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Active region NOAA 11158 produced many flares during its disk passage. At least two of these flares can be considered as homologous: the C6.6 flare at 06:51 UT and C9.4 flare at 12:41 UT on February 14, 2011. Both flares occurred at the same location (eastern edge of the active region) and have a similar decay of the GOES soft X-ray light curve. The associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were slow (334 and 337 km/s) and of similar apparent widths (43° and 44°), but they had different radio signatures. The second event was associated with a metric type II burst while the first one was not. The COR1 coronagraphs on board the STEREO spacecraft clearly show that the second CME propagated into the preceding CME that occurred 50 min before. These observations suggest that CME–CME interaction might be a key process in exciting the type II radio emission by slow CMEs.  相似文献   
In 94 km NW of Iquique in Chile (19.610°S, 70.776°W) a powerful earthquake of Mw = 8.2 took place at 23:46:47 UTC (20:46:47 LT) on April 01, 2014. Using GPS-TEC (Total Electron Content) measurements, potential unusual variations around the time and location of the Chile earthquake have been detected based on the median and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods. The indices Dst, Kp, Ap and F10.7 were used to distinguish pre-earthquake anomalies from the other anomalies related to the solar-geomagnetic activities. Using the median method, striking anomalies in time series of TEC data are observed 4 days before the earthquake at 14:00 and 16:00 UTC. The ANN method detected a number of anomalies, 4 (02:00 and 16:00 UTC) and 13 (24:00 UTC) days preceding the earthquake. The results indicate that the ANN method due to its capability of non linear learning is quite promising and deserves serious attention as a robust predictor tool for seismo-ionospheric anomalies detection.  相似文献   
The magnetic field structure and the spatial characteristics of the large-scale currents in the magnetospheric tail were studied during quiet and moderately disturbed geomagnetic conditions in 2009. The magnetic field of the currents other than the tail current was calculated in terms of a paraboloid model of the Earth’s magnetosphere, A2000, and was subtracted from measurements. It was found on the base of obtained tail current magnetic field radial distribution that the inner edge of the tail current sheet is located in the night side magnetosphere, at distances of about 10 RE and of about 7 RE during quiet and disturbed periods respectively. During the disturbance of February 14, 2009 (Dstmin ∼ −35 nT), the Bx and the Bz component of the tail current magnetic field near its inner edge were about 60 nT, and −60 nT that means that strong cross-tail current have been developed. The tail current parameters at different time moments during February 14, 2009 have been estimated. Solar wind conditions during this event were consistent with those during moderate magnetic storms with minimum Dst of about −100 nT. However, the magnetospheric current systems (magnetopause and cross-tail currents) were located at larger geocentric distances than typical during the 2009 extremely quiet epoch and did not provide the expected Dst magnitude. Very small disturbance on the Earth’s surface was detected consistent with an “inflated” magnetosphere.  相似文献   
The Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) is a six satellite radio occultation mission that was launched in April 2006. The close proximity of these satellites during some months after launch provides a unique opportunity to evaluate the precision of Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation (RO) retrievals of ionospheric electron density from nearly collocated and simultaneous observations. RO data from 30 consecutive days during July and August 2006 are divided into ten groups in terms of daytime or nighttime and latitude. In all cases, the best precision values (about 1%) are found at the F peak height and they slightly degrade upwards. For all daytime groups, it is seen that electron density profiles above about 120 km height exhibit a substantial improvement in precision. Nighttime groups are rather diverse: in particular, the precision becomes better than 10% above different levels between 120 and 200 km height. Our overall results show that up to 100–200 km (depending on each group), the uncertainty associated with the precision is in the order of the measured electron density values. Even worse, the retrieved values tend sometimes to be negative. Although we cannot rely directly on electron density values at these altitudes, the shape of the profiles could be indicative of some ionospheric features (e.g. waves and sporadic E layers). Above 200 km, the profiles of precision are qualitatively quite independent from daytime or latitude. From all the nearly collocated pairs studied, only 49 exhibited a difference between line of sight angles of both RO at the F peak height larger than 10°. After analyzing them we find no clear indications of a significant representativeness error in electron density profiles due to the spherical assumption above 120 km height. Differences in precision between setting and rising GPS RO may be attributed to the modification of the processing algorithms applied to rising cases during the initial period of the COSMIC mission.  相似文献   
对流层顶变化对上对流层/下平流层臭氧分布的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
上对流层和下平流层(UT/LS),位于8-25km高度之间,是大气中一个很特殊的区域.大部分的臭氧分布在下平流层,在下平流层臭氧的含量发生一个很小的变化,就会对气候和地面的紫外辐射产生很大的影响.而作为气象参数的对流层顶,是充分混合、缺乏臭氧的上对流层和层结稳定、臭氧丰富的下平流层之间的边界或过渡层,其变化对臭氧总量和分布有直接和明显的影响.本文使用二维模式模拟研究对流层顶变化对臭氧在UT/LS分布的影响.模拟结果表明对流层顶的季节变化对UT/LS的臭氧分布有明显的影响,臭氧的局地变化可以超过10%在冬季北半球中纬度对流层顶高度升高1km时,模式结果表明对臭氧分布的影响比较显著,局地变化可超过6%,但是对臭氧总量的影响较小,变化不超过5DU,小于观测资料统计分析的结果。  相似文献   
Regoliths are a most important component of solar system bodies. The study of their formation and evolution depends upon measurements from orbiting spacecraft or Earth-based observations, and by the development of models addressing formation and evolution scenarios, physical properties and composition of the constituent materials. For asteroids and comets, recent measurements tend to confirm the idea of extremely low bulk densities. The porosity of the outermost regolith layers should thus reach very high values. Regolith formation and growth partly depends upon gravity and mechanical properties of its constituent particles, which are very poorly documented. Gravitational effects play an important role in the shaping processes of large bodies, while material strength properties are more important for smaller bodies. The understanding of both, aggregation processes of, and of light scattering from, such media, would strongly benefit from experiments led under microgravity, and provide insight into regolith formation processes: much lower collision and aggregation velocities can be achieved in a microgravity environment, leading to the formation of much fluffier aggregates than possible on Earth. ICAPS is a multi-year scientific programme to simulate cosmic and atmospheric particle systems on board the International Space Station. The ICAPS facility will allow to build simulated regolith and thus enable the study of their mechanical and optical properties. Measurements such as tensile strength, electrical and thermal conductivities, compressibility and porosity, will be made, as well as monitoring of collisions into such simulated regolith. The article discusses the ICAPS research plan for regolith studies and the facility current status.  相似文献   
The values of the characteristic decay time of particle fluxes in SEP events vary, as a rule, considerably from event to event. We point out, however, that at times sequences of events having similar decay times were observed over long time intervals (up to one month, and even longer in a few cases). The values of the decay times, however, differed among different sequences. The constancy of the decay phase in each consecutive event of these series suggests that the interplanetary medium was in steady state during the event series, and, because of solar rotation, its uniformity within sectors extended to 90–180° in heliolongitude. The very rarely observed long series (up to 2–3 solar rotations) indicate the steadiness and homogeneity of the plasma and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the entire inner solar system in the course of this time span. It is pointed out that the neutral current sheet of the IMF does not represent a substantial obstacle for energetic charged particles. Both hemispheres are (above and below the current sheet), at least during the series of solar events, invariant with time, uniform and alike from the viewpoint of the propagation of charged particles. The investigation of such sequences of events can also be useful for forecasting characteristics of SEP events.  相似文献   
Initial results of a combined study of electron events using the 3DP experiment on the WIND spacecraftand the Nançay Radioheliograph (NRH) are presented. A total of 57 electron events whose solar release time could be inferred from WIND/3DP observations occurred during NRH observing times. In 40 of them a distinct signature was detected in maps at decimetric and metric wavelengths (dm-m-λ) taken by the NRH. These events are equally distributed among two categories: (1) Electron release together with dm-m-λ bursts of a few minutes duration: these events are also accompanied by decametric-hectometric type III bursts seen by WAVES/WIND. They correspond to the well-known impulsive electron events. (2) Electron release during long duration (several tens of minutes) dm-m-λ emission: the electrons are most often released more than ten minutes after the start of the radio event. In the majority of cases the dm-m-λ radio source changes position, size, and/or intensity near the time of electron release.  相似文献   
Type-III bursts are signatures of the electron beams accelerated during the solar flares, their observation and investigation provide information of the acceleration processes, the characteristics of the exciting agent and the acceleration site. The Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS), in operation at INPE, Brazil, have recorded type-III radio bursts in decimetric range (2050–2250 MHz) with high time resolution of 20 ms. Decimetric reverse drift bursts are possibly generated in a dense loop by electron beams travelling towards the photosphere. Hence their time profiles should carry signatures of the density inhomogenities in the loop. Here the temporal and spectral characteristics of decimetric type-III bursts are presented.  相似文献   
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