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A recent multibeam pulsar survey of the outer Galactic plane at Parkes has discovered the first-known double-pulsar binary, a very compact double neutron star system in which both stars are observable as radio pulsars. In this review, we briefly describe the discovery and the studies which have been enabled by the unique properties of the system. These range from the most precise confirmation yet of the theory of general relativity, with the possibility of even more new tests and the measurement of second-order post-Newtonian effects, to studies of the magnetospheres and emission properties of the two pulsars. The discovery also results in a significant increase in the expected rate of occurrence of the mergers of double neutron star systems, and hence the rate of detection of such events by the new ground-based gravitational wave detectors.  相似文献   
Coronal mass ejections and post-shock streams driven by them are the most efficient drivers of strong magnetospheric activity, magnetic storms. For this reason there is considerable interest in trying to make reliable forecasts for the effects of CMEs as much in advance as possible. To succeed this requires understanding of all aspects related to CMEs, starting from their emergence on the Sun to their propagation to the vicinity of the Earth and to effects within the magnetosphere. In this article we discuss some recent results on the geoeffectivity of different types of CME/shock structures. A particularly intriguing observation is that smoothly rotating magnetic fields within CMEs are most efficient in driving storm activity seen in the inner magnetosphere due to enhanced ring current, whereas the sheath regions between the shock and the ejecta tend to favour high-latitude activity.  相似文献   
In part I (De Greve and Packet) we have investigated the occurrence of reversed phases of mass-transfer during Case A evolution in close binaries. If the initial period of a system is shorter than 1–2 days (Early Case A) the reversed phase starts before core hydrogen exhaustion of the gainer (part I). This type of evolution is characterized by at least two phases of slow mass-transfer.We have computed the evolution of four Early Case A systems with initial masses of the loser equal to 3 Mo and 5 Mo. These four systems start mass-exchange when Xc of the primary has decreased to 0.525 (75% of its initial value). They all experience two phases of slow mass-transfer.We find that both phases have about the same duration for all systems. The mass ratios are clearly distinct, being closer to unity during the first phase. In the Hertzsprung-Russell, mass-radius and mass-luminosity diagrams both components remain close to the main-sequence band during slow mass-transfer. Evolution as an Algol is ended when both components overflow their outer critical surface after a second reversal of the mass-transfer.Observed Algol systems evolving in Early Case A are scarce. A search thruogh the catalogue by Giuricin et al. gives us the following candidates: X Tri, SX Aur and V Pup. Based on their mass ratios, SX Aur can tentatively be assigned to the first phase of slow mass transfer and X Tri to the second phase. For V Pup (which is more massive) this choice can not be made with certainty.  相似文献   
Developing systems provide unique opportunities for analyzing the effects of microgravity on animals. Several unusual types of cells as well as various extraordinary cellular behavior patterns characterize the embryos of most animals. Those features have been exploited as test systems for space flight. The data from previous experiments are reviewed, and considerations for the design of future experiments are presented.  相似文献   
The experiments have been carried out with lettuce shoots on board the Salyut-7 orbital station, the Kosmos-1667 biological satellite and under ground conditions at 180° plant inversion. By means of the centrifuge Biogravistat-1M the threshold value of gravitational sensitivity of lettuce shoots has been determined on board the Salyut-7 station. It was found to be equal to 2.9 × 10−3g for hypocotyls and 1.5 × 10−4g for roots. The following results have been received in the experiment performed on board the Kosmos-1667 satellite: a) under microgravity the proliferation of the meristem cells and the growth of roots did not differ from the control; b) the growth of hypocotyls in length was significantly enhanced in microgravity; c) under microgravity transverse growth of hypocotyls (increase in cross sectional area) was significantly increased due to enhancement of cortical parenchyma cell growth. At 180° inversion in Earth's gravity root extension growth and rate of cell division in the root apical meristem were decreased. The determination of DNA-fuchsin value in the nuclei of the cell root apexes showed that inversion affected processess of the cell cycle preceeding cytokinesis.  相似文献   
A series of Workshops on Exobiology in Earth Orbit held at NASA Ames Research Center has recently concluded. The draft of the final report from these Workshops contains a prioritized list of telescopic observations (possible only from above the Earth's atmosphere) that relate to the origin and evolution of the biogenic elements and compounds from their nucleosynthetic creation within stars to their inclusion in living systems. These orbital observations and the ground based laboratory and theoretical research necessary to support them have been termed Observational Exobiology. The details available on spacecraft, platforms and instrumentation most likely to be launched in the near future by the U.S. and Europe were considered in the Workshops. The purpose was to determine what observational programs would be tractible and what area of interest to exobiology required hardware and/or mission capabilities not yet envisioned. This paper summarizes the exciting opportunities that exist for Observational Exobiology.  相似文献   
Using spores of two Bacillus subtilis strains differing in repair capacity, we have studied repair and mutation induction in the spores after irradiation with very heavy ions up to uranium with specific particle energies up to 18.6 MeV/u. The results indicate that repair and mutation induction after heavy ion irradiation are closely related to each other and that both phenomena strongly depend on the atomic number and specific energy of the ions. The effects are discussed in comparison with results obtained after X-irradiation.  相似文献   
The President's Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) began in 1983 following his historic March 23, 1983 speech. The SDI program has enjoyed substantial progress since this beginning. As the SDI begins its fourth year, the outlines of a basic system architecture, feasible for deployment in the 1990s, begins to emerge. In addition, SDI technical progress shows great promise not only for an initial strategic defense system, but also for maintaining defense effectiveness into the first decades of the next century against countermeasures designed specifically to defeat defenses.  相似文献   
A 3-dimensional (3D), closed-form solution for the time difference of arrival (TDOA) problem that does not depend on range data is given. Such a solution did not exist previously in the literature. For aerospace and military applications, the solution is precise. For civilian cellular phone applications, however, the solution is susceptible to unrelated errors from the phenomenon of multipath delays in the channels. This phenomenon is factored in mathematically in the solution and a simulation that characterizes its error bounds is presented  相似文献   
Selected new methods and applications of non-linear apodization for irregularly-shaped and parse coherent apertures and arrays are presented. The benefits include unproved impulse response performance, i.e., reduced peak sidelobes and integrated sidelobe power, along with improved mainlobe resolution, compared to classic windowing techniques. Nonlinear apodization (NLA) techniques can also serve as powerful engines for effective superresolution and bandwidth extrapolation of coherent data for filling sparse apertures. The sparse aperture filling property of superresolution algorithms for radar data forms the basis for a new concept which is introduced here: synthetic multiple aperture radar technology (SMART). Increased swath and/or reduced antenna size are some of the benefits postulated for SMART applied to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. The benefits of these new methods and applications for nonlinear apodization are then demonstrated for two specific applications: 1) sidelobe control for Y-type synthetic aperture radiometers, such as the European Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) system (Kerr et al.) and JPL's proposed GeoSTAR (Lambrigsten) concept; and, 2) filling of sparse synthetic aperture radar data by exploiting the bandwidth extrapolation properties of nonlinear apodization based superresolution techniques. The methods that have been developed and demonstrated herein have potential application to a wide range of passive and active microwave remote sensing and radar systems.  相似文献   
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