of the system. These range from the most precise confirmation yet of the theory of general relativity, with the possibility of even more new tests and the measurement of second-order post-Newtonian effects, to studies of the magnetospheres and emission properties of the two pulsars. The discovery also results in a significant increase in the expected rate of occurrence of the mergers of double neutron star systems, and hence the rate of detection of such events by the new ground-based gravitational wave detectors.  相似文献   
A problem of optimization of cutting parameters with respect to the criteria of maximum efficiency and maximum tool resistance is formulated. To solve the problem, a method is developed and applied for determining the Pareto-optimal values of machining conditions in milling the present-day GTE monoimpeller blade passages with a circular milling cutter.  相似文献   
A technique for linear interpolation of the multidimensional characteristics of a coaxial propeller fan with opposite rotation propellers is proposed; the technique makes it possible to simulate the turbofan engine operation in the entire range of flight conditions and reduce expenses for fullscale tests. The mathematical models obtained meet the requirements imposed in the semi-full-scale simulation.  相似文献   
The results of experimental investigations of gasodynamic characteristics of a combustion chamber model in the integrated power plant (IPP) with an asymmetric air intake are presented. The influence of an angle of air supply into the chamber model on hydraulic losses and the flow structure is shown at different air flowrates, relative values of the minimal flow section area of the feeding air intake pipes, under changes of the flowrate of gas simulating gas generation products and geometric model parameters. A technique for measuring the concentration of carbon dioxide simulating IPP gas generation products in the combustion chamber air flow and the results of experimental investigations of a mixture formation process in the combustion chamber model are described.  相似文献   
Since the early 1990s, global positioning system measurements have been used to study of the state and rapid changes of the Total Electron Content in the ionosphere. Currently, the increasing number of permanent stations makes it possible to generate maps of the irregularities in the ionosphere for specified regions with sub-daily resolution. The main goal of this work was to apply global navigation satellite system observations to obtain information about ionospheric variability around the North Geomagnetic Pole. In order to detect the ionospheric disturbances, 30-s observation data was used. The Rate of Total Electron Content Index was applied as a measure of the variability in the ionosphere. The first analyses were executed using more than 100 permanent stations. The results show two kinds of products: 2-hour maps in spherical geomagnetic coordinates and daily maps presenting the occurrence of the strong Total Electron Content fluctuations as a magnetic local time function, for the most disturbed days of April 2010. Apart from the main product of the algorithm, the Rate of Total Electron Content time series for individual satellite tracks was presented. The results demonstrated very good sensitivity of the obtained maps, which can detect even quite weak disturbances. The presented algorithm developed at the Geodynamic Research Laboratory of the University of Warmia and Mazury, in cooperation with Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation, will be applied in the near future to create near-real time service of the conditions in the ionosphere based on the Global Navigation Satellite Systems observations.  相似文献   
The goal of the Kinelite Project is to develop a space qualified motion analysis system to be used in space by the scientific community, mainly to support neuroscience protocols. The measurement principle of the Kinelite is to determine, by triangulation mean, the 3D position of small, lightweight, reflective markers positioned at the different points of interest. The scene is illuminated by Infra Red flashes and the reflected light is acquired by up to 8 precalibrated and synchronized CCD cameras. The main characteristics of the system are: Camera field of view: 45 degrees; Number of cameras: 2 to 8; Acquisition frequency: 25, 50, 100, or 200 Hz; CCD format: 256 x 256; Number of markers: up to 64; 3D accuracy: 2mm; Main dimensions: 45 cm x 45 cm x 30 cm; Mass: 23 kg; Power consumption: less than 200 W. The Kinelite will first fly aboard the NASA Spacelab; it will be used, during the NEUROLAB mission (4/98), to support the "Frames of References and Internal Models" (Principal Investigator: Pr. A. Berthoz, Co Investigators: J. McIntyre, F. Lacquaniti).  相似文献   
An evident signature of a least studied quasi-90-day oscillation is found in the winds and tides in the MLT from an equatorial station, São João do Cariri (7.4°S, 36.5°W). The oscillation is found to appear mainly in certain intervals with small but appreciable seasonal (fourth harmonic of annual oscillation) contribution. The maximum amplitude of the oscillation is found to be around 10 m/s in the zonal wind. The enhancement peak of the oscillation exhibits downward movement indicating a plausible role of upward moving waves/tides in carrying its imprint from below to the MLT. Similar oscillation feature in the tropospheric zonal wind and ozone may imply its lower atmospheric origin as a component of the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) that moves upward by modulating the tides. Subsequently, the propagating tides (mainly semidiurnal) are enhanced by the ozone in the stratosphere through absorption of solar UV radiation and finally manifest the oscillation in the MLT. Consistency of the present findings with the past investigations are observed in some aspects of the oscillation, whereas existing mismatches in others are believed to be due to geophysical variability depending on space and time among various locations on the globe.  相似文献   
Our understanding of gravitational effects (inertial effects in the vicinity of 1 x g) on cells has matured to a stage at which it is possible to define, on the basis of experimental evidence, extracellular effects on small cells and intracellular effects on eukaryotic gravisensing cells. Yet undetermined is the nature of response, if any, of those classes of cells that are not governed solely by extracellular physical events (as are prokaryotes) and are devoid of obvious mechanical devices for sensing inertial forces (such as those possessed by certain plant cells and sensory cells of animals). This "in-between" class of cells needs to be understood on the basis of the combination of intracellular and extracellular gravity-dependent processes that govern experimentally-measurable variables that are relevant to the cell's responses to modified inertial forces. The forces that certain cell types generate or respond to are therefore compared to those imposed by approximately 1 x g in the context of cytoskeletal action and symmetry-breaking pathways.  相似文献   
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